Economic Development Industrial Corporations (EDIC)

EDIC creation is authorized by a state statute which allows cities and towns identified as labor surplus areas by the U.S. Deptartment of Labor

EDIC creation is authorized by a state statute which allows towns or cities to identified as labor surplus areas by the US Department of Labor to establish Economic Development Industrial Corporations to implement local economic development projects in accordance with local approved economic development plans.

Projects must involve industrial and manufacturing uses and are designed to lower the unemployment rate and eliminate substandard, or open areas. The DCS provides assistance to cities and towns in establishing EDICs to undertake redevelopment projects, as well as ongoing technical assistance.

Eligible Applicants: Any towns designated by the U.S. Department of Labor as a labor surplus area due to high unemployment is eligible to establish an EDIC under MGL Chapter 121C.

Table of Contents

Eligible Activities

In accordance with an economic development plan an EDIC may implement economic development projects designed to decrease the unemployment rate and eliminate decadent and blighted open areas existing in a city or town.

Selection Criteria

In order to establish an EDIC, a town must first determine that the need for an EDIC exists. In towns this requires a vote by town meeting and in cities a vote by the city council and approval by the mayor or city manager. Under M.G.L. Chapter 121C, towns must receive certification from the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) for the establishment of EDICs. Cities are not required to receive certification from EOHLC.

How to Apply

Please refer to the DHCD publication EDIC Implementation Guide 2022

Additional Program Information

Contact   for Economic Development Industrial Corporations (EDIC)


Press Contact: Meggie Quackenbush, Director of Communications Email EOED Contact Information at


(617) 788-3605


1 Ashburton Place, Room 2101, Boston, MA 02108

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