Jury Management Advisory Committee

The Jury Management Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the Supreme Judicial Court and consists of six members, one of whom is appointed as chairman.

The chairperson and committee members are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court from the justices of any trial or appellate court of the Commonwealth. The committee assists and counsels the Chief Justice and the Supreme Judicial Court in supervising the Office of Jury Commissioner, and assists and counsels the Office of Jury Commissioner in implementing the statutory responsibilities specified in Massachusetts General Law Chapter 234A.

Committee Members

Three year terms. Membership as of August 2024

Honorable Sarah W. Ellis, Chair
Honorable David J. Breen
Honorable Mark C. Gildea
Honorable Jane E. Mulqueen
Honorable David B. Paradis
Honorable Michael A. Vitali

Pamela J. Wood, Jury Commissioner
Christine P. Burak, Legal Counsel, Supreme Judicial Court

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