BUAR is the sole trustee of the Commonwealth's underwater heritage, promoting and protecting the public's interests in these resources for recreational, economic, environmental, and historical purposes. BUAR is composed of nine members.
BUAR has six statutory appointees or their designees:
- State Archaeologist
- State Archivist
- Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Waterways Director
- Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Director
- Environmental Law Enforcement (Massachusetts Environmental Police) Director
- Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) Executive Director
BUAR also has three gubernatorial appointees: a marine archaeologist and two diving community representatives. Board members serve without compensation. If you are interested in being appointed to the Board, you must contact the Governor’s Office (https://boards.mass.gov)
Current Board members are:
- State Archaeologist: Justin Malcom - designee
- State Archivist: John Warner
- DCR Director of Waterways: Michael Driscoll - designee
- CZM Director: Daniel Sampson - designee
- Director of Environmental Law Enforcement: Jack Chapin - designee
- MHC Executive Director: Brona Simon
- Marine Archaeologist: Graham McKay
- Diving Community Representative 1 (at-large): Mark McClanan
- Diving Community Representative 2 (organization): Vincent Malkoski, Jr.
The statutory and regulatory responsibilities and day-to-day operations are implemented by BUAR's Director, David S. Robinson.