The Hybrid Programming for Councils on Aging Grant is a new $1.45 million program from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA). Funds are available to help Massachusetts Councils on Aging (COAs) expand access to high-quality hybrid (i.e., both in-person and virtual) programs for Massachusetts residents who are 60 years of age and older. That way, the same programming is available, accessible, and enjoyable for Older Adults who attend in‑person or virtually.
Each COA may be awarded up to $100,000. Two COAs applying together can request up to $200,000. Three or more COAs applying together can request up to $300,000.
Applicants should use funds to achieve one or more of the following objectives:
- Deliver high-quality virtual and in-person programming in which Older Adults attending in-person and virtually both have their needs met.
- Enhance programming to reach previously unserved or underserved Older Adults in their service area.
- Ensure the sustainability of the program after the grant period ends (March 2025).
Who can apply?
Applicants must be COAs located in Massachusetts and serving Massachusetts residents who are 60 years of age or older.
Multiple COAs or other additional agencies can partner on an application. In that case, the COA that will serve as the financial agent for the grant should submit only one application.
Priorities for Funding
EOEA will prioritize the following when awarding grants:
- COAs that serve Gateway Cities or Rural Communities in Massachusetts
- COAs that do not currently provide hybrid programming
- COAs with a plan to start grant activities within the first three months of receiving funding
- Applications that include synchronous programming (i.e., in-person and virtual programs delivered at the same time)
- Applications that limit indirect costs to less than 10% of the overall project budget
Eligible Activities
Applicants must use grant funds on at least one of the following activities or expenses:
- Purchasing technology or equipment to deliver high-quality hybrid programming
- Applications should focus on equipment for the COA. In addition, applications may include limited equipment to help Older Adults access hybrid programming.
- Hiring or training staff to manage hybrid programming
- This includes personnel (e.g., COA staff and interns) or third-party vendor(s) to provide technical assistance, assist with troubleshooting, or act as the in-room or online moderator for programming.
- Covering program-related expenses
- This may include but is not limited to: software or platform fees, presenter fees, program materials, or staff-travel within the COA’s service area to deliver program materials to Older Adults’ homes.
Grant funds can be used to supplement, but not supplant, existing Medicaid HCBS or any other state-funded initiatives.
Ineligible Expenses
Ineligible expenses include, but are not limited to:
- Internet, hot spots, or data plans for individuals who qualify for the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Affordable Connectivity Program
- Televisions
- Television subscription or streaming services (e.g., Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus)
- Smartphone, tablet, and internet app fees
- Copiers
- Scanners
- Printers
In addition to the above restrictions, grant funds must not overlap with any Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) waiver extension proposals or activities funded through a different Massachusetts Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Grant Program (such as the Enhancing Digital Literacy for Older Adults grant).
Expenses that occurred before the contract start date or after the contract end date will not be reimbursed.
EOEA may reject, in whole or in part, any applications that include ineligible expenses.
Helpful Resources
Interested applicants can attend a Bidder’s Conference on August 29, 2023 from 12:00–1:00 p.m. to learn more about the Hybrid Programming Technology Grant and ask any questions. Please email MAHCBSGRANTS@pcgus.com to receive information about the Bidder’s Conference.
You can also explore the following resources:
For questions about the grant program, please email MAHCBSGrants@pcgus.com. You must submit any questions before 5:00 p.m. on September 1, 2023.
Questions will not be answered individually. Answers to all submitted questions will be posted on COMMBUYS as an update to Attachment B (Hybrid Programming for Councils on Aging FAQ) before 5:00 p.m. on September 13, 2023.
You cannot make any changes to your grant application after it is submitted.