These organizations provide services spanning substance abuse treatment, juvenile delinquency prevention, family preservation, and many other program areas. EIM/ESM functions as the system of record for these delivered services.
Deployment of EIM/ESM to more agencies and providers is underway. When fully deployed, EIM/ESM will administer contracts valued at over $2.1 B annually - nearly 10% of the entire Commonwealth budget.
Benefits of the EIM Service
Prior to EIM/ESM, nearly all human service billing was done manually, on paper. Contracted organizations that conducted business with multiple state agencies had to follow up to 13 different requirements for submitting billing and financial information. In addition, the Commonwealth had no central system of record for tracking utilization and spending patterns across these services.
EIM/ESM addresses these challenges in several ways:
Streamlined Provider Billing Requirements: The service provides a single point for invoice submission and tracking, standardizes billing, and delivers faster payment to providers
Improved Internal Controls: Business rules configured in the system allow for automated adjudication prior to final approval, greatly reducing potential billing and payment errors
Streamlined Invoice Review and Approval: Automated invoice submission and greater ease of review support timely, thorough invoice processing by state personnel
System of Record for Service Delivery and Payments: Service data collected populates a rich, central repository of information and enables more accurate and effective resource planning, risk analysis, and service delivery
Improved Revenue Management: Integration with agency revenue systems supports current revenue management practices, generating more comprehensive and accurate claims for federal financial participation on eligible POS expenditures
EIM/ESM has modernized how the Commonwealth manages its resources. It provides a system of record for improved supply chain management, internal controls, program integrity, and better revenue billing. The service also affords contracting provider organizations more timely payments, reducing previous payment cycle times from an average of 31 days to just over a week.
Ultimately, EIM/ESM is breaking new ground in the effort to coordinate and manage services for families and children in public care. By using payment transactions as a mechanism to collect information on services delivered via third parties, the Commonwealth gains access to information never before available. Not only does EIM/ESM streamline financial and administrative operations, it stands to greatly improve the quality of care delivered to citizens in need.