Certification Program for SDO

The Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) certifies diverse and small businesses that are interested in public and private business opportunities in Massachusetts.

The Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) has a long tradition of service to minority and women owned businesses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The SDO is responsible for conducting investigations of certification applications from businesses that meet certain criteria. The SDO currently certifies certain diverse business categories (Minority (MBE), Women (WBE), Portuguese (PBE) and Veteran (VBE) businesses) inhouse and has agreements with third-party organizations that certify these same categories and others that certify other business categories (Service-Disabled Veteran (SDVOBE), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTBE) and Disability-Owned (DOBE) businesses), all of which must meet certain certification criteria. SDO certification is a marketing tool used to enhance a firm's ability to do business in public and private markets. Although certification does not guarantee that a business will be successful every time it bids, it may add a competitive edge to firms seeking contracts with the government.

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