Higher Education Bond Bill

The following briefs summarize the BRIGHT Act: An Act to Build Resilient Infrastructure to Generate Higher-Ed Transformation, filed by Governor Healey on January 21, 2025.

Policy Brief

The BRIGHT Act responds to urgent capital needs across the state's public higher education system, ensuring campuses can modernize facilities, accommodate student demand, and support economic and workforce development.

Higher Education Capital Working Group Final Report

Established in the FY25 General Appropriations Act, the Higher Education Capital Working Group assessed the capital needs of the state’s public higher education institutions and explored new funding sources to support transformational change. The group included representatives from the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, its Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, the University of Massachusetts, the State College and Community College systems, the UMass and State College building authorities, and legislative partners.

Campus Dashboards

To support the Working Group's mandate, the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance conducted a comprehensive assessment of capital funding needs across the public higher education system. The resulting dashboards provide institution-level insights, including gross square footage by use category, enrollment trends since 2010, a “shark” chart showing building age, research expenditures, and space utilization data.

Higher education Working Group Meeting Slides

Access presentation materials from the Higher Education Capital Working Group meetings, outlining key findings, funding strategies, and the path forward for public higher education investments. 

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