You can find information here on what the Interbasin Transfer Act is, how it works, and how it helps protect our water resources. You can also find information on new policies.
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 393.25 KB,
Interbasin Transfer Act 101-Everything You Always Wanted to Know!
(English, PDF 393.25 KB)
Open PDF file, 32.61 KB,
Pathway Through the Interbasin Transfer Act
(English, PDF 32.61 KB)
Open JPG file, 173.42 KB,
Map of Basins
(English, JPG 173.42 KB)
Contact for Interbasin Transfer Act General Information
Vanessa Curran - Assistant Director of the Office of Water Resources
Email DCR Office of Water Resources at vanessa.curran@mass.gov
State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Suite 6620, Boston, MA 02116