Advantages of eUST
By using the eUST system, you will be able to electronically file your Applications for Eligibility, Applications for Reimbursement (claims), and Applications for a Certificate of Compliance (COCs). Electronic filing has several advantages over submitting paper forms to the UST Program. Here are just a few:
- There’s the cost and time savings associated with preparing, copying, and mailing or using a courier to submit paper claims.
- Since the program is web-based, several people within your organization can work on the same application even if they are in different locations. No need to mail or email sections of the application to different locations for signatures or supporting documents.
- All of your electronic records filed, including supporting documentation, will always be available online for your review. In addition, the UST Program will supplement the online claim record with other UST Program generated claim documents such as vote letters and worksheets.
- You will be able to track the status of all applications filed by your organization, or filed on your organization’s behalf. If you are a facility owner, you can track the status of all applications filed for your facility.
- You can assign rights or delegate signature authority to other organizations and individuals to submit applications on your behalf.
- No more Owner Authorization forms! As a facility owner, you can authorize claims online from anywhere you have internet access.
- The eUST system allows you to manage the users in your organization including creating new users, assigning and changing access rights, and deactivating user accounts.
eUST Overview Video
Video: Overview of the UST programs's new e-UST page
Skip this video Overview of the UST programs's new e-UST page.Register for eUST
The first step to gaining access to eUST is to submit a Request for Registration form to register your organization and identify a person to be a “SuperUser”. Once the form is received, UST will e-mail the SuperUser a login User ID and password which permits access to the eUST.