The Green Communities Division provides funding opportunities to reduce municipal energy use and costs by way of clean energy projects in municipal buildings, facilities, and schools; guidance, technical assistance, and local support from Regional Coordinators. In addition, the Division provides education on the benefits of clean, affordable, resilient energy, and renewable energy projects.
Eligible Applicants
The Green Communities Division strives to help all 351 Massachusetts cities and towns find clean energy solutions that reduce long-term energy costs and strengthen local economies. The Division provides technical assistance and financial support for municipal initiatives to improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy in public buildings, facilities and schools.
Program Details
The Green Communities Designation and Grant Program helps municipalities navigate and meet the five criteria required to become a Green Community, in turn qualifying them for grants that finance additional energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at the local level.
For more information about grant opportunities, see Being a Green Community
In addition, the Green Communities Division provides additional grants and assistance related to other Municipal Energy efforts.
Contact Information
For more information, you can contact the Green Communities Regional Coordinator servicing your city or town.