Making CLAS Happen: A Guide to Implementing Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS
This training will provide an overview of all 15 CLAS standards, reasons to integrate CLAS framework into your program design and delivery as well as their applications to eliminate health inequities. After the training, participants will be able to:
- Define common terminologies including health equity, health inequities, social determinant of health, structural and institutional racism
- Understand the importance of integrating CLAS
- Get an overview of the 15 federal CLAS standards
- Learn 6 CLAS related areas of action
- Gain relevant resources/tools to support adhering to CLAS standards
To access this training:
- For internal DPH staff: Via MyPath
- For external DPH contracted vendors: Via BSAS Learning
How to complete CLAS Self-Assessment for vendors
This training will provide step by step instructions on how to complete CLAS self-assessment for vendors so that both contract managers and vendors are on the same page in monitoring CLAS implementation to advance health and racial equity. After the training, participants will be able to:
- Understand the expectation of monitoring CLAS implementation with vendors
- Learn different sessions of the CLAS self-assessment for vendors
- Learn how to come up with a CLAS workplan that can help their program achieve the performance measures
- Gain knowledge of relevant resources/tools to support adhering to CLAS standards
To access this training
- For internal DPH staff: Via MyPath
- For external DPH contracted vendors: Via BSAS Learning