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The Supplier Diversity Office manages programs that provide opportunities to its network of small and/or diverse firms.

What are the benefits to SDO program participation?

The SDO hosts networking events several times a year to help its network of companies sell their goods and services to potential customers. It also oversees several programs that make these companies more marketable to state buyers.

Through the Supplier Diversity Program (SDP), the SDO sets benchmark spending goals for state agency buyers to purchase non-construction goods and services from SDO-certified minority-, women-, and veteran-owned firms. The SDP also requires prime vendors holding large contracts (greater than $250,000) with the state to buy goods and services from SDO’s network of certified firms.

Similarly, the Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP) sets a spending goal for state purchases from SBPP members who are registered for the program in COMMBUYS. The SBPP also provides advantages for members bidding on small state contracts.

The Municipal Construction Affirmative Marketing Program ensures minority- and women- owned firms participate fairly on state-funded public construction projects.

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