Bureau of Health Professions Licensure (BHPL)

BHPL oversees the licensing of health care professionals in the state of Massachusetts.

Contact us

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health logo


(617) 973-0980


250 Washington St.
Boston, MA 02108

Who we serve

We oversee and support the Drug Control Program and 21 boards of registration and certification in health professions. We assess the qualifications of applicants for health care professional licensure, registration, and certification. Standard rules and regulations set by the boards ensure the integrity and competence of all health care professionals in Massachusetts, and promote public health, wellness, and safety.

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Recent news & announcements


Health licensing boards transitioning to the Department of Public Health (DPH) 

6/02/2022 Bureau of Health Professions Licensure

The transition to the Bureau of Health Professions Licensure was completed on January 1, 2023.


Upcoming relocation of the Bureau of Health Professions Licensure 

11/26/2021 Bureau of Health Professions Licensure

Find information you need about the relocation of the Bureau of Health Professions Licensure.

Upcoming Events

Bureau of Health Professions Licensure information

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