Go outside
One simple way to observe Earth Day is to take a walk outside, but remember social distancing best practices no matter where you are. Nature walks are a fun and easy way to connect with nature. A walk in your backyard, down the sidewalk, or at a local park are all great opportunities to look at and listen to the signs of nature. Just remember to stick close to home when going out and avoid crowded areas. When checking out your local state park, consider walking or biking there to avoid crowded parking lots and please respect all parking signs. Just remember that all state park bathrooms are closed as a precaution and please carry out anything you carry in as all trash cans have been removed.
Spring into action for the Earth!
For kids and kids at heart, draw and post your Earth Day message on DCR Instagram (@MassDCR). Tag your post with #MAEarthWeek.
Share your support for Earth Day 2022!
Download, print, color and post DCR Earth Day coloring page. Post it on social media or prominently on your window or front door to show your love of the earth!
Want help making every day Earth Day?
Download DCR’s Earth Day action cards and pledge. Print, color, cut and post these action cards at helpful reminder spots in your home.
What does the Earth’s future hold?
Download the Earth Day “fortune teller” template and discover more about the great outdoors.
Looking for more Earth Day ideas?

- Visit our partners at Project Learning Tree for 12 Nature Walk Activities for Earth Day (or any day!) https://www.plt.org/educator-tips/nature-walk-activities
- What is renewable or not? (https://www.plt.org/family-activity/renewable-or-not/)
- Wonder how you score at reducing waste and recycling in your home? https://www.plt.org/family-activity/reuse-and-recycle
- Want some awesome Earth Day activities to inspire your students and make a difference https://www.plt.org/educator-tips/earth-day-activities/