Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

The Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program provides critical funding to support a wide range of criminal justice program areas.

Table of Contents


The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security's Office of Grants & Research (OGR) is responsible for administering the Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, a grant program originating from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance. The JAG Program is authorized by the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, and is designed to provide seed money to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on local needs and conditions.

The JAG Program provides Massachusetts critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including:

  • law enforcement
  • prosecution and court programs
  • prevention and education programs
  • corrections and community corrections
  • drug treatment and enforcement
  • crime victim and witness initiatives
  • planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs

Related Grant Programs

Each year, JAG funds are used to fund a number of public safety grant programs in Massachusetts, including the Byrne JAG Municipal Law Enforcement Funding Opportunity.

To learn about current grant funding opportunities, view our Current Funding Opportunities page or sign up to receive email notifications as grants become available. 

Contact   for Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program


35 Braintree Hill Office Park, Suite 302, Braintree, MA 02184

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