The goal of these programs is to provide public water suppliers (PWSs) with the resources to replace Lead Service Lines (LSLs). 0% interest loans for construction projects provide deeply discounted funding for the full removal of LSLs.
The planning grant program assists PWSs with complying with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). The program offers grants for projects completing these activities.
Additionally, MassDEP will offer direct technical assistance for Community and Non-Transient, Non-Community PWSs serving less than 10,000 persons.
0% Interest Loans for LSL Construction Projects
The Trust and MassDEP are excited to announce 0% interest rate loans for LSL construction projects. 0% percent interest rate loans offer communities substantial savings on construction projects that remediate lead, a critical action in mitigating lead exposure and protecting public health. The Trust offers additional loan forgiveness to Environmentally Disadvantaged Community for lead mitigation projects. See details below.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply, please complete the application found on MassDEP’s website.
Environmentally Disadvantaged Community
To better support all communities within the Commonwealth, MassDEP and the Trust introduced the Environmentally Disadvantaged Community (EDC) designation. This new designation only applies to DWSRF projects and is on a project-to-project basis. An EDC is specified as a PWS that has lead in the water supply and/or lead service lines in the system. Funds for these projects are limited to the funding provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – Lead Service Line grant and was retroactively applied to projects on the calendar year 2022 and 2023 IUPs. Projects with this designation were not eligible to receive additional subsidy under the Disadvantaged Community designation.
State Revolving Fund (SRF) Grant
The Trust, in partnership with MassDEP, is offering grants while funding is available, for activities assisting PWSs to complete planning projects for LSL inventories and for the development of LSL replacement plans.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and more information is available on MassDEP’s website.
The LSL Planning Program grants will follow all SRF requirements but on an expedited, two-year schedule from the date the project is approved to project completion. Participating PWSs receiving federal funds are responsible for the reporting requirements associated with those funds.
Please review the Trust's Grant Agreement for further information and the Additional Subsidy as a Grant guidance document from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Technical Assistance for Small Community Water Systems and Non-Transient, Non-Community Systems
An alternative to the SRF grant, for PWSs serving a population of less than 10,000, MassDEP will use $1.3 million of the set-asides from the DWSRF LSL Grant to contract with a qualified technical assistance provider to work with the PWS to complete the eligible planning projects detailed below.
The program will be managed and operated by the MassDEP Bureau of Water Resources, Drinking Water Program. Application information is available on MassDEP's webpage. All small systems have the option of applying for the Lead Service Line Planning Grant Program through the SRF program described above.
Additional Resources
Lead Service Line Inventory
One of the eligible planning activities includes completing a comprehensive LSL inventory for both public and private LSLs which is made publicly available by MassDEP. The inventory must be reported in a fully electronic format specified by MassDEP or in an alternate format approved by MassDEP that can be readily compiled into their system. For more information, visit the below links:
- LCRR Lead Service Line Inventories: An Infographic
- Getting Ready for the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions: Lead Service Line Inventories
- Massachusetts Lead Service Line Identification (MA-LSLI) Web App
- Instructions for use of the Mass Lead Service Line Identification (MA-LSLI) Web App
LSL Replacement Program
In addition to the LSL inventory, preparing an LSL replacement program for the PWS that complies with LCRRs is considered an eligible planning activity. PWSs LSL removal plans must incorporate the MassDEP goal of protecting public health by planning to remove all lead service lines in five (5) years.
Tableau Visualization Map of Current Lead Service Line Grant Projects
About the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions
In 1991, the United States EPA promulgated regulations known as the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) under the authority of the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act. The LCR protects public health by regulating water suppliers on how to treat and control lead. Finalized in 2021, the LCRRs require all PWSs to complete a full inventory of service lines connected to its distribution system, regardless of if they are owned or controlled by the water system by October 16, 2024. The results of the LSL inventory must be accessible to the public. PWSs must also submit a plan to MassDEP by the October 2024 deadline detailing how the PWS will prioritize, fund, and fully remove LSLs connected to its distribution system.
Glossary of Terms
- LCRR - Lead and Copper Rule Revisions
- LSL - Lead Service Line
- MassDEP- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
- PWS - Public Water Supplier
- DWSRF - Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
- WIFTA - Water Infrastructure Funding Transfer Act
Contact for Lead Service Line Replacement Program
Date published: | June 7, 2022 |