Custody Guide For Child Caregivers: Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments for the Custody Guide for Child Caregivers.

Table of Contents


Hon. Sally Padden (ret.) and Jenny Weisz of the Court Improvement Program wish to thank the following for their assistance in the development of this booklet: Jennifer Kitchenham, Kinship Navigator Program; Colleen Pritoni, Ilene Mitchell and Joe O'Leary of the Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren; Amy Karp, Child and Family Law Division of CPCS; Rachel Wallack, Administrative Office of Juvenile Court; Hon. John D. Casey, Chief Justice, Probate and Family Court; Diane Beswick, Administrative Office of Probate and Family Court; and Andrew Rome, Department of Children and Families. 

This publication was funded by the Massachusetts Court Improvement Program (CIP) which is supported by federal grants. Administered by the Supreme Judicial Court, CIP encourages and supports systemic improvements to support the safety, wellbeing and permanence of children. CIP collaborates with Massachusetts child welfare stakeholders including the Juvenile Court, the Probate and Family Court, the Department of Children and Families, and the Committee for Public Counsel Services (the state public defenders' office). 

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