DCR Park Landscapes

Support for the preservation of historic landscapes within DCR parks

Through a program of inventory and analysis, the HLPI staff identity preservation priorities, manage projects, administer training, and develop preservation tools for park managers.

Parks Heritage Landscape Inventory

The Parks Heritage Landscape Inventory (PHLI) program is an ongoing process for collecting current, up-to-date information on cultural resources on DCR lands. Using GPS and a GIS database, staff record locations, types, and conditions of a variety of cultural resources from cellar holes to mansions. PHLI data are used to craft the cultural resource section of the Resource Management Plans.

Project Management

HLPI planners provide technical assistance to park staff and direct management of projects (both planning and construction) related to the preservation of historic landscapes within the Massachusetts State Park system. Past projects include creation of a Vegetation Management Plan for Chestnut Hill Reservation, the rehabilitation of the Italian and Rose Gardens at Maudslay State Park and the rehabilitation of the landscape at the Ames Mansion at Borderland State Park.

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