Conference DMS Tips

Use this information to make sure you're submitting your documents properly and on time to the DIA for a conference.

Table of Contents

Documents you prepare for the administrative judge

You will submit the following to the administrative judge:

    A. Conference memorandum with a bar-code sheet

    B. Medical documents, all impartial medical packet submissions (medical
        and hypothetical questions), and non-medical submissions will be   
        directly uploaded to the Department of Industrial Accidents via your DIA
        online account.

            Parties are required to submit the conference submissions (medical,
            non-medical, and hypothetical questions) within 2 business
            days before the scheduled conference meeting. 

        1. The medical packet must have a table of contents page that contains:

                            - DIA board number

                            - Date of injury

                            - Employee’s name

                           - Employer’s name

                           - Insurer

                           - Heading

                          - Submitting party, and

                          - Date of the document

       2.  Have functioning bookmarks link

       3.  Pagination of all pages

       4.  Be in optical character recognition (OCR) format

       5.  Medical records must be clean of notations, underlining, or
            highlighting of text (unless these are in the original documents)

       6.  Must not contain non-medical documents or hypothetical questions,

      7.  Must have no dividing pages separating each facility or
           doctors’ reports.

               The conference submissions must be uploaded to the Board 2 business days
               before the date of the scheduled conference. Conference submissions that don't
               meet submission criteria will not be accepted. The party will be requested to
               resubmit the documents.  A hard copy of these submissions may be submitted
               to the administrative judge at the conference.  [Bar code sheets are not
               required for the Conference Medical Packet, Non-Medical packets or the
              Hypothetical questions].

  C. If appropriate, non-medical documents, with content page that contains:

            - DIA board number

           - Date of injury

           - Employee’s name employers

           - Insurer

          - Heading

          - Submitting party, and

          - Date of the document

You get a medical report on the day of the conference, but your packet has already been prepared

The new medical report shall be properly prepared and uploaded via your DIA online account at the time of the conference. 

However, additional medical documents that weren't part of the conference packet will only be accepted and forwarded if received by the Department at least 15 business days prior to the scheduled impartial examination. Any additional medical documents received within 15 business days of the examination will only be accepted at the discretion of the administrative judge and the senior judge.


The only acceptable tabs are electronic bookmark links.

Submissions to the administrative judge at conference

Separate the medical documents from the non-medical documents and hypothetical questions. 

The packets must be uploaded via your DIA online account.

The Conference Memorandum and the Last Best Offer should also be separate from the medical packets. Both of these must have their own cover sheet.

Additional Resources

No highlighting!

The medical documents will ultimately be forwarded to the impartial doctor and shouldn't have any highlight marker or other markings for the administrative judge’s convenience. 

You may, however, choose to offer the administrative judge a separate indexed packet for their use.

Make sure all your documents have been uploaded

Within 72 hours of receiving the conference order, you should be able to access the board file using your online DIA account.  It's your responsibility to verify that all your documents have been properly uploaded.

If not all of your documents have been uploaded, contact the administrative judge’s office to notify them of the problem. The administrative judge’s office will take corrective action.

DVD submissions

The DVD must be formatted for viewing by Windows Media Player.

The DVD doesn't need a cover sheet, but must be clearly labeled with the

  • DIA board number
  • Employee name
  • Date of injury, and 
  • Dates of the video activity

Submitting documents received to the administrative judge after the conference

You may: 

  1. Send the documents electronically as an email attachment. No bar-code cover sheet needed.
  2. Send documents through 1st class mail. Bar-code cove sheet required for each document.

A cover letter would be part of the document it is attached to, so the cover letter doesn't need a coversheet.

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