About the Dashboard
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health's (DPH) Office of Local and Regional Health, in collaboration with local public health partners, developed the first Performance Standards for local health departments. The implementation of the Performance Standards serves multiple purposes, including establishing clear expectations and generating data for assessing the capabilities of local health departments. Collaboratively with the Office of Local and Regional Health, in the fall of 2022, municipalities participating in the Public Health Excellence Shared Services Grant Program underwent a capacity assessment.
This dashboard for local public health shares data on the 2022-2023 Capacity Assessment conducted among municipalities participating in the Public Health Excellence Shared Services Grant Program. These data represent health departments’ self-reported ability to meet the Performance Standards for local public health. All data were analyzed and are presented on the Shared Services Arrangement level. These arrangements involve groups of municipalities committed to sharing resources to offer more comprehensive public health services to the populations they serve.
For the purposes of the survey, the Performance Standards were sorted into seven subject areas (Administration, Community Sanitation, Disease Control and Prevention, Environmental Protection, Food Protection, Housing, and Tobacco Use Prevention). Questions aimed to determine if the Shared Services Arrangements had the capacity to meet each of the Performance Standards, and response options were Meets Performance Standards or Does Not Meet Performance Standards. If Does Not Meet Performance Standards was selected, Shared Services Arrangements were asked to clarify if this was due to issues of Funding, Staffing, Training, or Unawareness.
To view the different sheets of the dashboard, click on the name of the sheet located in the Navigation pane. Throughout the dashboard, you can filter by Shared Service Arrangement and Training Hub via the “Choose Shared Services Arrangement” and “Choose Training Hub” filters at the bottom of the Navigation pane on the left side of the dashboard. DPH established 10 Training Hubs across the state to provide standardized training for local public health environmental health inspectional staff. To clear the filters, click on “Reset Filters” button on the bottom left of the dashboard or click the clear filter option at the top right corner of the filter itself (denoted with a symbol of a filter with a red ‘x’).
You can access this dashboard in full screen.
Capacity Assessment Data (Excel)
Download the Capacity Assessment Tableau Data (Excel).