Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Learn more about the Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren.

Table of Contents


The Commission's next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, 2025 Commission Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00 PM via Zoom.

If you would like to receive a Zoom invite, please contact

Meeting Agenda

  1. Financial Report/Budget – Meegan Simpson-Best
    1. FY’25
    2. SIG
  2. Officers Update:  Lynn Girton, Joe O’Leary
    1. Change in officers and succession plan
    2. Nominations for vacated officer positions
  3. Directors Report – Colleen Pritoni
    1. Calander of evens/meetings for staff
    2. Winter Workshops start in January
    3. Other community events and conferences
      1. Program Coordinator:
        1. SIG Grandfamilies FUNd: Updates
        2. Wellness Cafés – Boston and Plymouth 2025
        3. Support group updates
  4. Sub-Committe Updates:
    1. Support Group Sub-Committee:  Deb Dowd-Foley
      1. Intern project:  identify communities in need of GRG support group and launch 1 group
      2. 2025 Conference Planning
        1. Nominations for Awards:
          1. Harriet Jackson-Lyons Award
          2. John Lepper Advocacy Award
          3. Friends of the  Commission Award
    2. Legal and Advocacy Sub-Committee:  Lynn Girton
      1. College Tuition and Fee Waiver bill – update since December meeting
      2. Commission members bill-update-update since December meeting
      3. Upcoming committee meeting
    3. Information and Outreach:  Gail Williams
      1. Facebook/Website updates
    4. Resource Development Sub-Committee: Ilene Mitchell
      1. Mosaic Grant update
        1. Marketing consultant and projects
        2. Marigold Foundation
        3. Camps
        4. Other
  5. Chairwoman’s Report-Lynn Girton
  6. Advisory Board Update – Kristen Cipullo
  7. Next Meeting: 2/12/25 1:00 pm via Zoom

Additional Resources

About the Commission

In July 2008, the Child Advocate Bill established the Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. This legislation calls for "a permanent commission on the status of grandparents raising grandchildren which consists of 15 persons who have demonstrated a commitment to grandchildren."

July 8, 2008  The Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren was established
10,400  Massachusetts estimates that over 10,400 children in the Commonwealth living without their biological parent present are being raised by their grandparents. [1]

Purpose and Responsibilities

The Commission's primary purpose is to serve as a "resource to the Commonwealth on issues affecting grandparents raising grandchildren, and relatives, other than parents, raising kin.”

Its main responsibilities include:

  • Creating unity between grandparents raising grandchildren through communities and organizations in the commonwealth.
  • Supporting cooperation and sharing of information.
  • Encouraging collaboration and joint activities.
  • Serving as a liaison between government and private interest groups with regard to the unique interest and concern of grandparents raising grandchildren.
  • Giving advice to executive and legislative bodies of the potential effect of proposed legislation on grandparents raising grandchildren, as the commission deems necessary and appropriate.
  • Identifying issues that grandparents and all relatives who are raising children face.


Mail: Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

c/o Colleen Pritoni, GRG Coordinator, 600 Washington Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02111


Telephone: 617-748-2454 

Source: [1] As of 2014 according to the American Community Survey 5 Year Census .gov 2011-2015

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