Learn about the Massachusetts Court Improvement Program (MassCIP)

MassCIP is dedicated to helping children in child welfare situations.

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About MassCIP

The Massachusetts Court Improvement Program (MassCIP) encourages and supports systemic improvements, program initiatives, and ongoing training designed to lead to better outcomes for children involved in child welfare cases in Massachusetts. MassCIP accomplishes these goals through close collaboration with key Massachusetts child welfare stakeholders, including the Juvenile Court, the Probate and Family Court, the Department of Children and Families, and the Committee for Public Counsel Services. Administered by the Supreme Judicial Court, this federally funded program is supported by 3 separate, targeted grants.

The Basic Grant supports initiatives designed to improve positive outcomes for children and families. The Data Grant facilitates data collection and analysis, and promotes data sharing between state courts and child welfare agencies, which informs continuous quality improvement. The Training Grant funds initiatives designed to increase child welfare expertise within the legal community. The grant provides cross training opportunities among agencies, courts, and other key stakeholders.

See Massachusetts Court Improvement Program resources to find more information about the program and multilingual resources for families.

Contact   for Learn about the Massachusetts Court Improvement Program (MassCIP)


Supreme Judicial Court, One Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108

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