Confidentiality of your health profession license information

Under certain circumstance, information associated with your health profession license may kept confidential and be exempt from public records.

Public records exemptions

  • Massachusetts General Law chapter 66 section 10B provides an exemption to public records law that certain information associated with your license, that would normally be publicly available, shall be restricted if you are a:
    • Victim of domestic violence
    • Victim of an adjudicated crime
    • Person providing or training in family planning services
  • This information includes the home address, telephone number, place of employment, and place of education listed in the Bureau of Health Professions Licensure (BPHL) database
  • Once restricted, applicable information will not be disclosed under section 10B in response to a public records request, whether that request is made in writing, in person or by telephone. The restricted information will no longer be publicly available on the BHPL Check a License online verification.

If this applies to you, you can request information confidentiality benefits.

Please be aware that under Massachusetts law, BPHL is legally mandated to respond to a public records request with the non-exempt information in your licensure records (i.e. your name, license number, and license status). Certain information, including dates of birth and social security numbers, are kept confidential and are exempt from disclosure for all individuals.

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