COVID-19 Effect Message for Supplier Diversity Clients
RENEWAL – Every three years
As of July 01, 2019, our certification renewal process migrated to an online process and renewal documents may be uploaded through the SDO portal. If you need assistance creating an SDO portal account, please send a request to
Your SDO certification letter automatically expires three years from the date indicated in your original certification letter and your company no longer will appear in our SDO directory unless the certification is renewed or recertified on or before that date.
Each company will receive a reminder letter and a “No Change Affidavit Form” via email (30) days prior to the expiration date. During the COVID-19 MA-State of Emergency, the notarization requirement of the affidavit is waived and has been replaced with a “COVID-19-Renewal Attestation Form.” Please complete and submit both forms as one PDF. Additional documents that need to be submitted for renewal will be indicated in the reminder letter.
CHANGES IN CIRCUMSTANCE (Structure/Ownership/Control )
You have a continuing responsibility to notify Supplier Diversity Office of a change in any information that is relevant to your company's certification eligibility and to ensure that the information and documentation relied upon by SDO to certify or to maintain the certification of your business enterprise is accurate, complete, and not misleading.
You are required to notify of any change of such information or documentation within (30) calendar days of the change. By way of example and not limitation, any change in ownership, control, ongoing, or independence may be considered material. Failure to abide by the continuing duty requirements shall constitute grounds for the business entity’s decertification.
If you no longer wish to remain certified or your company no longer is in business, you must submit an email notification to indicating that you would like the certification to be withdrawn.
If your business has been decertified for more than one year, you must reapply for certification. The first step in re-applying is to register and attend a pre-certification workshop (only for businesses headquartered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts). If you are an out-of-state applicant you must view the Out-of-State Webcast.
If your company has been decertified for less than one year, send an email request to reopen the certification to:
The contact information listed in SDO’s Directory of Certified Businesses is updated daily and must have accurate information. To update any of the contact information, i.e. address, telephone, fax, email, or website address, please log into your SDO portal account and update the information under “Change my SDO Profile.”
If do not have an account, please send an email to indicating that you need to create an SDO portal account.
If the legal name or address of the company has changed, you must submit a statement describing the changes on company letterhead and signed by the owner(s) via email. Then, log into your SDO portal account and under “Document Center,” upload 1.) the statement and 2.) W-9 form with all pertinent company name change information.
To update your certified description, you must request the change via email. The request should include the current description and the new description being requested. Requests may be sent via email to
Once the request is received, the file will be placed in an Administrative Review Queue for assignment to an investigator for further review.
All Federal Tax Returns (personal or business) must include a complete, signed or e-file copy with all schedules and attachments. If you file a joint tax return with your spouse, you may remove/erase the social security number(s) of the non-certified person(s) including any dependents.
Certified companies that wish to remain certified must undergo a substantive review of their certification status with an SDO certification specialist who will re-evaluate the company to determine whether it continues to meet the applicable certification criteria. You will be notified when your company becomes due for substantive review. You will need to submit the applicable recertification application and all required information and documentation to the SDO no later than forty-five (45) business days prior to the date of certification expiration (i.e., the recertification date). At that time, a certification specialist will be assigned to evaluate your company and will make a report and recommendation to the Certification Committee (CC) advising if your company continues to meet the applicable certification criteria.