The review process of herbicides approved for use within sensitive areas of rights-of-way is a collaborative process conducted by MDAR and MassDEP-ORS. The review of these herbicides is done according to guidelines specified in a Cooperative Agreement signed in 1987 relative to Section 4(1)(E) of 333 CMR 11.00 Rights-of-Way Regulations.
The review procedures have recently been updated to ensure that the overall review procedure is up-to-date to current scientific standards for toxicology and environmental effects. In additions, the updated review procedures now also address the so-called “other” or “inert” ingredients contained in herbicide formulations, specifically surfactants.
In an effort to address ecological concerns and develop review criteria for the other ingredients, specifically surfactants, a risk assessment of herbicide surfactants was conducted. This assessment provided the basis for the development of criteria and updates of the review procedures that are outlined in Updates No. 1 and No. 2. An overview of the various components of the review process for sensitive areas of rights-of-way is shown below. The various documents describing these components are available in this section of the website.
Regulations and Supporting Information
- Regulations (333 CMR 11:00)
- DEQE/DFA Cooperative Agreement  Relative to Section 4(1)(E) of 333 CMR 11.00 Right of Way Management Regulations, July 1987
- Statement of Policy of Restricting the use of surfactants as part of the evaluation process for herbicides proposed for use in sensitive areas of rights-of-way, March 1989
- Ecological Risk Assessment of Surfactants Associated with Herbicide Applications in Rights-of-Way, February 2010
- Herbicide Evaluation Technical Update No. 1: Methods for Evaluation of Herbicides for Use in Sensitive Areas of Rights-of-Way, June 2010
- Herbicide Evaluation Technical Update No. 2: List of Approved Surfactants for Use in Sensitive Areas on Rights-of-Way, June 2010