Marine Oil Spill Prevention & Response Grant Program

Find Information on MassDEP's grant program to support projects that enhance oil spill prevention and response activities.

Overview of MOSPRA Grant Program

In 2003, the barge B-120 grounded at the entrance to Buzzards Bay.   In response to that grounding and subsequent oil spill, the Massachusetts Legislature enacted Chapter 251, Acts of 2004, An Act Relative to Oil Spill Prevention and Response in Buzzards Bay and Other Harbors and Bays of the Commonwealth (also known as the Massachusetts Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act or MOSPRA or simply the Oil Spill Act), on August 4, 2004.

A key element of the Act is a Trust Fund managed by MassDEP to ensure that the Massachusetts coastline is protected from oil spills, via spill prevention and response efforts and programs that include: (a) improvements to vessel navigational systems and infrastructure; (b) development of spill response plans for local, regional, and/or state responders; (c) procurement and maintenance of spill response equipment for local, regional, and/or state responders; (d) development and implementation of spill response drills and exercises; and (e) implementation of spill prevention/response research efforts.

In 2020, MassDEP initiated a grant program to fund projects that will enhance the protection of the Massachusetts coastline in accordance with the Oil Spill Act and M.G.L. Chapter 21M. 

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2023 MOSPRA Grant Information

This is the second MOSPRA grant opportunity. The first round of grants was made available in the fall of 2020.  Under the 2023 grant, MassDEP anticipates funding multiple grant proposals of up to $75,000 each for projects that strengthen spill prevention measures and/or increase spill response capabilities and demonstrate a community benefit.

Please see the How to Apply section below to find detailed information on eligibility, required submittals, the grant calendar, etc.  In addition, the description of funded projects under the MOSPRA Program's 2020 Grant is included for informational purposes.

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Eligible Projects for 2023 Grant Program

Eligible projects are those which advance the goals of the Massachusetts Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act, including those that prevent oil spills (e.g., navigational aids), enhance response to spills (planning/training), or increase our understanding of oil spills and their short- and long-term effects.  Projects must be based/implemented in Massachusetts.

Examples of potentially eligible projects:

  • preparedness training, 
  • spill prevention systems and/or equipment,
  • vessel navigational safety improvements,
  • identifying and mitigating risks,
  • sensitive area data management and mapping,
  • geographic response plans,
  • research projects,
  • wildlife rehabilitation training,
  • spill detection equipment, and
  • research & improvements on climate change resiliency in oil & hazardous materials marine transportation and/or storage.

During this grant cycle, MassDEP is not planning to fund response equipment (such as response trailers, deployment equipment such as boats, boom/other spill containment supplies, etc.).  MassDEP may include response equipment grants in future grant cycles.

How to Apply

The Marine Oil Spill Prevention & Response Act (MOSPRA) Program Grant Announcement (BWSC-NOI-2023-MOSPRA GRANT) and MOSPRA Grant Application (BWSC-NOI-2023-MOSPRA GRANT APPLICATION) became available on November 1, 2023 and are provided below under “Additional Resources.”  The MOSPRA Grant Announcement includes the eligibility guidelines, schedule for the grant process, and required application submittals.  The MOSPRA Program Grant Application deadline is December 15, 2023 at 4 pm.  

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