The names are also used when distributed as shapefiles and dbf tables. The feature type is indicated by the abbreviation ARC (line features), POLY (polygon area features), or PT (point features). The abbreviation _S_V indicates a spatial view.
SDE Layer, Table, or View |
Description |
ACECS_ARC | Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (Arcs) | |
ACECS_POLY | Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (Polygons) | |
AIRPORTS_PT | Airports | |
AQSOLE_POLY | EPA Designated Sole Source Aquifers | |
AQSOLE_POLY_PXS | Table - Source Information | |
AQSOLE_POLY_XSC | Table - Source Information | |
AQSOLE_POLY_XST | Table - Source Information | |
AQUEDUCTS_ANNO_DESC | Aqueducts Annotation | |
AQUEDUCTS_ARC | Aqueducts | |
AQUIFERS_ARC | Aquifers (Arcs) | |
AQUIFERS_POLY | Aquifers (Polygons) | |
ATLNPROV_POLY | Atlantic Canadian Provinces | |
AUL_PT | MassDEP Oil and/or Hazardous Material Sites with Activity and Use Limitations (AUL) | |
AUL_PT_LDT | Table - AUL Sites Location Documentation | |
AUL_PT_ROD | Table - AUL Sites Registry of Deeds | |
AUL_PT_USL | Table - AUL Sites Unlocated Sites List | |
BARRIERB_POLY | State Designated Barrier Beaches | |
BATHYMGM_ANNO_NAME | Bathymetry of the Gulf of Maine Annotation | |
BEDROCK_ALTITUDE_IMG | Image of Bedrock Altitude | |
BEDROCK_DATA_POINTS | Bedrock Data Points | |
BEDROCK_DEPTH_IMG | Image Depth to Bedrock Determined from Subtracting Bedrock Altitude from Topography | |
BEDROCK_UNCMODERR_IMG | Image of Combined Bedrock Altitude Kriging prediction standard errors and Measurement Uncertainties | |
BEDROCKLITHOLOGY_POLY | Bedrock Lithology | |
BIKETRAILS_ARC | Bicycle Trails | |
BM2_CH_AQUATIC_CORE | NHESP BioMap2 Core Habitat Aquatic Core | |
BM2_CH_BIOMAP2_WETLANDS | NHESP BioMap2 Core Habitat Wetlands | |
BM2_CH_FOREST_CORE | NHESP BioMap2 Core Habitat Forest Core | |
BM2_CH_PRIORITY_NATURAL_COMMS | NHESP BioMap2 Core Habitat Priority Natural Communities | |
BM2_CH_SPECIES_CONS_CONCERN | NHESP BioMap2 Core Habitat Species of Conservation Concern | |
BM2_CH_VERNAL_POOL_CORE | NHESP BioMap2 Core Habitat Vernal Pool Core | |
BM2_CNL_AQUATIC_BUFFER | NHESP BioMap2 CNL Aquatic Buffer | |
BM2_CNL_COASTAL_ADAPT_AN | NHESP BioMap2 CNL Coastal Adaptation Analysis | |
BM2_CNL_LANDSCAPE_BLOCKS | NHESP BioMap2 CNL Landscape Blocks | |
BM2_CNL_TERN_FORAGING | NHESP BioMap2 CNL Tern Foraging Habitat | |
BM2_CNL_WETLAND_BUFFER | NHESP BioMap2 CNL Wetland Buffer | |
BM2_CORE_HABITAT | NHESP BioMap2 Core Habitat | |
BM2_CRITICAL_NATURAL_LANDSCAPE | NHESP BioMap2 Critical Natural Landscape | |
BOUNDARY_ARC | Community Boundaries (Towns) without Coast (Arcs) | |
BOUNDARY_POLY | Community Boundaries (Towns) without Coast | |
BREAKLINES_ARC | Digital Orthophoto Topographic Breaklines | |
BTHOS250_POLY | Offshore Bathymetry (1:250,000) | |
BWP_PT_COMBUSTION | Municipal Solid Waste Combustion (Resource Recovery) Facilities | |
BWP_PT_COMBUSTION_HISTORIC | Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators - Historic | |
BWP_PT_COMPOST | Registered Compost Sites | |
BWP_PT_HF_CD_PROC | Handling Facilities: Construction and Demolition Processors | |
BWP_PT_HF_TRANSFER | Handling Facilities: Small Transfer Stations | |
BWP_PT_HF_TRANS_SM | Handling Facilities: Large Transfer Stations | |
BWP_PT_HF_WWCOOTH | Handling Facilities: Woodwaste, Compost and Other Wastes | |
BWPMAJOR_PT | MassDEP BWP Major Facilities | |
BWPMAJOR_PT_LDT | Table - MassDEP BWP Major Facilities Location Documentation | |
C21E_PT | MassDEP Tier Classified Chapter 21E Sites | |
C21E_PT_LDT | Table - Location Documentation | |
C21E_PT_USL | Table - Unlocated Sites List | |
CBRS_ARC | Coastal Barrier Resource Units (Arcs) | |
CBRS_POLY | Coastal Barrier Resource Units (Polygons) | |
CEN2K_BG_ED_ATTAIN_GEN_AGE | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Edu. attain. by age, gender | |
CEN2K_BG_ED_ENROLL_GEN_AGE | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Edu. enroll by age, gender | |
CEN2K_BG_EMP_STAT_GEN | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Employ. status by gender | |
CEN2K_BG_HH_AGE_FAM_CHILD | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Households, age, fam., kids | |
CEN2K_BG_HH_LANG_SPOK | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Households, primary language | |
CEN2K_BG_HH_SIZE_FAM | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Households, family size | |
CEN2K_BG_HOUSING_AMEN_TEN | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Housing amenities | |
CEN2K_BG_HOUSING_ROOMS | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Housing, no. of rooms | |
CEN2K_BG_HOUSING_UNITS | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Housing, no. of units | |
CEN2K_BG_HOUSING_VALUE | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Housing value | |
CEN2K_BG_HOUS_RENT_STATS | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Rental statistics | |
CEN2K_BG_HOUS_RES_CHAR | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Housing residency characteristics | |
CEN2K_BG_HOUS_STRUCT_AGE | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Housing structure age | |
CEN2K_BG_HS_OWN_RENT_DEMO | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Housing with demographics | |
CEN2K_BG_INCOME_HH | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Income by household | |
CEN2K_BG_INC_FAMTYPE | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Income, by family type | |
CEN2K_BG_INC_POV_LEV_AGE | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Income, poverty by age | |
CEN2K_BG_LEGATTRIB | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Various demographic info. | |
CEN2K_BG_POP_AGE_GEN | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Pop. by age, gender | |
CEN2K_BG_POP_RACE | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Pop. by race | |
CEN2K_BG_TRNS_COM_MEANS | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - How commute to work | |
CEN2K_BG_TRNS_COM_TIME | Cen2k BlkGrp Table - Time to commute to work | |
CEN2K_B_POP_AGE_GEN | Cen2k Block Table - Pop. by Age and Gender | |
CEN2K_CT_ANC_FOR_PLACE_BIRTH | Cen2k Tract Table - Ancestry | |
CEN2K_CT_HH_OWN_RENT_INC | Cen2k Tract Table - Household income, own vs. rent | |
CEN2K_CT_HOUSEH_PARTNER | Cen2k Tract Table - Household, marital status | |
CEN2K_CT_LANG_SPOK_AGE | Cen2k Tract Table - Language by age | |
CEN2K_CT_MED_INC_FAM | Cen2k Tract Table - Family median income | |
CEN2K_CT_MEN_PHYS_DIS_AGE | Cen2k Tract Table - Disabilities by age, gender | |
CEN2K_CT_POP_HAB_TEN_OWN | Cen2k Tract Table - Habitation tenure | |
CENSUS1990BLOCKGROUPS_POLY | Census Block Groups (1990) | |
CENSUS1990TIGER_ARC | TIGER Arcs (1990) | |
CENSUS2000BLOCKGROUPS_POLY | Census Block Groups (2000) | |
CENSUS2000BLOCKS_POLY | Census Blocks (2000) | |
CENSUS2000TIGERHYDRO_POLY | Water Bodies (Census 2000 TIGER) | |
CENSUS2000TIGER_ARC | TIGER Arcs (2000) | |
CENSUS2000TOWNS_ARC | MA Towns from Census 2000 (Arcs) | |
CENSUS2000TOWNS_POLY | MA Towns from Census 2000 (Polys) | |
CENSUS2000TRACTS_POLY | Census Tracts (2000) | |
CEN2010_BG_SF1_GROUP_QUARTERS | Census 2010 Block Group SF1 table - Group Quarters | |
CEN2010_BG_SF1_HH_AGE_FAM_CH | Census 2010 Block Group SF1 table - Households by Age, Family and Children | |
CEN2010_BG_SF1_HH_SIZE_FAM | Census 2010 Block Group SF1 table - Households Size by Family | |
CEN2010_BG_SF1_HOU_OWN_REN_DEM | Census 2010 Block Group SF1 table - Housing Owner Rental Demographics | |
CEN2010_BG_SF1_HOU_RES_CHAR | Census 2010 Block Group SF1 table - Housing Residency Characteristics | |
CEN2010_BG_SF1_POP_AGE_GENDER | Census 2010 Block Group SF1 table - Population by Age and Gender | |
CEN2010_BG_SF1_POP_RACE | Census 2010 Block Group SF1 table - Population by Race | |
CEN2010_B_SF1_GROUP_QUARTERS | Census 2010 Block SF1 table - Group Quarters | |
CEN2010_B_SF1_HH_AGE_FAM_CH | Census 2010 Block SF1 table - Households by Age, Family and Children | |
CEN2010_B_SF1_HH_SIZE_FAM | Census 2010 Block SF1 table - Households Size by Family | |
CEN2010_B_SF1_HOU_OWN_REN_DEM | Census 2010 Block SF1 table - Housing Owner Rental Demographics | |
CEN2010_B_SF1_HOU_RES_CHAR | Census 2010 Block SF1 table - Housing Residency Characteristics | |
CEN2010_B_SF1_POP_AGE_GENDER | Census 2010 Block SF1 table - Population by Age and Gender | |
CEN2010_B_SF1_POP_RACE | Census 2010 Block SF1 table - Population by Race | |
CEN2010_CT_SF1_GROUP_QUARTERS | Census 2010 Tract SF1 table - Group Quarters | |
CEN2010_CT_SF1_HH_AGE_FAM_CH | Census 2010 Tract SF1 table - Households by Age, Family and Children | |
CEN2010_CT_SF1_HH_SIZE_FAM | Census 2010 Tract SF1 table - Households Size by Family | |
CEN2010_CT_SF1_HOU_OWN_REN_DEM | Census 2010 Tract SF1 table - Housing Owner Rental Demographics | |
CEN2010_CT_SF1_HOU_RES_CHAR | Census 2010 Tract SF1 table - Housing Residency Characteristics | |
CEN2010_CT_SF1_POP_AGE_GENDER | Census 2010 Tract SF1 table - Population by Age and Gender | |
CEN2010_CT_SF1_POP_RACE | Census 2010 Tract SF1 table - Population by Race | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKGROUPS_P1 | Census 2010 Block Group P1 table | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKGROUPS_P2 | Census 2010 Block Group P2 table | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKGROUPS_P3 | Census 2010 Block Group P3 table | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKGROUPS_P4_H1 | Census 2010 Block Group P1 and H1 tables | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKGROUPS_POLY | Census 2010 Block Groups | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKS_P1 | Census 2010 Block P1 table | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKS_P2 | Census 2010 Block P2 table | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKS_P3 | Census 2010 Block P3 table | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKS_P4_H1 | Census 2010 Block P1 and H1 tables | |
CENSUS2010BLOCKS_POLY | Census 2010 Blocks | |
CENSUS2010HYDRO_ARC | Census 2010 Rivers and Streams | |
CENSUS2010HYDRO_POLY | Census 2010 Lakes and Ponds | |
CENSUS2010RAIL_ARC | Census 2010 Rail Lines | |
CENSUS2010RAIL_ARC_GEN | Census 2010 Rail Lines (Generalized) | |
CENSUS2010TIGERROADS_ADDR | Census 2010 TIGER Roads Address Range relationship table | |
CENSUS2010TIGERROADS_ARC | Census 2010 TIGER Roads | |
CENSUS2010TIGERROADS_FN | Census 2010 TIGER Roads primary and alternate feature names relationship table | |
CENSUS2010TIGERROADS_FNA | Census 2010 TIGER Roads alternate feature names relationship table | |
CENSUS2010TIGERROADS_MTFCC | Census TIGER linework lookup table for MTFCC codes | |
CENSUS2010TOWNS_ARC | MA Towns from Census 2010 (Arcs) | |
CENSUS2010TOWNS_POLY | MA Towns from Census 2010 (Polys) | |
CENSUS2010TRACTS_P1 | Census 2010 Tract P1 table | |
CENSUS2010TRACTS_P2 | Census 2010 Tract P2 table | |
CENSUS2010TRACTS_P3 | Census 2010 Tract P3 table | |
CENSUS2010TRACTS_P4_H1 | Census 2010 Tract P1 and H1 tables | |
CENSUS2010TRACTS_POLY | Census 2010 Tracts | |
CENSUS2020BLOCKGROUPS_POLY | Census 2020 Block Groups | |
CENSUS2020BLOCKS_POLY | Census 2020 Tabulation Blocks | |
CENSUS2020TIGERMAJROADS_ARC | Census 2020 TIGER Major Roads | |
CENSUS2020TIGERROADS_ARC_GC | Census 2020 TIGER Roads (for Linear Geocoding) | |
CENSUS2020TOWNS_ARC | Census 2020 Towns (Arcs) | |
CENSUS2020TOWNS_POLY | Census 2020 Towns (Polygons) | |
CENSUS2020TRACTS_POLY | Census 2020 Tracts | |
CHAPTER61_POLY | Chapter 61 Polygons (no longer distributed) | |
CHCS_PT | Community Health Centers | |
CHNA_ARC | Community Health Network Areas (Arcs) | |
CHNA_POLY | Community Health Network Areas (Polygons) | |
CIRINDEX_PT | Color Infrared Photo Index for DEP Wetlands (internal use only) | |
COAST25K_ARC | 1:25,000 Coastline (Arcs) | |
COLLEGES_PT | Colleges and Universities | |
CONGRESSMA_ARC | Current (114th) U.S. Congressional Districts (Arcs) | |
CONGRESSMA_POLY | Current (114th) U.S. Congressional Districts (Polygons) | |
CONTOURS250K_ARC | Elevation Contours - 250k | |
CONTOURS5K_ARC | Elevation Contours - 5k | |
COQ2008INDEX_POLY | 2008/2009 USGS Color Ortho Index | |
COQ2008MOSAICS15CM_POLY | 2008/2009 USGS Color Ortho MrSID 15cm Mosaics Index | |
COQ2008MOSAICS15CMND_POLY | 2008/2009 USGS Color Ortho 15cm NoData Areas | |
COQ2008MOSAICS30CM_POLY | 2008/2009 USGS Color Ortho MrSID 30cm Mosaics Index | |
COQ2013INDEX_POLY | 2013/2014 USGS Color Ortho Index | |
COQ2013MOSAICS30CM_POLY | 2013/2014 USGS Color Ortho MrSID 30cm Mosaics Index | |
COQ2015WVTILEINDEX_POLY | 2015 WorldView Orthoimagery Image Tile Index | |
COQ2015WVWEBSRVINDEX_POLY | 2015 WorldView Orthoimagery Web Service Index | |
COQ2019INDEX_POLY | 2019 USGS Color Ortho Index | |
COQ2021INDEX_POLY | 2021 Aerial Imagery Index | |
COQHMOSAICS_POLY | 2001 Color Ortho MrSID Mosaic Index | |
COQHMOSAICSCDS_POLY | 2001 Color Ortho MrSID Mosaic CD-ROM Index | |
COQHMOSAICSDVDS_POLY | 2001 Color Ortho MrSID Mosaic DVD Index | |
COQMAIN_POLY | Coastal 10k Color Orthophoto Index | |
COQMOSAICS2005_POLY | 2005 Color Ortho MrSID Mosaic Index | |
COQMOSAICSCDS2005_POLY | 2005 Color Ortho MrSID Mosaic CD-ROM Index | |
COQMOSAICSDVDS2005_POLY | 2005 Color Ortho MrSID Mosaic DVD Index | |
COUNTIES_ANNO_CNTY | MA Counties Annotation | |
COUNTIESSURVEY_ARC | MA Counties (Arcs) | |
COUNTIESSURVEY_ARC_GENCOAST | MA Counties (Arcs) with Generalized Coastline | |
COUNTIES_POLYM | MA Counties (Multi-part Polygons) | |
COUNTIES_POLYM_GENCOAST | MA Counties (Multi-part Polygons) with Generalized Coastline | |
CPA_PROJECTS_NEW_PUB | Community Preservation Act (CPA) Points | |
CSTZONE_ARC | Mass. Coastal Zone (Arcs) | |
CSTZONE_POLY | Mass. Coastal Zone (Polygons) | |
CTTOWNS_POLY | Connecticut Towns (Polygons) | |
CVP_PT | NHESP Certified Vernal Pools | |
CZMSHEET_ANNO_SHEET | CZM Sheet Annotation | |
CZMSHEET_POLY | CZM Sheet Index | |
CZM_CONTEMP_MARSH | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Seaward Marsh Boundary | |
CZM_HISTORIC_HIGHWATER | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Historic High Water | |
CZM_IMAGE_FRAME | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Index for source Maps and Plans images | |
CZM_INFERRED_CONTEMP | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Inferred Contemporary High Water | |
CZM_INFERRED_HISTORIC | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Inferred Historic High Water | |
CZM_JURISDICTION | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Jurisdiction | |
CZM_LANDLOCK | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Landlocked Tidelands | |
CZM_MARSHPERIMETER | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Landward Marsh Boundary | |
CZM_PUBLICWAY | Tidelands (Chapter 91) - Public Way | |
DAMS_PT | Dams | |
DCAMM_REGIONS_ARC | DCAMM Regions (Arcs) | |
DCAMM_REGIONS_POLY | DCAMM Regions (Polygons) | |
DCR_SF_DISTRICTS_POLY | DCR Service Forestry Districts | |
DCSITE98_PT | USGS Data Collection Stations | |
DEP_MOR_ARC | MassDEP Mouth of River Lines | |
DEP_OSR_TRAILERS_PT | MassDEP Oil Spill Response Trailers | |
DF_MIGRATORY_HABITAT_ARC | Diadromous Fish - Migratory Habitat | |
DF_RAINBOW_SMELT_SPAWNING_HABITAT_ARC | Diadromous Fish - Rainbow Smelt Spawning Habitat | |
DF_RESTORATION_PROJECTS_PT | Diadromous Fish - Restoration Projects | |
DF_RIVER_HERRING_SPAWNING_NURSERY_HABITAT_POLY | Diadromous Fish - River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat | |
DF_SAMPLING_STATIONS_PT | Diadromous Fish - Sampling Stations | |
DFWBATHY_ARC | Inland Water Bathymetry (1:10,000) | |
DFWCFR_ARC | MA DFW Coldwater Fisheries Resources (1:25,000) | |
DFWDISTRICTS_ARC | Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Districts (Arcs) | |
DFWDISTRICTS_POLY | Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Districts (Polygons) | |
DSGA_POLY | Designated Shellfish Growing Areas | |
DWMWPP_WATER_QUALITY_STATIONS | MassDEP 1994-2014 Water Monitoring Stations | |
ECOREGIONS_ARC | US EPA Ecoregions (Arcs) | |
ECOREGIONS_POLY | US EPA Ecoregions (Polygons) | |
EELGRASS1995_POLY | MassDEP Eelgrass 1995 | |
EELGRASS2001_POLY | MassDEP Eelgrass 2001 | |
EELGRASS2006_7_POLY | MassDEP Eelgrass 2006/07 (for Selected Embayments) | |
EELGRASS2010_13_POLY | MassDEP Eelgrass 2010-2013 | |
EELGRASS2015_17_POLY | MassDEP Eelgrass 2015-2017 | |
EELGRASS2019_22_POLY | MassDEP Eelgrass 2019-2022 | |
EJ_POLY | Environmental Justice Populations (from 2010 U.S. Census) | |
EJ_POLY_2000 | Environmental Justice Populations (from 2000 U.S. Census) | |
EJ_POLY_STATECRITSUM | Table - EJ Populations State Criteria Statistics | |
EJ_POLY_TOWNCRITSUM | Table - EJ Populations Town Criteria Statistics | |
EJ_POLY_TOWNSUM | Table - EJ Populations Town Summary Statistics | |
ELEVATIONS_PT | Digital Orthophoto Elevation Points | |
EOPS.POLICE_EMPLOYMENT_<year>_S_V | Police Employment By Municipality | |
EOPS.POLICE_EMPLOY_COLLEGES_<year>_S_V | Police Employment By Colleges and Universities | |
EOPS.UCR_<year>_S_V | Crime Statistics By Municipality | |
EOPS.UCR_COLLEGES_<year>_S_V | Crime Statistics By Colleges and Universities | |
EOTMAJROADS_ARC | MassGIS-MassDOT Major Roads | |
EOTMAJROADS_RTE_MAJOR | MassGIS-MassDOT Major Highway Routes | |
EOTROADS_ARC | MassGIS-MassDOT Roads | |
EP_<1-12>_G | Potential Evaporation Grids | |
ESTHAB_POLY | NHESP Estimated Habitats of Rare Wildlife | |
ET_<1-12>_G | Crop Evapotranspiration Grids | |
FARMERSMARKETS_PT | Farmers' Markets | |
FEMA_NFHL_POLY | FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer | |
FERRYROUTES_ARC | Ferry Routes | |
FIRESTATIONS_PT_MEMA | Fire Stations | |
FISHTRAPS_PT | Fish Traps (Weirs) | |
GAGES94_PT | Stream-Gaging Stations | |
GEONAMES_ANNO_HYDRO | Annotation - Hydrography | |
GEONAMES_ANNO_HYPSO | Annotation - Hypsography | |
GEONAMES_ANNO_PLACES | Annotation - Place Names | |
GEONAMES_LINE_HYDRO | Geonames - Hydrography (lines) | |
GEONAMES_LINE_HYPSO | Geonames - Hypsography (lines) | |
GEONAMES_PT_HYPSO | Geonames - Hypsography (points) | |
GEONAMES_PT_PLACES | Geonames - Places (points) | |
GOVCOUNCIL_ARC | Governor's Council District Boundaries (2012) (Arcs) | |
GOVCOUNCIL_POLY | Governor's Council Districts (2012) (Polygons) | |
GRS_BOOMS_ARC | Geographic Response Strategies Booms | |
GRS_OTHER_PT | Geographic Response Strategies Other Points | |
GRS_TACTICS_PT | Geographic Response Strategies Tactics Points | |
GWP_PT | Groundwater Discharge Permits | |
GWP_PT_LDT | Table - GWP Location Documentation | |
GWP_PT_USL | Table - GWP Unlocated Sites List | |
HLSPREGIONS_ARC | Homeland Security Planning Regions (Arcs) | |
HLSPREGIONS_POLY | Homeland Security Planning Regions (Polygons) | |
HOSPITALS_NONACUTE_PT | Non-acute Care Hospitals | |
HOSPITALS_PT | Acute Care Hospitals | |
HOUSE2012_ARC | MA House Districts (Arcs) | |
HOUSE2012_POLY | MA House Districts (Polygons) | |
HURR_INUN_ZONES_POLY | Hurricane Surge Inundation Zones | |
HWYEXITS_PT | Limited Access Highway Exits | |
HWYINTERCHANGES_PT | Limited Access Highway Interchanges | |
HYDRO_PALIS_LOOKUP | Table of PALIS IDs and pond and lake names | |
HYDRO_SARIS_LOOKUP | Table of SARIS IDs and stream and river names | |
HYDRO100K_ARC | Hydrography (1:100,000) (Arcs) | |
HYDRO100K_POLY | Hydrography (1:100,000) (Polygons) | |
HYDRO25K_ARC | Hydrography (1:25,000) (Arcs) | |
HYDRO25K_POLY | Hydrography (1:25,000) (Polygons) | |
HYDRO25K_POLY_M_PSC | Table - Hydro 25k Primary Source | |
HYDRONET_ARC | Networked Hydro Centerlines (Arcs) | |
HYDRONET_RTE_SARISRT | Networked Hydro Centerlines (Routes) | |
ICERINKS_PT | Ice Rinks | |
IL_2010_ARC | MassDEP 2010 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Arcs | |
IL_2010_POLY | MassDEP 2010 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Polygons | |
IL_2012_ARC | MassDEP 2012 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Arcs | |
IL_2012_POLY | MassDEP 2012 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Polygons | |
IL_2014_ARC | MassDEP 2014 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Arcs | |
IL_2014_POLY | MassDEP 2014 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Polygons | |
IL_2016_ARC | MassDEP 2016 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Arcs | |
IL_2016_POLY | MassDEP 2016 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Polygons | |
IL_2018_ARC | MassDEP 2018/2020 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Arcs | |
IL_2018_POLY | MassDEP 2018/2020 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Polygons | |
IL_2022_ARC | MassDEP 2022 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Arcs | |
IL_2022_POLY | MassDEP 2022 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Polygons | |
IL_ADB_2010 | MassDEP 2010 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Assessment Database Table | |
IL_ADB_2012 | MassDEP 2012 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Assessment Database Table | |
IL_ADB_2014 | MassDEP 2014 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Assessment Database Table | |
IL_ATTAINS_2016 | MassDEP 2016 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Attainment Status Database Table | |
IL_ATTAINS_2018 | MassDEP 2018/2020 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Attainment Status Database Table | |
IL_ATTAINS_2022 | MassDEP 2022 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Attainment Status Database Table | |
IL_DWM_WATERSHEDS_POLY | MassDEP DWM Watershed Delineations for use with the MassDEP 2010 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) | |
IL_DWMWPP_WATERSHEDS_POLY | MassDEP DWM Watershed Delineations for use with the MassDEP 2012+ Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) | |
IL_SEGDEF_2010 | MassDEP 2010 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Summary Table | |
IL_SEGDEF_2012 | MassDEP 2012 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Summary Table | |
IL_SEGDEF_2014 | MassDEP 2014 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Summary Table | |
IL_SEGDEF_2016 | MassDEP 2016 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Summary Table | |
IL_SEGDEF_2018 | MassDEP 2018/2020 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Summary Table | |
IL_SEGDEF_2022 | MassDEP 2022 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) - Summary Table | |
IMG_BATHYMGM | Bathymetry for the Gulf of Main | |
IMG_COLOROQ1 | Color Coastal Aerial Images (1994) | |
IMG_ELEV_LIDAR_INT | Lidar digital elevation model with integer values | |
IMG_ELEV5K | Digital Elevation Model (1:5,000) - Raster Dataset, floating point | |
IMG_ELEV5K_I | Digital Elevation Model (1:5,000) - Raster Dataset, integer | |
IMG_IMPERVIOUSSURFACE | Impervious Surface Raster Dataset | |
IMG_SHADEDRELIEF_LIDAR | Shaded Relief Raster Dataset from Lidar | |
IMG_SHADEDRELIEF2005 | Shaded Relief Raster Dataset (2005) | |
IMG_SHDREL_NE | Shaded Relief Raster Dataset for areas outside Mass. | |
IMG_SHDREL24K | Shaded Relief (1:24,000) Raster Dataset | |
IMG_SHDREL5K | Shaded Relief (1:5,000) Raster Dataset | |
IMG_USGS_HIST_COASTAL | USGS Historical Coastal Topographic Map Image | |
IMG_USGSQUAD | 1:25,000 USGS Topographic Quadrangle Images (raster catalog) | |
IMG_USGSQUADM | 1:25,000 USGS Topographic Quadrangle Images (single raster dataset) | |
IMG_USGSQUAD_SGBASE | USGS 1:24,000 Surficial Geology Topographic Base Map Images (raster catalog) | |
IMG_WIND_SPD30M | Modeled Wind Speed Grid (at 30m) | |
IMG_WIND_SPD50M | Modeled Wind Speed Grid (at 50m) | |
IMG_WIND_SPD70M | Modeled Wind Speed Grid (at 70m) | |
IMG_WIND_SPD100M | Modeled Wind Speed Grid (at 100m) | |
INTERIORFOREST_POLY | Interior Forest | |
IWPA_POLY | Interim Wellhead Protection Areas | |
IWPA_POLY_DISSOLVE | Interim Wellhead Protection Areas (Dissolved) | |
L3_ASSESS | Table - Level 3 Parcels Assessor Database | |
L3_LUT | Table - Level 3 Parcels Look-up for the L3_MISC_POLY.MISC_TYPE and L3_OTHLEG_POLY.LEGAL_TYPE domains | |
L3_MISC_POLY | Level 3 Parcels Miscellaneous Features | |
L3_OTHLEG_POLY | Level 3 Parcels Other Legal Interests in Land. | |
L3_PARCEL_FTP_LINKS | Level 3 Parcels FTP Links for SHP and file GDB data by municipality | |
L3_STATUS | Level 3 Parcels Status (polygon spatial view by municipality) | |
L3_TAXPAR_POLY | Level 3 Parcels that link to Assessor Table records | |
L3_TAXPAR_POLY_ASSESS | Export of a spatial view of Level 3 Parcels with Assessor Table records | |
L3_UC_LUT | Table - Level 3 Parcels Look-up for Assessor Table Use Codes | |
LANDCOVER_LANDUSE_POLY | Land Cover/Land Use (2016) | |
LANDCOVER_USE_INDEX_POLY | Land Cover/Land Use (2016) Tile Index | |
LANDUSE2005_POLY | Land Use (2005) | |
LANDUSE_POLY | Land Use (Polygons - 3 Years) | |
LANDUSE_POLY_HISTORY | Table - Landuse for 1951, 1990, 1991, 1997 | |
LANDUSE_STATS_71 | Table - Land Use Stats, 1971 Acres/Town | |
LANDUSE_STATS_7185 | Table - Land Use Stats, Change, 1971-1985 | |
LANDUSE_STATS_7199 | Table - Land Use Stats, Change, 1971-1999 | |
LANDUSE_STATS_85 | Table - Land Use Stats, 1985 Acres/Town | |
LANDUSE_STATS_8599 | Table - Land Use Stats, Change, 1985-1999 | |
LANDUSE_STATS_99 | Table - Land Use Stats, 1999 Acres/Town | |
LANDUSE_STATS_DEV | Table - Land Use Stats, Development | |
LANDUSE_STATS_Z71 | Table - Land Use-Zoning Stats, 1971 | |
LANDUSE_STATS_Z85 | Table - Land Use-Zoning Stats, 1985 | |
LANDUSE_STATS_Z99 | Table - Land Use-Zoning Stats, 1999 | |
LIBRARIES_PT | Libraries | |
LIDAR_RASTER_MASK_ARC | Lidar Raster Mask (Arcs) | |
LIDAR_RASTER_MASK_POLY | Lidar Raster Mask (Polygons) | |
LIDARINDEX_DEMMOSTILES_POLY | Lidar (2013-2021) DEM Mosaic Tiles | |
LIDARINDEX_POLY_CURRENT | Index of the most current LiDAR data (Spatial view) | |
LIGHTHOUSES_PT | Lighthouses of the Coast of Massachusetts | |
LOBHARV_ARC | Lobster Harvest Zones (Arcs) | |
LOBHARV_POLY | Lobster Harvest Zones (Polygons) | |
LONGDISTTRAILS_ARC | Long Distance Trails | |
LONGTERMCARE_PT | Long Term Care Residences | |
LOWFLREG_POLY | USGS Hydrologic Regions | |
LUSTAT_ARC | Land Use Status (Arcs) | |
LUSTAT_POLY | Land Use Status (Polygons) | |
MA2000URBBND_POLY | Massachusetts 2000 Urban Boundaries | |
MAD_MSAG_COMMUNITY_POLYM | MSAG Communities (in MAD schema) | |
MADQT_ADDRESS_POINTS | Basic Address Points (in MAD schema) | |
MADQT_ADVANCED_ADDR | Advanced Address List (in MAD schema) | |
MAD_TRAILS | Hiking Trails for NextGen 911 (in MAD schema) | |
MADQT_BASIC_ADDR | Basic Address List (in MAD schema) | |
MAJBAS_ANNO_BASIN | Annotation - Major Basins | |
MAJBAS_ARC | Major Basins (Arcs) | |
MAJBAS_POLY | Major Basins (Polygons) | |
MAJBAS_POLY_AREA | Table - Area of Each Basin in Acres and Square Mile | |
MAJPOND_ANNO_POND | Major Ponds Annotation | |
MAJPOND_POLY | Major Ponds | |
MAJSTRM_ANNO_STRM | Major Stream Annotation | |
MAJSTRM_ARC | Major Streams | |
MARINEBEACHES_ARC | Marine Beaches (Arcs) | |
MARINEBEACHES_PT | Marine Beaches (Points) | |
MBTA_ARC | MBTA Subway Lines | |
MBTA_NODE | MBTA Subway Stations | |
MBTABUSROUTES_ARC_EVENTS | Table - MBTA Bus Routes Events | |
MBTABUSSTOPS_PT_EVENTS | Table - MBTA Bus Stops Events | |
MEGABASINS_ANNO_BASIN | Mega Basins Annotation | |
MEGABASINS_ARC | Mega Basins (Arcs) | |
MEGABASINS_POLY | Mega Basins (Polygons) | |
METOWNS_ARC | Maine Towns (Arcs) | |
METOWNS_POLY | Maine Towns (Polygons) | |
MHCINV_POLY | Mass. Historical Commission Inventory of Areas and Districts | |
MHCINV_PT | Mass. Historical Commission Inventory of Point Locations | |
MHCTOWNS_POLY | Mass. Historical Commission Status of Digital Inventory by Municipality | |
MHDDISTRICTS_ARC | MassHighway Districts (Arcs) | |
MHDDISTRICTS_POLY | MassHighway Districts | |
MILEPOSTS | Highway Mile Markers (in SETB schema) | |
MINLL10_ARC | Ten-Minute Latitude/Longitude Grid | |
MINLL1_ARC | One-Minute Latitude/Longitude Grid | |
MWRASERVICE_POLY | MWRA Water/Sewer Service Areas | |
NATCOMM_POLY | NHESP Natural Communities | |
NAUTICAL_ANNO_DESC | NOAA Chart Major Linework Annotation | |
NAUTICAL_ARC | NOAA Chart Major Linework | |
NEMASK_ARC | Northeast States Surrounding Mass. (Arcs) | |
NEMASK_POLY | Northeast States Surrounding Mass. (Polygons) | |
NEMASK_POLY_MASURVEY | Northeast States Surrounding Mass., with MA border from survey-based Towns (Polygons) | |
NEWENGLAND_ANNO_STATE | New England States Annotation | |
NEWENGLAND_POLY | New England States | |
NHTOWNS_ARC | New Hampshire Towns (Arcs) | |
NHTOWNS_POLY | New Hampshire Towns (Polygons) | |
NOAA.NOAA_<chartnumber> | NOAA Raster Navigational Charts (69 images) | |
NOAA.NOAA_INDEX_POLY | NOAA Raster Navigational Charts Index | |
NPDWSA_POLY | Non-Potential Drinking Water Source Areas | |
NRCSHUC_ANNO | NRCS HUC Basins (8,10,12) (Annotation) | |
NRCSHUC_ARC | NRCS HUC Basins (8,10,12) (Arcs) | |
NRCSHUC_POLY | NRCS HUC Basins (8,10,12) (Polygons) | |
NRCSHUC10_POLY | NRCS HUC Watersheds (10-digit) | |
NRCSHUC12_POLY | NRCS HUC Subwatersheds (12-digit) | |
NRCSHUC8_POLY | NRCS HUC Subbasins (8-digit) (Polygons) | |
NWI_POLY | National Wetlands Inventory (Polygons) | |
NWI_POLY_METADATA | National Wetlands Inventory Project Metadata | |
NYTOWNS_ARC | New York Towns (Arcs) | |
NYTOWNS_POLY | New York Towns (Polygons) | |
OCEANMASK_POLY | Ocean Mask | |
OFBA_PT | Office of Fishing and Boating Access Sites | |
OFFSH80K_ARC | Offshore Town Boundaries (Arcs) | |
OFFSH80K_POLY | Offshore Town Boundaries (Polygons) | |
OPENSPACE_ARC | Open Space (Arcs) | |
OPENSPACE_POLY | Open Space (Polygons) | |
OQISLE_POLY | Orthophoto Quad Index - Islands | |
OQMAIN_POLY | Orthophoto Index | |
ORW_ARC | Outstanding Resource Waters (Arcs) | |
ORW_POLY | Outstanding Resource Waters (Polygons) | |
OSNAMES | Table - OpenSpace Site Owners | |
OUTLINE25K_ARC | MA State Outline (25k coast) (Arcs) | |
OUTLINE25K_POLY | MA State Outline (25k coast) (Polygons) | |
OUTLINE_ARC | MA State Outline (100k coast) (Arcs) | |
OUTLINE_POLY | MA State Outline (100k coast) (Polygons) | |
OUTLINESURVEY_POLY | MA State Outline (100k coast) (Polygons) | |
PARKRIDELOTS_PT | Park and Ride Lots | |
PLACES_OF_WORSHIP_PT | Places of Worship | |
POLICESTATIONS_PT_MEMA | Police Stations | |
PRIHAB_POLY | NHESP Priority Habitats of Rare Species | |
PRIMEFOREST_POLY | Prime Forest Land | |
PRISONS_PT | Prisons | |
PRISONS_PT_LDT | Table - Location Documentation for Prisons | |
PVP_PT | NHESP Potential Vernal Pools | |
PWSDEP_PT | DEP Public Water Supplies | |
PWSDEP_PT_DRSBASINS | Table - Direct River Sources | |
PWSDEP_PT_LDT | Table - PWS Location Documentation | |
PWSDEP_PT_SWPBASINS | Table - Surface Water Supply Sources | |
PWSDEP_PT_WQTS | Table - Water Quality Testing System Info | |
PWSDEP_PT_Z2DAT | Table - DEP DWP Zone II Database | |
Q3FLOOD_POLY | FEMA Q3 Flood Zones from Paper FIRMs | |
Q3FLOOD_POLY_NO_NFHL | FEMA Q3 Flood Zones from Paper FIRMs where FEMA_NFHL_POLY data are not available | |
QRBATH_ARC | Quabbin Reservoir Bathymetry (Contours) | |
QRBATH_POLY | Quabbin Reservoir Bathymetry (Polygons) | |
QUADS_POLY | USGS Quadrangle Sheets | |
QUADS_POLY_DATE | Table - Date of Scanned Paper Quads | |
QUADSTICS_PT | USGS Quadrangle Sheets Corner Tics | |
REGCZM_POLY | Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Agency (CZM) Regions | |
REGDEEDS_POLY | Registries of Deeds Districts | |
REGDEP_ANNO_REG | MassDEP Region Annotation | |
REGDEP_ARC | MassDEP Regions (Arcs) | |
REGDEP_POLY | MassDEP Regions (Polygons) | |
REGDPHEPC_POLY | Mass. Emergency Preparedness Regional Coalitions | |
REGDPHEP_POLY | Mass. Emergency Preparedness Regions | |
REGEMS_ARC | MA Emergency Medical Services Regions (Arcs) | |
REGEMS_POLY | MA Emergency Medical Services Regions (Polygons) | |
REGEMS_POLY_TOWNS | Table - Towns in EMS Regions | |
REGEOHHS_ARC | MA Executive Office of Health & Human Services Regions (Arcs) | |
REGEOHHS_POLY | MA Executive Office of Health & Human Services Regions (Polygons) | |
REGMCB_POLY | Massachusetts Commission for the Blind Regions | |
REGMEMA_ARC | MEMA Regions (Arcs) | |
REGMEMA_POLY_TOWNS | Table - MEMA Regions Towns | |
RESTAREAS_PT | Rest Areas along major highways | |
RITOWNS_ARC | Rhode Island Towns (Arcs) | |
RITOWNS_POLY | Rhode Island Towns (Polygons) | |
RMVLOCS_PT | Registry of Motor Vehicles locations | |
ROOFPRINTS_POLY | Building/Structure Roofprints | |
RPAS_ANNO_RPA | Regional Planning Agencies Annotation | |
RPAS_ARC | Regional Planning Agencies (Arcs) | |
RPAS_POLY | Regional Planning Agencies (Polygons) | |
RTASMBTAHIGH_POLY | Regional Transit Authorities - MBTA Highest Assessment Area | |
RTASMBTAOTHER_POLY | Regional Transit Authorities - MBTA Other Served Areas | |
RTASMBTASEC_POLY | Regional Transit Authorities - MBTA Secondary Assessment Area | |
RTASNONMBTA_POLY | Regional Transit Authorities - Non-MBTA Polygons | |
SALTMARSHRSTR_PT | Salt Marsh Restoration Sites | |
SCENINV_POLY | Scenic Landscapes | |
SCHOOLDISTRICTS_POLY | Public School Districts | |
SCHOOLS_PT | Schools (PK - High School) | |
SEAMASK_POLY | Offshore Mask (Around USGS Quad Tiles) | |
SEAPORTS_PT | Seaports | |
SENATE2012_ARC | MA Senate Districts (Arcs) | |
SENATE2012_POLY | MA Senate Districts (Polygons) | |
SHELLFISHSUIT_POLY | Shellfish Suitability Areas | |
SHLFSHST_PT | Shellfish Sampling Stations | |
SOILINDEX_POLY | Soils 1/3-Quad Sheet Index | |
SOILINDEX_POLY_STATUS | Table - Soils 1/3-Quad editing status | |
SOILSPOT_ARC | Soil Spot Features (Arcs) | |
SOILSPOT_PT | Soil Spot Features (Points) | |
SOILSTAT_ARC | Soil Survey Area Index and Project Status (Arcs) | |
SOILSTAT_POLY | Soil Survey Area Index and Project Status (Polygons) | |
SOILS_POLY | Soils (Polygons) | |
SOILS_POLY_COCROPYLD | Table - Component Crop Yield | |
SOILS_POLY_CODES | Table - All codes used in Soils database | |
SOILS_POLY_COFORPROD | Table - Component Forest Productivity | |
SOILS_POLY_COHYDRICCRITERIA | Table - Component Hydric Criteria | |
SOILS_POLY_COINTERP | Table - Component Interpretation | |
SOILS_POLY_COMONTH | Table - Component Month | |
SOILS_POLY_COMPONENT | Table - Map Unit Component | |
SOILS_POLY_COPWINDBREAK | Table - Component Potential Windbreak | |
SOILS_POLY_CORESTRICTIONS | Table - Component Restrictions | |
SOILS_POLY_COSOILMOIST | Table - Component Soil Moisture | |
SOILS_POLY_COTREESTOMNG | Table - Component Trees To Manage | |
SOILS_POLY_FEATURE | Table - Special Feature Codes | |
SOILS_POLY_LEGEND | Table - Summary information on all available survey areas | |
SOILS_POLY_MAPUNIT | Table - Info. on All Components of a Map Unit | |
SOILS_POLY_MDSTATTABCOLS | Table - Table Column Static Metadata | |
SOILS_POLY_MUAGGATT | Table - Mapunit Aggregated Attribute | |
SOILS_POLY_MUCROPYLD | Table - Mapunit Crop Yield | |
SOILS_POLY_MUTEXT | Table - Mapunit Text | |
SOILS_POLY_PRIMEFARMLAND | Prime Farmland (Spatial view from SOILS_POLY, based on the FARMLNDCL field in SOILS_POLY_MAPUNIT.) | |
STELLBNK_ARC | Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary (Arcs) | |
STELLBNK_POLY | Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary (Polygons) | |
STEWARDSHIP_POLY | Forest Stewardship Program Properties | |
STRUCTURES_POLY | Building Structures (2-D, from 2011-2012 Ortho Imagery) | |
SUBBASINS_ARC | Sub-basin Boundaries (Arcs) | |
SUBBASINS_POLY | Sub-basin Boundaries (Polygons) | |
SURFGEO24K_EPG_POLY | Surficial Geology (1:24,000) - Early Postglacial | |
SURFGEO24K_PG_POLY | Surficial Geology (1:24,000) - Postglacial | |
SURFGEO24K_SD_POLY | Surficial Geology (1:24,000) - Stratified Deposits | |
SURFGEO24K_TB_POLY | Surficial Geology (1:24,000) - Till and Bedrock | |
SURFGEO24KSTATUS_POLY | Surficial Geology (1:24,000) Status Index | |
SURFGEO250K_POLY | Surficial Geology (1:250,000) | |
SW_LD_POLY | Solid Waste Land Disposal Facilities (all polygons) | |
SW_LD_POLY_ACTIVE | Active Solid Waste Landfills | |
SW_LD_POLY_ASH | Ash Landfills | |
SW_LD_POLY_CAPINCOMPLETE | Solid Waste Landfills: Cap Incomplete | |
SW_LD_POLY_CAPPED | Solid Waste Landfills: Capped | |
SW_LD_POLY_CLOSED | Closed Solid Waste Landfills | |
SW_LD_POLY_DAT | Table - Solid Waste Database Extract | |
SW_LD_POLY_DEMOLITION | Construction and Demolition Landfills | |
SW_LD_POLY_DUMPINGGROUND | Solid Waste Dumping Grounds (not "Landfills") | |
SW_LD_POLY_INACTIVE | Inactive Solid Waste Landfills | |
SW_LD_POLY_LANDFILLS | Solid Waste Landfills (all) | |
SW_LD_POLY_LINED | Solid Waste Landfills: Lined | |
SW_LD_POLY_LINERNONE | Solid Waste Landfills: Unlined | |
SW_LD_POLY_LINERUNKNOWN | Solid Waste Landfills: Liner Unknown | |
SW_LD_POLY_MSW | Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfills | |
SW_LD_POLY_SLUDGE | Sludge Landfills | |
SW_LD_POLY_WOODWASTE | Woodwaste Landfills | |
SW_LD_PT | Solid Waste Land Disposal Facilities (Points) | |
SWP_WATERSHEDS_POLY | Surface Water Supply Watersheds | |
SWP_ZONES_POLY | Surface Water Supply Protection Areas (ZONE A, B, C) | |
THEME | Theme Inventory Table for Data Viewers | |
TIDALRST_PT | Tidal Restrictions | |
TITLE5_POLY | Title 5 Setback Areas | |
TOWNHALLS_PT_MEMA | Town Halls | |
TOWNSSURVEY_ARC | Community Boundaries (Towns) from Survey Points | |
TOWNSSURVEY_POLY | Community Boundaries (Towns) from Survey Points | |
TOWNSSURVEY_POLYM | Community Boundaries (Towns) from Survey Points (Multi-part polygons) | |
TOWNSSURVEY_PT | Community Boundaries (Towns) from Survey Points | |
TOWNS_ANNO_BDY | Towns Annotation (Boundary) | |
TOWNS_ANNO_NAME | Towns Annotation | |
TOWNS_ARC | MA Towns (Arcs) | |
TOWNS_POLY | MA Towns (Polygons) | |
TOWNS_POLYM | MA Towns (Multi-part Polygons) | |
TOWNS_POLY_AREACODE | Table - Area Codes by Town | |
TOWNS_POLY_UTILITIES | Table - Public Utility Service Providers | |
TOWNS_POLY_V_CABLE | Cable Television service providers by municipality (spatial view) | |
TOWNS_POLY_V_ELEC | Electric service providers by municipality (spatial view) | |
TOWNS_POLY_V_GAS | Natural Gas service providers by municipality (spatial view) | |
TOWNS_POLY_V_CPA | Community Preservation Act (CPA) Towns (spatial view) | |
TOWNS_POP | Table - Estimated Population (2000-2007) by Town | |
TRAINS_ANNO_COMM | Trains Annotation (Commuter Rail) | |
TRAINS_ANNO_LARGE | Trains Annotation (Comm. Rail, Large) | |
TRAINS_ANNO_LARGE2 | Trains Annotation (Comm. Rail, Large2) | |
TRAINS_ARC | Trains (with MBTA Commuter Rail Lines) | |
TRAINS_NODE | MBTA Commuter Rail Stations | |
TRAINS_RTE_TRAIN | Trains (Routes, by Line) | |
TRANSLINES_ARC | Transmission Lines | |
USGSGRID_POLY | Digital USGS Quadrangle Sheets | |
UTMPT_PT | UTM Points | |
VCCOASTALPLAINPOND_POLY | Coastal Plain Pond Systems | |
VCCOASTAL_POLY | Coastal Natural Community Systems | |
VCFOREST_POLY | Upland Forest | |
VCPEATLAND_POLY | Acidic Peatland Community Systems | |
VCPINEBARRENS2_POLY | Pine Barrens Nat. Comm. Sys. (UMass Pitch Pine) | |
VCPINEBARRENS_POLY | Pine Barrens Natural Community Systems | |
VCRIVERINE_POLY | Riverine Natural Community Systems | |
VCSANDPLAIN_POLY | Sandplain Natural Community Systems | |
VTTOWNS_ARC | Vermont Towns (Arcs) | |
VTTOWNS_POLY | Vermont Towns (Polygons) | |
WARDSPRECINCTS2012_POLY | Massachusetts Voting Wards and Precincts (2012) | |
WARDSPRECINCTS2022_POLY | Massachusetts Voting Wards and Precincts (2022) | |
WATERSHEDS_ARC | Watersheds (Arcs) | |
WATERSHEDS_POLY | Watershed (Polygons) | |
WATERTAXISTOPS_PT | Boston Harbor Water Taxi Stops | |
WBS2002_ARC | MassDEP 2002 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) (Arcs) | |
WBS2002_INTLST02 | Table - Water Body System (2002) Database | |
WBS2002_POLY | MassDEP 2002 Integrated List of Waters (305(b)/303(d)) (Polygons) | |
WETCHANGE_POLY | MassDEP Wetlands (1:12,000) Change | |
WETLANDSDEP_A_WET | MassDEP Wetlands (2005) (Annotation) | |
WETLANDSDEP_ADHC_POLY | MassDEP Wetlands (2005) Human Altered Areas | |
WETLANDSDEP_ARC | MassDEP Wetlands (2005) (Arcs) | |
WETLANDSDEP_ORIG_A_WET | MassDEP Wetlands Original (1:12,000) (Annotation) | |
WETLANDSDEP_ORIG_ARC | MassDEP Wetlands Original (1:12,000) (Arcs) | |
WETLANDSDEP_ORIG_POLY | MassDEP Wetlands Original (1:12,000) (Polygons) | |
WETLANDSDEP_POLY | MassDEP Wetlands (2005) (Polygons) | |
WINDPOWERGRID50_POLY | Wind Power Density at 50m | |
WINDSPEEDGRID_POLY | Modeled Wind Speed Grid (Polygons) | |
ZIPCODES_NT_POLY | ZIP Codes (5-Digit) from HERE (Navteq) | |
ZONE1_POLY | MassDEP Approved Zone Is | |
ZONE1_POLY_DISSOLVE | MassDEP Approved Zone Is (Outlines) | |
ZONE2_POLY | MassDEP Approved Zone IIs | |
ZONE2_POLY_DISSOLVE | MassDEP Approved Zone IIs (Outlines) | |
ZOOMINV | Zoom Inventory Table for Data Viewers |