How to use the DMH Multicultural Resource Directory

An introduction and "how-to" for the DMH Multicultural Resource Directory

Table of Contents


The Department of Mental Health (DMH) is pleased to present the 2018 Multicultural Mental Health Resource Directory. Compiled by the Department’s Office of Race, Equity, and Inclusion with assistance from the DMH regional areas, this resource directory has been continually updated since its first publication in 1989.  The goal of this directory is to increase access to culturally and linguistically appropriate care and thereby support the elimination of health disparities. 

This directory contains information about organizations in Massachusetts that offer culturally and linguistically appropriate services for communities of color, LGBTQ community, deaf and hard of hearing community, immigrants, and refugees. We hope this directory will be utilized as a starting point in familiarizing users with available local and statewide resources. Users should contact the organizations directly to seek further information. Other resource guides produced by Department of Mental Health are available at

If you have any questions or comments about this directory, please contact the Office of Race, Equity, and Inclusion at (617) 626-8134 or by email at  Please keep in mind that this directory is not meant to be an exhaustive list of organizations, and new entries are always welcome. 


DMH Office of Race, Equity, and Inclusion


This directory is provided solely as a service to the user, and it contains information provided to DMH by the listed organizations or gathered from these organizations’ websites.  DMH has not independently verified the accuracy of the information provided by the organizations, nor does DMH recommend, endorse, or guarantee any of the listed organizations or their services.

DMH has not verified whether the organizations’ services are provided in accordance with applicable law.

This directory does not provide complete information regarding service fees or eligibility requirements.

Use of this directory, and the selection of any service or provider from it, is the sole responsibility of the user.

How to use this directory

Entries in this directory are organized based on the location of the organization within one of the five DMH regional areas.  Organizations with offices located in multiple DMH areas or that provide services statewide are listed in the Statewide Services section of this directory.  Websites containing mental health education materials in several languages are listed at the end of the Statewide Services section.

To find the cities and towns within each DMH area, please click on the following link to view the DMH Regional Coverage Map

Each entry in this resource directory includes the following information:


    • Includes the name, address, telephone number, and website of the organization 
    • Each website address is hyperlinked so clicking the link will bring you directly to the organization’s website if you are connected to the internet

    • Lists the services offered by the organization such as mental health services, cultural events, educational classes, and healthcare services

    • Languages listed are those that the organization has the capacity to provide some or all of its services in through bilingual staff and/or interpreter services


If you are using an electronic copy of this directory, you can search for specific services, languages, locations, and populations by pressing the “Ctrl” key and the “F” key at the same time then typing in a search term or keyword. This will allow you to search for specific words that appear in the directory. For example, you may search for words like “Spanish,” “LGBTQ,” “Peer Support,” “Substance Abuse,” or any other word to help narrow your search.


Great appreciation to all of the DMH staff members and Multicultural Advisory Committee members who contributed to this resource directory.

Also many thanks to the DMH interns who contacted organizations and gathered information to create this resource directory: Ayan Warfa, Julia Brackett, Wing Chau, Patrick Whalen, Katherine O'Brien, and Osato Egonmwan.

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