CZM is the lead policy, planning, and technical assistance agency on coastal and ocean issues within the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) and implements the state’s coastal program under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act.
Quick links
Contact CZM
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114
Boston, MA 02114
Social media links
- Coastal Habitat Program
- Coastal Water Quality Program
- Communications Program
- CZM Regional Program
- Federal Consistency Review Program
- Mapping and Data Management Program
- Marine Invasive Species Program
- Ocean Management Program
- Port and Harbor Planning Program
- Public Access and Coast Guide Program
- Seafloor and Habitat Mapping Program
- StormSmart Coasts Program
CZM has five regions. Click the button below for all CZM offices or select a site from the map.