• This page, Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) , is   offered by
  • MassHealth

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is a timekeeping system used to electronically verify that personal care attendants deliver the services that are billed. EVV is a federal requirement for Medicaid-funded, in-home personal care and home health services.

For Consumer-employers who are already receiving PCA services prior to January 2024, their start date will be based on last names. After January 2024, Consumer-employers who are new to the PCA program will use EVV as soon as they are active with the PCA program. Your PCAs will also start using EVV at the same time as you are.

Prior to starting EVV, you will receive an EVV start packet from Tempus. This packet includes the following:

  • The EVV start date
  • How to attend EVV trainings
  • How to request an EVV exemption
  • How to redeem a device voucher

Your PCM agency can also assist you, your Surrogate or Administrative Proxy, and your PCA to be set up to start EVV.

The EVV system consists of two parts:

EVV App – This is the method used by the PCAs to clock in and out of each shift. The App must be downloaded to a smart device, such as a smartphone or tablet.

EVV Portal – Consumer-employers, Surrogates, or Administrative Proxies will use the Portal to review, approve, and submit their PCAs time to the FI for payment. The EVV portal is a website that can be viewed on any device with internet access.

EVV Exemptions:

Live-in Exemption: Consumer-employers and PCAs who live in the same home permanently.

Safety Exemption: Consumer-employers or PCAs are not required to use EVV if using the system would cause a safety issue.

More information on the Exemptions is provided in the EVV start packet, and a wide range of EVV support and resources can be found at https://tempusunlimited.org/evv/

Table of Contents

Date published: July 24, 2024

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