What you should know
Once we enter the medical information onto the certificate, the funeral director will add other information about the deceased onto the death certificate such as:
- Date of birth
- Marital status
- Occupation
- Address
- Any other relevant information
The closest legal living relative must provide this information when they meet with the funeral director.
The funeral director may obtain a burial permit and the death certificate will be electronically filed with the city or town clerk where the death occurred.
The funeral director will obtain a copy of the death certificate for the family.
Pending cause and manner of death
- After our examination of the deceased, the cause of death may not be immediately apparent.
- The medical examiner may require more testing, such as toxicology. The medical examiner may also request additional information, such as medical records or police reports.
- The additional testing will not delay the deceased's release from our office.
- A death certificate will still be filed, but the cause of death will be listed as pending.
- If you are the closest legal living relative, you may contact our office at (617) 267-6767 for additional information and assistance.
Contact for How death certificates are completed
Administrative Business Offices open M-F 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Administrative Business Offices open M-F 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Administrative Business Offices open M-F 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.