Market Resources

Aggregators, Retail Suppliers, and Brokers


Owners of solar PV systems of any size may seek qualification for the RPS Solar Carve-Out, establish accounts on the NEPOOL GIS, and actively participate in the marketing and selling of SRECs. However, Owners may find it easier to become part of an Aggregation, which represents a number of PV systems and Owners, provides qualification from DOER, establishes an Account at NEPOOL GIS, and markets and sells its members' SRECs. DOER encourages Generation Units of all sizes to take advantage of Aggregations; however, each Owner should be aware of and carefully consider the Aggregation's contract terms and fees.

An Aggregation can only be composed of solar PV projects that are eligible for the RPS Solar Carve-Out.

DOER does not recommend individual Aggregators.

Aggregations are qualified by DOER when they receive a Statement of Qualification after positive review of their Statement of Qualification Application which contains the initial set of one or more individual projects forming the Aggregation. After receiving the Statement of Qualification, the qualified Aggregation can add additional projects to their Aggregation.

NOTE: While DOER no longer accepts new applications for Solar Carve-Out Generation Units, already qualified projects are free to transfer their Statement of Qualification to or from an Aggregation. For more details on this process, please contact DOER at

Companies that are looking to aggregate projects, but have not yet received a Statement of Qualification are also eligible to be listed by DOER. If you wish to be listed as such a company, please provide your contact information to .

List of qualified Aggregators and companies that offer Aggregation services - updated August 14, 2023

Retail Electric Suppliers

List of Retail Electric Suppliers   

This list of Retail Electricity Suppliers is based on DOER's current processing of 2012 RPS Compliance Filings. Any changes to this list based on the finalization of the compliance review will be reflected on this list. If any retail electric supplier with a MA RPS obligation would like to be otherwise listed, please contact DOER at .


List of Traders/Brokers  - updated November 30, 2017

If you wish to be listed by DOER as such a company, please provide your contact information .

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