Acute Hospital Payments and Rates
The Massachusetts health care reform law specifies that hospital payments from the Health Safety Net Trust Fund be based upon the Medicare payment system and include all Medicare adjustments for direct and indirect graduate medical education, disproportionate share hospital and all other adjustments. The individual hospital rates differ due to these adjustments as well as each hospital's individual patient severity index (case-mix) for services provided to uninsured patients.
For a more detailed explanation of the rate calculation methods please refer to the final regulation 101 CMR 614.00: Health Safety Net Payments and Funding. Individual hospitals may log into the HSN's Web-based transaction system to obtain hospital specific detailed information to explain the calculation of rates.
The following are the rates paid by the Health Safety Net for acute hospital services:
- Health Safety Net Hospital Rates for FY21/FY22 (PDF) | (XLS)
- Health Safety Net Hospital Rates for FY20 (PDF) | (XLS)
Hospital Remittance Advices and Claim Denials
Remittance advices for Health Safety Net (HSN) claims are available on the HSN's web-based transaction system.
Remittance advices are payment-based responses to the "Pay To" organization as indicated by the Hospital Org ID used to submit 403 Cost Report data. Advices are based on adjudicated claims and paid visits. This information will be available on INET.
For questions regarding remittance advices or 837 filer registration, please call HSN's Help Desk at 800-609-7232 or email at