Operational Services Division (OSD)

Where government meets business and business meets government through procurement, business diversity, and customer focus.

Contact Us



Hours of Operation M-F 9am-5pm

TTY Line (617) 727-2716


(617) 727-4527


One Ashburton Place, Room 1608
Boston, MA 02108-1552

Our Mission

The Operational Services Division’s mission is to create and promote dynamic programs and services that anticipate and fulfill our customer’s needs. Our operational and oversight activities facilitate and guide the evaluation, acquisition, management, and disposal of goods and services. We strive to deliver a personalized customer experience by creating a climate of communication and cooperation and leveraging innovative business techniques.

Who We Serve

The Operational Services Division (OSD) serves both our business and government customers through a variety of services and programs that include managing the state fleet of vehicles and the COMMBUYS Procurement platform, setting the tuition prices for approved Private Special Education Programs, and management and oversight of procurements for goods and services, which includes the direct management of more than 100 Statewide Contracts that generated $2.38 billion in Fiscal Year 2024.

This is OSD

"This is OSD" cover photo

This is OSD is an informational guide that describes the programs and services provided by each unit of the Operational Services Division.

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Recent news & announcements

  • News

    Buy the Way, Issue 27 

    8/05/2024 Operational Services Division

    In this issue: EV Charging Station Services Added to Statewide Contract VEH117, New Category Management Strategy for Statewide Contracts, Environmental Grant Opportunities Abound and more!

  • News

    Buy the Way, Issue 26 

    4/30/2024 Operational Services Division

    In this issue: Climate and Sustainability Prioritized in State Procurement, Tradespersons Contracts Reopening, MASSBUYS EXPO 2024: Workshops Not to Miss and more!

  • News

    Buy the Way, Issue 25 

    2/23/2024 Operational Services Division

    In this issue: OSD Investing in Professional Services, Contracts for Your Sustainability Projects, MASSBUYS EXPO 2024: The Power of Connections and more!

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