Annual Reporting
Green Communities must submit an Annual Report to demonstrate they continue to meet the Five Designation Criteria and to remain eligible for program grants. The annual report also includes updates on how the community is progressing toward its 20 percent energy reduction goal.
Green Communities can prepare throughout the year for the annual reporting process by reviewing and updating municipal energy data in MassEnergyInsight (MEI). Green Communities are encouraged to review that all gas and electric utility data in MEI have been properly assigned to its buildings and facilities. Any delivered fuels (e.g. oil, propane, gasoline, and diesel) need to be added to the community’s account by the user – it is recommended that this be done quarterly. Communities can confirm data has been added to the accounts by reviewing the “Data Loaded” report in MEI. Please note that manually entered delivered fuels can take up to 24 hours to appear in your account.
FY24 Annual Reports for Green Communities are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 15th
Like last year, the annual report will be completed in MassEnergyInsight (MEI). Users can access the form by logging in to MEI and clicking on Annual Reports in the menu bar near the top of the screen.
FY24 vehicle data isn’t expected to be added to MEI until late August. However, we encourage you to get started by updating your energy data. Communities should enter fuel data for vehicles and any other delivered fuels such as oil or propane, make sure your organizational tree is current, add any new utility accounts to MEI, mark any closed accounts as inactive, update the square footage of any buildings that have been expanded, etc.
For more information, check the FAQ and training videos at, and if you have issues or additional questions, contact support at We also encourage communities to sign up for the MEI newsletter.
Stay tuned for information on upcoming office hours
Contact your Regional Coordinator if you would like him or her to provide your community's approved report from last year.
Tracking Energy Use
Most Green Communities use MassEnergyInsight (MEI), a web-based tool, to track their energy use. It is important for MEI users to regularly check their accounts to make sure energy consumption is on target. Municipalities with delivered fuels (oil, propane, gasoline, and diesel) should upload this data on a quarterly basis.
Additional Resources
Efficient Vehicles
Vehicle fleets are often overlooked as opportunities for efficiency upgrades and can use a significant percentage of a community's total energy use, especially in smaller towns with fewer buildings with energy savings potential. Vehicle fuel consumption on average represents approximately 22% of total municipal energy usage for Green Communities.
While reducing fuel usage can be challenging there are a number of resources and opportunities available to municipal fleet managers. Several statewide contracts for fuel-efficient vehicles, electric vehicle charging stations, and anti-reduction equipment are available for use by all public entities in Massachusetts.
The Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) helps eligible public entities acquire electric vehicles and install charging stations for their fleets.
Additional Resources
New Construction Best Practices
To create efficient residential, commercial, and municipal buildings, designers and builders utilize integrated design and building techniques. They determine which energy efficiency strategies and technologies, including on-site generation, to utilize to enhance buildings' performance, minimize energy use and costs, and improve occupancy comfort and productivity.
Additional Resources
Implement Energy Efficiency Measures
To assist cities, towns, and regional entities undertake energy efficiency measures, the Green Communities Division and Mass DOER work with partners and other state agencies to make energy efficiency achievable in Massachusetts.
For low-no-cost actions communities can take, refer to the UMass Clean Energy Extension’s checklist and other resources on their website.
Additional Resources
Grant Opportunities
Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant
DOER, through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), is making available formula funding to municipalities across the Commonwealth through the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. These funds are being made available to support the reduction of fossil fuel emissions, reduction of total energy use in communities, improve efficiency of facilities, and contribute to the growth of the clean energy economy. Every municipality is eligible to receive funding through the EECBG program.
There are forty-eight (48) municipalities and one (1) county receiving Direct Pay awards and will be getting their EECBG allocation directly from DOE, NOT DOER. These municipalities should visit the EECBG website for more information and instructions.
The three hundred and three (303) cities and towns not receiving Direct Pay awards, as noted in the allocation document, are eligible to receive federal formula funds through DOER and the EECBG Formula Grant Program.
Grant is open. Application deadline is August 16, 2024
View the Program Opportunity Notice (PON) on CommBuys – DOER PON-ENE-2024-023
Competitive Grants –
A Competitive Grant for existing Green Communities is offered on an annual basis as long as funding is available. Applicants must demonstrate they are Green Communities “in good standing” by completing the Annual Report that confirms the applicant still meets the Five Criteria of the Green Communities Designation Program.
Applicants also need to have closed any prior designation and competitive grants by providing a final report and having a site inspection before being eligible for a new competitive grant opportunity.
Fall Applications will be accepted from October 7 until October 18, 2024, due at 5 PM on October 18, 2024.
View the Green Communities 2024 Competitive Grant Overview Webinar
View the Green Communities 2024 Competitive Grant Overview Presentation Slides
Municipal Energy Technical Assistance –
Municipal Energy Technical Assistance Grants provide funding to independent third parties to aid municipalities, regional school districts, and water/wastewater districts in the study, negotiation, development and/or management of clean energy projects.
The Grants are offered on an annual basis, as long as funding is available. The amount of available funding, for future Grant rounds may vary. The cumulative total of actual awards depends upon the number of applications received, their eligibility and the funding allocation available for this Grant program.
Application Period is Closed
View previous PON on Commbuys--
DOER PON-ENE-2024-005 Green Communities Municipal Energy Technical Assistance Grant Program Round 12
Regional Energy Planning Assistance Grants –
Regional Energy Planning Assistance (REPA) Grants are available for eligible Technical Assistance Agencies to augment municipal capacity necessary to: 1) participate in the Green Communities Designation and Grant Program; and 2) advance clean energy projects in under-resourced municipalities.
Application Period is Closed
View previous PON on Commbuys --
DOER PON ENE 2023-019 2023 Regional Energy Planning Assistance Grant Program
Contact for Being a Green Community
Open M-F 8:45am-5:00pm