Family Resolutions Specialty Court

An overview of the Family Resolutions Specialty Court with forms and informational guides.

The Family Resolutions Specialty Court (FRSC) is a unique problem-solving family court. It is a voluntary program that gives divorcing and separating parents the chance to resolve their differences with less conflict and with a focus on each family member. FRSC is located at the Hampshire Probate and Family Court and is open to Hampshire, Franklin, Berkshire, and Hampden parents.

Every family in FRSC receives help from a team. There is a mental health professional for the family, a mediator for the parents, usually a lawyer for the children, and a team coordinator, all at no cost to the parents. The parents are active in all decision-making whether they have attorneys or not. There are no trials or motion sessions. Instead, the case moves forward through a series of team meetings and court conferences where all members of the team work together to help the parents resolve their differences.

Interested parents and lawyers should contact the Hampshire Probate and Family Court’s FRSC Legal Coordinator Miriam Krell Bourke at

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