• This page, MassHealth Personal Care Attendant Program, is   offered by
  • MassHealth

MassHealth Personal Care Attendant Program

MassHealth’s Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program helps people with permanent or chronic disabilities keep their independence, stay in the community, and manage their own personal care by providing funds and other supports for hiring PCAs.

The PCA program is self-directed, which means the MassHealth member is responsible for recruiting, hiring, training, scheduling, and managing their PCA. This includes reviewing and approving activities and hours worked, requesting approval for PCAs to work overtime, and, terminating PCAs when necessary. To learn more about the PCA program, check out the pages linked below.


Learn More about the PCA Program

You can contact a Personal Care Management (PCM) Agency in your area to get more information about the PCA program or enroll in PCA services.

If you would like to request materials in braille, large print, or other languages, please call the MassHealth Customer Service Center at (800) 841-2900, TDD/TTY: 711.

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