Closed schools
Step 1: Check the closed schools list
Check the closed schools list for your licensed Massachusetts private occupational school. Schools that closed before July 2021 were only required to hold student records for 7 years. However, check the list as records may still be available.
You can use the filter to search by the name of the school or the community where it was located. Records may be available if there is a link in the Student Records column.
Student records
Step 2: Fill out a Student Request Form or a Release of Student Records to a Third Party
Fill out the Student Records Request Form to get copies of your available records including transcripts, enrollment agreements, and ledger cards. Please see the directions for submission on the form.
Fill out the Release of Student Records to a Third Party form to allow your available records to be released to a third party. Please see the directions for submission on the form.
There is no cost to request student records.
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 393.48 KB, Release Authorization to Third Party (PDF 393.48 KB)
Didn't find your closed school on the list?
- Colleges: Check the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education for students records for closed degree-granting schools.
- Nursing Programs: For records not available through the Office of Private Occupational Schools ( or the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education (, please contact the BORN at Nursing.Admin@MassMail.State.MA.US. Although the Board of Registration for Nursing (BORN) does not hold students’ records for closed nursing programs, they may be able provide assistance locating these records.
- Elementary, Middle, and High Schools: Check with the superintendent of schools in the city or town where the school was located for student records for closed private elementary, middle, and high schools.
- Catholic Schools: Please contact the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston at Home - Campaign for Catholic Schools.