Full License Renewal FAQs

Frequently-asked questions about the Full License Renewal process in the BORIM License Management System

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I am having difficulty linking my license to my account in the Board’s online licensing system, how do I rectify that?

Please be sure to create only one User Account and ensure you enter the correct password.  You will only have to link your account once for it to be linked.  For additional step-by-step guidance on how to link your account to your license, please review the following video on How to Link Your Account to Your License.

What is the difference between active, inactive and retired status?

Active Status: An active licensee may practice medicine and may prescribe medications. An active licensee must complete the Board’s Continuing Medical Education (CME) requirements.  In addition, an active licensee engaged in direct or indirect patient care, must maintain mandatory medical malpractice insurance coverage in the minimum amount of $100,000/$300,000.

Inactive Status: An inactive licensee may not practice medicine or prescribe or provide direct or indirect patient care. A licensee who is inactive is exempt from the continuing medical education requirements and malpractice liability insurance.  A physician may change from inactive to active status by completing the Active Status Request Form that is available on the Board’s website.

Retired Status: A retired licensee may not practice medicine or prescribe or provide direct or indirect patient care. When you no longer wish to practice medicine in Massachusetts, you may apply for a retired status.  When considering retirement, the licensee may contact the Massachusetts Medical Society’s legal department to request their pamphlet titled “Issues for the Retiring Physician.”  A retirement form is available on the Board’s website.

I paid the fee for my renewal application, but my license is not renewed. How can I rectify this issue?

Once you have entered all required information on the renewal application, you will be directed to a third-party payment site to make your payment. After entering in your payment details and paying the renewal fee, you will automatically be brought back to the Board’s licensing system. You will see your payment reflected at the bottom of the screen.  You must then click the “Go to Next Page” button on the bottom of the screen.  

You will be able to review your entire renewal application prior to submitting it to the Board.  If there is anything you need to change prior to submitting your renewal, you may do so by returning to that section in the application.  Once you have reviewed your renewal application, you must click the “Submit” button on the bottom of the page. 

It is important to note that your renewal application will NOT be approved until you pay the fee, return to the licensing system, proceed to the next page to review your renewal application, and click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.  Once your renewal application has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email from the system.

Where do I locate a copy of my receipt?

Once your renewal application is approved, you will receive your receipt via email from our third-party payments provider, nCourt, with the following email address: customerservice@ncourt.com. Please be sure to check your spam/junk mail before contacting the Board.

How do I retrieve my physician certificate and wallet card, or my previous license applications? 

Please log in to the License Management System https://medboard.mass.gov/login-register

Once logged in, please select “Manage My Licenses and Applications” and then “Show Details”.

You will see the options to download license documents, or download previously submitted applications. You may view the detailed instructions at the How-to page

**Please note, if you are using an Apple product and Safari as your browser, you will not be able to see your wallet card. If using an Apple product, please use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your browser make sure to click on “allow pop-ups” to see the renewal application.**

Please contact the call center for any additional assistance at (781) 876-8230 or Borim.Profiles@MassMail.State.MA.US.

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