Federal Surplus Property Donation Program

When the General Services Administration (GSA) deems federal property as surplus, it is made available to all 50 states on a fair and equitable basis through the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program. The Massachusetts State Agency Surplus Property (SASP) Office acts as the obtaining agent for entities within the Commonwealth that are approved to participate in the Program.

The Massachusetts SASP, which operates as part of the State Surplus Property Office, is authorized by the federal government to act as the receiving agent for federal surplus property on behalf of eligible Commonwealth of Massachusetts entities. 

After notification from GSA that surplus property is available, the SASP assists in the transfer of federal surplus property to state departments, cities, and towns, and those not-for-profit organizations involved in education and public health. 

A small service charge is assigned for each property transfer. Depending on the condition of the item and distance involved in its transport, the service fee may range from less than 1% to 25% of the original property value. 

If you are interested in this program, please contact the Massachusetts SASP: OSD_SSPO@mass.gov.

Contact   for Federal Surplus Property Donation Program


One Ashburton Place, Room 1608, Boston, MA 02108

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