The goal of the CNP is to prevent death from opioid overdose by increasing distribution of free naloxone to community bystanders across Massachusetts. Organizations that qualify for CNP can order Narcan™-brand naloxone at a partial or full subsidy directly from the State Office of Pharmacy Services (SOPS), depending on preference. This program allows for participating organizations to benefit from the state negotiated public interest pricing for naloxone. As of recent FDA approval, Narcan™ is now available as an Over the Counter (OTC) drug, therefore no further medication registrations are needed to order naloxone through CNP.
All affiliate programs are expected to provide counseling on overdose prevention and training on overdose response to all persons who receive CNP-obtained naloxone. CNP-obtained naloxone is not to be billed to a patient’s insurance or resold. For first responders such as EMS, CNP-obtained naloxone is not to supplant the naloxone supply available for patient administration on overdose calls for service.
Program Requirements and Eligibility
- Application to the CNP is open to the following entities in Massachusetts:
- Health and Human Services programs serving people at risk for opioid overdose and/or their social networks
- Housing & homelessness providers
- Drop-in centers or other community spaces available to people who use drugs and their networks
- Family support services
- BSAS licensed and/or contracted SUD treatment programs
- EMS Naloxone Leave-Behind Programs
Municipalities and health departments (not municipal police and or fire – municipal police and fire may order naloxone directly from SOPS for emergency response purposes without further approvals from DPH).
- Affiliate programs must comply with all Massachusetts General Laws and regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) in accordance with 105 CMR 700.00
- Affiliate programs must establish written protocols and procedures to ensure that individuals receiving naloxone kits are properly trained. Training must meet minimum standards outlined at 105 CMR 700.00
- Naloxone purchased through this mechanism must:
- Be provided to all recipients at no cost; AND
- Not be submitted to any recipient’s insurance for reimbursement; AND
- Not be resold.
- Affiliate programs must designate one staff member as the CNP Coordinator. This person will be the main point of contact with DPH and will take responsibility for required program activities and documentation, and data tracking and reporting. Programs must notify DPH promptly of any program personnel changes in a timely manner.
- Affiliate programs must provide DPH with all locations where naloxone purchased through this mechanism is being delivered. Programs must notify DPH promptly of any location changes in a timely manner.
- Affiliate programs must track and report data to DPH. The frequency of reporting will be determined by the type of subsidy the affiliate program is awarded, which will be communicated by DPH to the approved affiliate program. Reports to DPH will include, but may not be limited to, the following metrics:
- Number of naloxone doses distributed
- Number of naloxone distribution encounters
- Number of overdose reversals reported back to programs
To apply to become a CNP affiliate program, please fill out the online application For questions about applying for CNP, please contact Ben Plant at Benjamin.plant@mass.gov.