Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) FY22 data-driven performance

Learn how EOHHS uses data to improve your experience with state government.

The Baker-Polito administration is working hard to improve your experience with state government. To that end, EOHHS has been asked to identify our critical constituent-facing services and to track our ongoing efforts to improve their delivery. By selecting key metrics and measuring performance against annual targets, our goal is to provide you with the resources you need as simply, efficiently, and transparently as possible.

You can find out which metrics our agencies are tracking and how they’re performing on this page.

EOHHS' Fiscal Year 2022 performance

Department of Children and Families

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Children kept safe from repeat maltreatment. 94.6% of child victims of abuse/neglect are kept safe from subsequent acts of abuse/neglect for 6 months. 89.76% of child victims of abuse/neglect were kept safe from subsequent acts of abuse/neglect for 6 months.
Permanency in 12 months for children exiting DCF care. 75.2% of children exiting to reunification will have been reunified in less than 12-months from their entry into care. 59.8% of children exiting to reunification were reunified in less than 12-months from their entry into care.
Children adopted within 24 months. 36.6% of children, who cannot be reunified with their biological family, will be adopted within 24 months. 7.9% of children, who could not be reunified with their biological family, were adopted within 24 months.
The percentage of children that receive a medical visit within 30 days of their home removal episode (HRE). 90% of children that receive a medical visit within 30 days of their home removal episode (HRE). 75% of children received a medical visit within 30 days of their home removal episode (HRE).

Department of Developmental Services

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Individuals utilizing Remote Support services. Identify at least one new individual in each of the 4 DDS regions to utilize remote supports in FY22. The new Remote Supports and Monitoring service was launched in December 2021. 6 providers are qualified to deliver this service. One individual was referred for this new service so far.
Individuals utilizing Assistive Technology services. Identify at least one new individual in each of the 23 DDS Areas to provide an AT assessment and AT services. The new Assistive Technology service was launched in December 2021. 9 providers are qualified to deliver this service. 23 individuals have been referred for this service so far.
Number of individuals in a Shared Living placement. 5% increase in Shared Living placements. 3.27% decrease in enrollments through 12/31/21. Utilization of the Shared Living residential service model has been impacted by the continuation of the COVID pandemic and human service workforce crisis.
Number of individuals/families who self-direct their services. 10% increase in individuals/families who self-direct their services. 4.10% increase in enrollments through 12/31/21. On track to meet or exceed target.

Department of Mental Health

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Processing time of adult service authorization decisions. 85% of adult service authorization decisions made within 90 days of application. 81% of adult service authorization decisions were made within 90 days of application as of December 31, 2021.
Processing time of child/adolescent service authorization decisions. 85% of child/adolescent service authorization decisions made within 90 days of application. 71% of child/adolescent service authorization decisions were made within 90 days of application as of December 31, 2021.
Percent of adults receiving Clubhouse services who are competitively employed. 26% of adults receiving Clubhouse services who are competitively employed. 25.3% of adults receiving Clubhouse services were competitively employed as of December 31, 2021.
The number of individuals who are discharged from DMH inpatient continuing care into Adult Community Clinical Services. 300 individuals discharged from DMH inpatient continuing care into Adult Community Clinical Services. 110 individuals discharged from DMH inpatient continuing care into Adult Community Clinical Services as of December 31, 2021.
The number of individuals who move from Supervised Group Living settings into an apartment supported by DMH rental assistance. 200 individuals move from Supervised Group Living settings into an apartment supported by DMH rental assistance. 101 individuals moved from Supervised Group Living settings into an apartment supported by DMH rental assistance as of December 31, 2021.

Department of Public Health

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Percent of WIC participants with avoidable terminations due to missed follow-up appointments/benefit issuance. <1.5% of participants are terminated from the WIC program due to missed follow-up appointments/benefit issuance. <1.4% of participants are terminated from the WIC program due to missed follow-up appointments/benefit issuance.
Percent of families reporting that Early Intervention Services enable them to help their child develop and learn. 95% of families reporting that Early Intervention Services enable them to help their child develop and learn. 93% of families reporting that Early Intervention Services enable them to help their child develop and learn.

Department of Transitional Assistance

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Telephone wait time. 75% of callers connecting to the DTA via the Assistance Line will wait 15 minutes or less. 79% of callers connecting to the DTA via the Assistance Line wait 15 minutes or less.
TAFDC Cases with earnings. 10% increase from FY21 in TAFDC cases with earnings. 14% increase from FY21 in TAFDC cases with earnings.
SNAP Cases with earnings. 10% increase from FY21 in SNAP cases with earnings. 7% increase from FY21 in SNAP cases with earnings.
Percentage of DTA clients accessing mobile app. 10% increase over FY21. 25% increase in number of new cases compared to new DTA Connect app users.

Department of Youth Services

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Number of committed youth that pass the English Language Arts MCAs. 90% of committed youth that pass the English Language Arts MCAs. Youth have not begun taking the MCAs.
Percent of Juvenile Justice Youth Development Specialist report positively that the 2 day specialized training gave them the skills and confidence to work with DYS youth in the classroom, co-facilitate clinical groups, guide discussions on career and post secondary options, and be an effective advocate and mentor and all within the framework of race, equity and fairness in decision making and treatment. 80% of the Juvenile Justice Youth Development Specialists who complete the 2 day training report positively about the training. 80% of the Juvenile Justice Youth Development Specialists who complete the 2 day training report positively about the training.

Executive Office of Elder Affairs

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Percent of callers who rate Information and Referral as good or excellent in helping them access the information and/or services they need. 97% of callers who rate Information and Referral as good or excellent in helping them access the information and/or services they need.  92.6% of callers who rate Information and Referral as good or excellent in helping them access the information and/or services they need.
Percent of home delivered meal participants who report that the meals help them to live independently. 80% of home delivered meal participants who report that the meals help them to live independently. 82% of home delivered meal recipients reported that the meals help them to live independently.
Percent of caregivers who found meeting/consulting with a caregiver specialist helpful or very helpful. 96% of caregivers who found meeting/consulting with a caregiver specialist helpful or very helpful. 93% of caregivers who found meeting/consulting with a caregiver specialist helpful or very helpful.


FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Call wait time for members and applicants at the MassHealth Customer Service Center. Average 5 minutes or less to speak with a customer service representative. Average of 4:49 minutes to speak with a customer service representative.
Rating of MassHealth customer service satisfaction on a  scale of 1 to 10. Average rating of 8.0. Average rating of 8.53.
Member access to needed care. Meet or Exceed NCQA 75th Percentile Score of 84.88% across MCO and One Care programs in 2019. 85.9% — Exceeds NCQA's 75th Percentile Score across MCO and One Care programs in 2022.

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Number of legally blind individuals receiving blindness critical specialized wrap-around services (Orientation and Mobility, Rehabilitation Teaching & Assistive Technology) leading to productive independence and full community participation. Increase by 5% number of legally blind individuals receiving blindness critical specialized wrap-around services (Orientation and Mobility, Rehabilitation Teaching & Assistive Technology) leading to productive independence and full community participation.  29% increase in the number of legally blind individuals receiving blindness critical specialized wrap-around services (Orientation and Mobility, Rehabilitation Teaching & Assistive Technology) leading to productive independence and full community participation.
Increase the number of eye doctors using electronic registrations. 50% Increase in the number of eye doctors using electronic registration (Currently at less than 10%). 25% increase in the number of eye doctors are currently using electronic registration.
Decrease the time it takes for Central Registry unit to register new consumers. 80% of registrations to be completed within 48 hours. Registration of new consumers has been impacted by the continuation of the COVID pandemic.  <1% of new consumers are registered within 48 hours.

Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Number of filled ASL interpreter/CART requests for medical, legal and substance use disorder services. Increase by 10% the number of filled ASL interpreter/CART requests for medical, legal and substance use disorder services. Number of filled request is 11,170 (46% of Target).
Number of clients receiving accessible state agency services at MCD. Increase by 10 % number of clients receiving accessible state agency services at MCD. 5% increase in the number of clients receiving accessible state agency services at MCD. (On track to meet target).

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
% of Individuals served by MRC’s Community Living  ABI/MFP waiver program, Statewide Head Injury Program, Supported Living Program, and Home Care Assistance Program who maintain independence in their respective communities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 95% of Individuals served by MRC’s Community Living  ABI/MFP waiver program, Statewide Head Injury Program, Supported Living Program, and Home Care Assistance Program who maintain independence in their respective communities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 99.9% of Individuals served by MRC’s Community Living  ABI/MFP waiver program, Statewide Head Injury Program, Supported Living Program, and Home Care Assistance Program maintain independence in their respective communities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
% of SSA disability claim decisions for Massachusetts Citizens processed in 90 days or less by MRC Disability Determination Services. (Target: 95% determined in 90 days or less). 95% of SSA disability claim decisions for Massachusetts Citizens processed in 90 days or less by MRC Disability Determination Services. 95.6% of SSA disability claims decisions processed by MRC Disability Determination were processed accurately.
% of MRC VR consumers obtaining measurable skills gain which includes any of the following:
• Attainment of secondary school diploma (high school) or its recognized equivalent (Hi-Set).
• Secondary/Post-Secondary Progression (e.g, Transcript/report card showing 12 credits attained).
• Satisfactory progress report toward established milestone (e.g. OJT, etc.).
• Successful passage of a required exam (e.g. occupational, knowledge-based, etc.).
20% of MRC VR consumers obtain measurable skills gain. 20% of MRC VR consumers have obtained measurable skills gain.

Office for Refugees and Immigrants

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Percentage of refugees attaining employment through Refugee Employment Services who are “early employed." 25% employed within four months of arriving in the United States. 26% employed within four months of arrival to the United States.
Percentage of refugees who attain employment through Refugee Employment Services and are still employed on the 90th day from the initial start date. 70% of refugees who attain employment through Refugee Employment Services and are still employed on the 90th day from the initial start date. 72% of refugees who attain employment through Refugee Employment Services and are still employed on the 90th day from the initial start date.
Percentage of ORI’s Citizenship for New Americans Program (CNAP) participants who take the USCIS Citizenship exam and successfully pass the exam. 55% of ORI’s Citizenship for New Americans Program (CNAP) participants who take the USCIS Citizenship exam and successfully pass the exam. 84% of ORI’s Citizenship for New Americans Program (CNAP) participants who take the USCIS Citizenship exam and successfully pass the exam.

Department of Veterans' Services

FY22 Metric FY22 Target FY22 Current Performance
(as of 12/31/21)
Processing time of an application for Veteran’s financial assistance benefits, also known as chapter 115 benefits. 100% applications processed in 21 days or less. 100% of applications were processed within 18 days.

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