Click on the common name for a fact sheet outlining the description, habitat, threats, life history, etc. for that species.
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Globally Rare |
Federal List |
State Rank |
Other Concerns/ |
SWAP Habitats |
Acipenser brevirostrum |
G3 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Acipenser oxyrinchus |
G3 |
LE, LT |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Alosa aestivalis |
G3G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Alosa pseudoharengus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Marine & Estuarine Habitats Lakes & Ponds |
Alosa sapidissima |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Anguilla rostrata |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Marine & Estuarine Habitats Lakes & Ponds |
Catostomus catostomus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Catostomus commersoni |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S5 |
Not everywhere it should be expected; downward trend; issues of connectivity |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Lakes & Ponds |
Chrosomus eos |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Small Streams |
Cottus cognatus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high Host to federally and state Endangered Dwarf Wedgemussel |
Small Streams |
Couesius plumbeus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Enneacanthus obesus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Lakes & Ponds |
Erimyzon oblongus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
low population numbers; impacted range-wide |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Etheostoma fusiforme |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Lakes & Ponds |
Etheostoma olmstedi |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
Host to federally and state Endangered Dwarf Wedgemussel |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Fundulus luciae |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Salt Marsh Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Gasterosteus aculeatus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
T |
S4 |
Only the trimorphic freshwater population is listed under MESA and therefore a SGCN. |
Lakes & Ponds |
Hybognathus regius |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – low |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Lethenteron appendix |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Small Streams |
Lota lota |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Luxilus cornutus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Lakes & Ponds |
Notropis bifrenatus |
G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Lakes & Ponds Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Petromyzon marinus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Rhinichthys atratulus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S5 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Rhinichthys cataractae |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S5 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Salmo salar |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Salvelinus fontinalis |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Semotilus atromaculatus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Semotilus corporalis |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – low |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank |
Other Concerns/ |
SWAP Habitats |
Ambystoma jeffersonianum |
G4 |
-- |
X (as a complex) |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Vernal Pools |
Ambystoma laterale |
G5 |
-- |
X (as a complex) |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Vernal Pools |
Ambystoma opacum |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Vernal Pools |
Lithobates pipiens |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Lakes & Ponds Small Streams Peatlands Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Scaphiopus holbrookii |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Vernal Pools |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Globally Rare |
Federal List |
State Rank |
Other Concerns/ |
SWAP Habitats |
Agkistrodon contortrix |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Caretta caretta |
G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S1N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Carphophis amoenus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
T |
S1S2 |
Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Chelonia mydas |
G3 |
LE, LT |
X |
NA |
T |
S1N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Clemmys guttata |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Vernal Pools Shrub Swamps Forested Swamps Large Unfragmented Landscape Mosaics |
Coluber constrictor |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4S5 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Young Forest & Shrublands Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Crotalus horridus |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Dermochelys coriacea |
G2 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1S2N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Emydoidea blandingii |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Vernal Pools Shrub Swamps Large Unfragmented Landscape Mosaics |
Eretmochelys imbricata |
G3 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Glyptemys insculpta |
G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams Riparian Forest |
Glyptemys muhlenbergii |
G3 |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Shrub Swamps Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Heterodon platirhinos |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Grasslands Young Forests & Shrublands |
Lepidochelys kempii |
G1 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Malaclemys terrapin |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Salt Marsh Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Opheodrys vernalis |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high Synonym: Liochlorophis vernalis |
Grasslands Marshes & Wet Meadows Young Forests & Shrublands |
Pantherophis alleghaniensis |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Young Forests & Shrublands Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Pseudemys rubriventris |
G5T2Q |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Lakes & Ponds Coastal Plain Ponds |
Terrapene carolina |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Thamnophis sauritus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4S5 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Lakes & Ponds Small Streams Peatlands Forested Swamps Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Accipiter gentilis |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 16 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed local and likely declining |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Ammodramus caudacutus |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3B |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high PIF Watch List Species |
Salt Marsh |
Ammodramus maritimus |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high PIF Watch List Species |
Salt Marsh |
Ammodramus savannarum |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S3B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Grasslands |
Anas discors |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S2B, S5M |
Lakes & Ponds Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Anas rubripes |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4B, S5N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats Shrub Swamps Forested Swamps Lakes & Ponds Salt Marsh Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Antrostomus vociferus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S2S3, S3N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Young Forests & Shrublands |
Ardea alba |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S2B, S4N |
Increasing in numbers, but still only a few breeding colonies |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Salt Marsh |
Arenaria interpres |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Asio flammeus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1B, S3N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Grasslands Salt Marsh |
Asio otus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S1B, S2N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Grasslands Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Bartramia longicauda |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1B, S1N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Grasslands |
Bonasa umbellus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Botaurus lentiginosus |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S2B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Peatlands |
Buteo platypterus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5B, S5N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Shrub Swamps Forested Swamps |
Calidris alba |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Calidris canutus |
G4 |
LT |
X |
NA |
T |
S2N |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Shorebird Plan |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Calidris maritima |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Rocky Coastlines |
Calidris pusilla |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Calonectris diomedea |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S3N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Cardellina canadensis |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Synonym: Wilsonia canadensis MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 116 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed local and strongly declining |
Forested Swamps Riparian Forest |
Chaetura pelagica |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high MA Breeding Bird Atlas says very widespread and stable, but Breeding Bird Survey data say it is decreasing, both regionally and in MA |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Young Forest & Shrublands Grasslands |
Charadrius melodus |
G3 |
LE, LT |
X |
NA |
T |
S2B |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Shorebird Plan |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Chordeiles minor |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2B, S5M |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 34 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed very local and strongly declining |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Circus hudsonius formerly Circus cyaneus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S2B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Grasslands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Cistothorus palustris |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2S3B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Cistothorus platensis |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1B, S1N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Clangula hyemalis |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S5N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats Rocky Coastlines |
Coccyzus erythropthalmus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 71 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed somewhat local and likely declining |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Colinus virginianus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 224 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed local and strongly declining |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Grasslands Young Forests & Shrublands |
Contopus cooperi |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
SHB, S2N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 8 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed very local and strongly declining |
Peatlands |
Dolichonyx oryzivorus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas says fairly widespread and likely increasing, but Breeding Bird Survey data say it is declining regionally |
Grasslands |
Egretta thula |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan Only a few breeding colonies |
Salt Marsh Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Eremophila alpestris |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 35 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed local and strongly declining |
Grasslands Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Euphagus carolinus |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S1?B, S3N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high PIF Watch List Species |
Forested Swamps |
Falco peregrinus |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S2B, S3N |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Falco sparverius |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 289 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed somewhat local and strongly declining |
Grasslands Young Forests & Shrublands |
Fratercula arctica |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S2N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Gallinago delicata |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S1S2B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high BBS NE/MATL (NA); MA (8.9,10.9); MA Breeding Bird Atlas says local and likely increasing; also increasing on MA Breeding Bird Survey routes, but habitat is still very limited |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Gallinula galeata |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S1B, S1N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Gavia immer |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S2B, S5N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Lakes & Ponds |
Gavia stellata |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4N |
Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Geothlypis philadelphia |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
SC |
S2B, S2N |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Haematopus palliatus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Shorebird Plan |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Haemorhous purpureus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 227 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed fairly widespread and strongly declining |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
T |
S2B, S3N |
Lakes & Ponds Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Histrionicus histrionicus |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Rocky Coastlines |
Hylocichla mustelina |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5B |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high PIF Watch List Species MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 30 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed very widespread and likely declining |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Ixobrychus exilis |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1S2B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Larus argentatus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S3S4B, S5N |
Only a few breeding colonies |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats Salt Marsh |
Larus atricilla |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S2B |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats Salt Marsh |
Larus marinus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S3S4B, S5N |
Only a few breeding colonies |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats Salt Marsh |
Limnodromus griseus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4N |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Mniotilta varia |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 52 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed very widespread and likely declining |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Morus bassanus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S5N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Numenius borealis |
GH |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SX |
Highest priority Shorebird Plan |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Numenius phaeopus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Shorebird Plan |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Nycticorax nycticorax |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan Only a few breeding colonies |
Salt Marsh Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Oceanodroma leucorhoa |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1B, S4N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Oreothlypis ruficapilla |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4B |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Parkesia motacilla |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high PIF Stewardship Species Synonym: Seiurus motacilla |
Small Streams Riparian Forest |
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S2B |
MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 64 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed local and strongly declining |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Phalacrocorax auritus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S3B, S5N |
Only a few breeding colonies |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats Lakes & Ponds |
Phalaropus fulicarius |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Phalaropus lobatus |
G4G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Pipilo erythrophthalmus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high PIF Stewardship Species MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 30 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed nearly ubiquitous and likely declining |
Young Forests & Shrublands Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Piranga olivacea |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5B |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Plegadis falcinellus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S2B |
Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Salt Marsh |
Podilymbus podiceps |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Lakes & Ponds |
Pooecetes gramineus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S1S2B, S3N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Grasslands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Porzana carolina |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2S3B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Progne subis |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S1B |
MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 14 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed very local and strongly declining |
Grasslands Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Puffinus griseus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S5N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Puffinus puffinus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SXB, S3S4N |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Rallus elegans |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S1B, S1N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Riparia riparia |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 57 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed somewhat local and strongly declining |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Scolopax minor |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Shorebird Plan |
Grasslands Young Forests & Shrublands Shrub Swamps |
Setophaga americana |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S1B, S4M |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Forested Swamps Riparian Forest |
Setophaga cerulea |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S1B, S2M |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high PIF Watch List Species |
Riparian Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Setophaga discolor |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high PIF Watch List Species Synonym: Dendroica discolor |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Young Forests & Shrublands |
Setophaga pensylvanica |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S5B |
MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 31 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed widespread and likely declining |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Setophaga striata |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
SC |
S1B, S5M |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Somateria mollissima |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2B, S5N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Rocky Coastlines |
Spizella pusilla |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 69 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed widespread and likely declining |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Sterna dougallii |
G4T3 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S2B, S3N |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Salt Marsh Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Sterna hirundo |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S3B, S4N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Salt Marsh Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Sterna paradisaea |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S1B, S1S2N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Salt Marsh Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Sternula antillarum |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S2B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high Highest priority Waterbird Plan |
Salt Marsh Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Sturnella magna |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 316 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed local and strongly declining |
Grasslands Salt Marsh |
Toxostoma rufum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high PIF Stewardship Species MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 265 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed fairly widespread and strongly declining |
Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Young Forests & Shrublands |
Tringa semipalmata |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3B, S3N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high MA Breeding Bird Atlas deems it local and strongly increasing |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Salt Marsh |
Tyto alba |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S2B, S2N |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Grasslands Salt Marsh |
Vermivora chrysoptera |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high PIF Watch List Species |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Vermivora cyanoptera |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3S4B |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high PIF Watch List Species |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Zonotrichia albicollis |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S5 |
PIF Stewardship Species MA Breeding Bird Atlas: down 182 blocks since 1974-1979, deemed local and strongly declining |
Young Forests & Shrublands Peatlands Forested Swamps |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Alces americanus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
Large Unfragmented Landscape Mosaics Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Balaenoptera borealis |
G3 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Balaenoptera musculus |
G3G4 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Balaenoptera physalus |
G3G4 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Eptesicus fuscus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S5 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Springs, Caves & Mines |
Eubalaena glacialis |
G1 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Glaucomys sabrinus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S2? |
Steep decline in past 40 years; associated with boreal forests |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Lasionycteris noctivagans |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3M |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Lasiurus borealis |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3M |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Lasiurus cinereus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2B |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Lynx rufus |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Large Unfragmented Landscape Mosaics Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
G4 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Myotis leibii |
formerly Small-footed Myotis |
G1G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Springs, Caves & Mines |
Myotis lucifugus |
formerly Little Brown Myotis |
G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S5 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Springs, Caves & Mines |
Myotis septentrionalis |
G2G3 |
LT |
X |
NA |
E |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Springs, Caves & Mines |
Myotis sodalis |
formerly Indiana Myotis |
G2 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
SH |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Springs, Caves & Mines |
Perimyotis subflavus |
G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Springs, Caves & Mines |
Physeter macrocephalus |
G3G4 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Marine & Estuarine Habitats |
Sorex dispar |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Sorex palustris |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Vernal Pools Lakes & Ponds Forested Swamps |
Sylvilagus transitionalis |
G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Young Forests & Shrublands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Forested Swamp Shrub Swamp |
Synaptomys cooperi |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – very high |
Peatlands Grasslands Young Forests & Shrublands |
Ursus americanus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
Large Unfragmented Landscape Mosaics Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Click on the common name for a fact sheet outlining the description, habitat, threats, life history, etc. for that species.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Spongilla aspinosa |
G2G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2? |
Lakes & Ponds |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Seidlia remota |
G1 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
SH |
Proposed to go from E to SC. This name will be proposed; current name is Polycelis remota |
Springs, Caves & Mines |
Segmented Worms
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Macrobdella sestertia |
G2 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
SH |
Lakes & Ponds |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Floridobia winkleyi |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1 |
Salt Marsh |
Littoridinops tenuipes |
Henscomb Hydrobe |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1 |
Salt Marsh |
Marstonia lustrica |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Pomatiopsis lapidaria |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Small Streams Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Valvata sincera |
formerly Boreal Turret Snail |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
SH |
Lakes & Ponds |
Freshwater Mussels
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Alasmidonta heterodon |
G1G2 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Alasmidonta undulata |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Lakes & Ponds Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Coastal Plain Ponds |
Alasmidonta varicosa |
G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Anodonta implicata |
G5 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
SU |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams Lakes & Ponds Coastal Plain Ponds |
Lampsilis cariosa |
G3G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Lampsilis radiata |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S4 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – moderate |
Connecticut and Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams Lakes & Ponds Coastal Plain Ponds |
Leptodea ochracea |
G3G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Lakes & Ponds Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Coastal Plain Ponds |
Ligumia nasuta |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Lakes & Ponds Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Coastal Plain Ponds |
Margaritifera margaritifera |
G4 |
-- |
X |
NA |
-- |
SU |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams |
Strophitus undulatus |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Cambarus bartonii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
S2 |
Small Streams |
Eubranchipus intricatus |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1 |
Vernal Pools |
Eulimnadia agassizii |
G1G2 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Vernal Pools |
Gammarus pseudolimnaeus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2 |
Springs, Caves & Mines |
Limnadia lenticularis |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1 |
Vernal Pools |
Stygobromus borealis |
G2G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Springs, Caves & Mines |
Stygobromus tenuis |
G4T4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1 |
Springs, Caves & Mines |
Synurella chamberlaini |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1 |
Forested Swamps |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Aeshna subarctica |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Peatlands |
Anax longipes |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
S2S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds Lakes & Ponds |
Boyeria grafiana |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Small Streams Riparian Forest |
Hylogomphus abbreviatus formerly Gomphus abbreviatus |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Riparian Forest |
Phanogomphus descriptus formerly Gomphus descriptus |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S2 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Riparian Forest |
Gomphurus fraternus formerly Gomphus fraternus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Riparian Forest |
Phanogomphus quadricolor formerly Gomphus quadricolor |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S2 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Riparian Forest |
Gomphus vastus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Riparian Forest |
Gomphurus ventricosus formerly Gomphus ventricosus |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Riparian Forest |
Neurocordulia obsoleta |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
Lakes & Ponds Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Riparian Forest |
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Riparian Forest |
Ophiogomphus aspersus |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Riparian Forest |
Ophiogomphus carolus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Riparian Forest |
Rhionaeschna mutata |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
S3 |
Vernal Pools Lakes & Ponds Coastal Plain Ponds |
Somatochlora elongata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Small Streams Riparian Forest |
Somatochlora forcipata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Small Streams Riparian Forest Peatlands |
Somatochlora georgiana |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Small Streams Riparian Forest Peatlands |
Somatochlora incurvata |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Peatlands |
Somatochlora kennedyi |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Small Streams Riparian Forest Peatlands |
Somatochlora linearis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2 |
Small Streams Riparian Forest |
Stylurus amnicola |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S2 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Riparian Forest |
Williamsonia fletcheri |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1S2 |
Peatlands |
Williamsonia lintneri |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
Peatlands |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Enallagma carunculatum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Enallagma daeckii |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Enallagma pictum |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Plain Ponds Lakes & Ponds |
Enallagma recurvatum |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds Lakes & Ponds |
Beetles (Coleoptera)
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Cicindela dorsalis |
G3G4T2 |
LT |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Cicindela duodecimguttata |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Cicindela limbalis |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
SC |
S1 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Cicindela marginipennis |
G2 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Cicindela patruela |
G3 |
-- |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – low RSGCN concern – high |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Cicindela puritana |
G1G2 |
LT |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Cicindela purpurea |
G5 |
-- |
-- |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Grasslands |
Cicindela rufiventris hentzii |
G5T2 |
-- |
X |
NA |
T |
S2 |
RSGCN responsibility – high RSGCN concern – very high |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Nicrophorus americanus |
G2G3 |
LE |
X |
NA |
E |
S1 |
RSGCN responsibility – not determined RSGCN concern – not determined |
Grasslands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera)
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Abagrotis benjamini formerly Abagrotis nefascia |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
Grasslands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Acronicta albarufa |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Apamea inebriata |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Peatlands Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Apodrepanulatrix liberaria |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1S2 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Callophrys hesseli |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Peatlands Forested Swamps |
Callophrys irus |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Grasslands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Callophrys lanoraieensis |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S1 |
Peatlands Forested Swamps |
Catocala herodias formerly Catocala herodias gerhardi |
G3T3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Catocala pretiosa pretiosa |
Precious Underwing Moth |
G4T2 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Shrub Swamps Forested Swamps |
Chaetaglaea cerata |
Waxed Sallow Moth |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Cicinnus melsheimeri |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Cingilia catenaria |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Peatlands Shrub Swamps Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Cycnia collaris formerly Cycnia inopinatus |
formerly Unexpected Cycnia |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2 |
Grasslands |
Dargida rubripennis |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S1S2 |
Grasslands |
Eacles imperialis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S1 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Erora laeta |
GU |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Erynnis persius |
G5T1T3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Euchlaena madusaria |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Grasslands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Euphyes dion |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Apantesis phyllira formerly Grammia phyllira |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Hemaris gracilis |
Slender Clearwing Sphinx Moth |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Peatlands Shrub Swamps Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/ Talus Slopes |
Hemileuca maia |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Heterocampa varia |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S1S2 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Grasslands |
Hypomecis buchholzaria |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Lithophane viridipallens |
Pale Green Pinion Moth |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1S3 |
Shrub Swamps Forested Swamps |
Lycia rachelae |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Lycia ypsilon |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S1 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Metarranthis apiciaria |
G1G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Metarranthis pilosaria |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Peatlands Shrub Swamps |
Neoligia semicana |
G2G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S1S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Salt Marsh |
Papaipema appassionata |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
Peatlands |
Papaipema sp. 2 |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Riparian Forest |
Papaipema stenocelis |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
Peatlands Shrub Swamps |
Papaipema sulphurata |
G2 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2 |
Lakes & Ponds Small Streams Shrub Swamps |
Photedes inops |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Salt Marsh |
Pieris oleracea |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2 |
Forested Swamps Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Psectraglaea carnosa |
Pink Sallow Moth |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Ptichodis bistrigata |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S1S2 |
Grasslands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Pyrrhia aurantiago |
Orange Sallow Moth |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S3 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Speranza exonerata |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Stenoporpia polygrammaria |
Faded Gray Geometer |
GU |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S1 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Sympistis riparia |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Zale lunifera |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
SC |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Zanclognatha martha |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
T |
S2S3 |
Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Anthophora walshii |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
Grasslands |
Bombus affinis |
G1 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
SH |
Bombus fervidus |
G4? |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
Bombus pensylvanicus |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
Bombus terricola |
G2G4 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
Epeoloides pilosula |
G1 |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
Extremely rare parasite on Lysimachia specialist bees |
Young Forests & Shrublands Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Macropis ciliata |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
Grasslands |
Macropis nuda |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
Grasslands |
Macropis patellata |
-- |
NA |
NA |
-- |
Grasslands |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Globally Rare | Federal List | RSGCN | NEPCoP | MESA | State Rank | Other Concerns/ Comments |
SWAP Habitats |
Actaea racemosa |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Adlumia fungosa |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Agalinis acuta |
G1 |
LE |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Agastache scrophulariifolia |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Ageratina aromatica |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Agrimonia parviflora |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Riparian Forest |
Agrimonia pubescens |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Alnus viridis ssp. crispa |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S2 |
Proposed to go from T to SC |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Amaranthus pumilus |
G2 |
LT |
NA |
4 |
-- |
SH |
Coastal Dunes, Beaches & Small Islands |
Amelanchier bartramiana |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Shrub Swamps |
Amelanchier sanguinea |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Amphicarpum amphicarpon |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Aplectrum hyemale |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Arabidopsis lyrata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Arceuthobium pusillum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Peatlands |
Arethusa bulbosa |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
3(a) |
T |
S2 |
Peatlands |
Arisaema dracontium |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Riparian Forest |
Aristida purpurascens |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
T |
S2 |
Grasslands Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Aristida tuberculosa |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Asclepias purpurascens |
G5? |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Asclepias verticillata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Asplenium montanum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Asplenium ruta-muraria |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Betula pumila |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Shrub Swamps Peatlands Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Bidens eatonii |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Bidens hyperborea |
G4T2T4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
The variety hyperborea is the taxon present in MA; this taxon is G4T2T4. |
Riparian Forest Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Blephilia ciliata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Blephilia hirsuta |
G5? |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Boechera laevigata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S2 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Riparian Forest |
Boechera missouriensis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
T |
S2 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Botrychium simplex |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S1S2 |
Marshes and Wet Meadows |
Botrychium tenebrosum |
G5T4?Q |
-- |
NA |
IND. |
-- |
S1S2 |
Forested Swamps |
Calamagrostis pickeringii |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Calamagrostis stricta ssp. inexpansa |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Calystegia spithamaea |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Grasslands |
Cardamine dentata |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Cardamine douglassii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Forested Swamps Riparian Forest |
Cardamine longii |
G3? |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Carex alopecoidea |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Riparian Forest Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex backii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Carex baileyi |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Shrub Swamps Forested Swamps Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex bushii |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Carex castanea |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Forested Swamps Young Forests & Shrublands Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Carex chordorrhiza |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
3(b) |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex davisii |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Riparian Forest |
Carex exilis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S2S3 |
3 current occurrences in MA |
Peatlands |
Carex formosa |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Forested Swamps Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex glaucodea |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Carex gracilescens |
G5? |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
SH |
Upland Forest Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex grayi |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Riparian Forest |
Carex hitchcockiana |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Carex lenticularis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Lakes & Ponds |
Carex livida |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
SH |
Peatlands |
Carex lupuliformis |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Vernal Pools |
Carex mesochorea |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Carex michauxiana |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex mitchelliana |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Salt Marsh |
Carex oligocarpa |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S1? |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Carex oligosperma |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S2 |
Peatlands |
Carex pauciflora |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Peatlands |
Carex polymorpha |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S2 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Grasslands |
Carex schweinitzii |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex sterilis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex striata |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds Peatlands |
Carex tetanica |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex trichocarpa |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S2 |
Riparian Forest Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Carex tuckermanii |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Riparian Forest Vernal Pools |
Carex typhina |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Riparian Forest |
Celastrus scandens |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
T |
S3 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Young Forests and Shrublands |
Cerastium nutans |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Chamaelirium luteum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Chenopodium foggii |
G2G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Claytonia virginica |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Riparian Forest |
Clematis occidentalis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S2 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Coeloglossum viride |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S3 |
Part of general pattern of significant decline in orchids in MA |
Young Forests & Shrublands |
Coleataenia longifolia ssp. longifolia |
G5T5? |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Conioselinum chinense |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Corallorhiza odontorhiza |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Corema conradii |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S3 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Grasslands |
Coreopsis rosea |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
-- |
S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Crassula aquatica |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Riparian Forest Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Crataegus bicknellii |
NA |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Crepidomanes intricatum |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Crocanthemum dumosum |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
-- |
S3 |
Grasslands Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Cryptogramma stelleri |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Cynoglossum virginianum var. boreale |
G5T4T5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Cyperus engelmannii |
NA |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Cyperus houghtonii |
G4? |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Grasslands |
Cypripedium arietinum |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Cypripedium parviflorum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2/IND |
E |
S1 |
Includes all varieties found in MA; NEPCoP status is 2 for var. makasin, IND for var. parviflorum Currently, only var. makasin is listed; adding the other two varieties is proposed |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Forested Swamps |
Cypripedium reginae |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
3(a) |
E |
S2 |
Forested Swamps Shrub Swamps Peatlands |
Cystopteris laurentiana |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
-- |
S2S3 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. glauca |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
G-rank is for the species as a whole; no G-rank is available for ssp. glauca. |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Riparian Forest |
Desmodium cuspidatum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Dichanthelium dichotomum ssp. mattamuskeetense |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
G-rank is for the species as a whole; no G-rank is available for ssp. mattamuskeetense. |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Dichanthelium commonsianum formerly Dichanthelium ovale ssp. pseudopubescens |
formerly Commons’ Panic-grass |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
SC |
S3 |
G-rank is for the species as a whole; no G-rank is available for ssp. pseudopubescens. |
Grasslands Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest |
Dichanthelium scabriusculum |
formerly Rough Panic-grass |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S1 |
Grassland |
Dichanthelium wrightianum |
formerly Wright's Panic-grass |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Doellingeria infirma |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Elatine americana |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Lakes & Ponds |
Eleocharis diandra |
G2 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Eleocharis intermedia |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Riparian Forests Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Eleocharis microcarpa var. filiculmis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
G-rank is for the species as a whole; no G-rank is available for var. filiculmis. |
Coastal Plain Ponds Grasslands |
Eleocharis ovata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Lakes & Ponds |
Eleocharis quinqueflora |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Eleocharis tricostata |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Elymus villosus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Riparian Forest |
Equisetum scirpoides |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Riparian Forest |
Eragrostis frankii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Riparian Forest Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Eriocaulon parkeri |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Eriophorum gracile |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Common name will be proposed to change; current name is Slender Cottongrass |
Peatlands |
Eupatorium novae-angliae |
G5T1 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Galearis spectabilis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S2S3 |
Part of general pattern of significant decline in orchids in MA; 7 current occurrences |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Galium boreale |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Galium labradoricum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
3(b) |
T |
S2 |
Peatlands Marshes & Wet Meadows Shrub Swamps |
Gamochaeta purpurea |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
4 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Gentiana andrewsii |
G5? |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Riparian Forest |
Gentiana linearis |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S2? |
8 current occurrences in MA |
Peatlands Riparian Forests Marshes & Wet Meadows Grasslands |
Geum fragarioides |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Goodyera repens |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Halenia deflexa |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
SH |
Riparian Forest |
Houstonia longifolia |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Huperzia appressa |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Huperzia selago |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Hydrastis canadensis |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Hydrocotyle verticillata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Salt Marsh |
Hydrophyllum canadense |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Hypericum adpressum |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Hypericum ascyron |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Large & Mid-sized Rivers Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Hypericum stragulum |
G5T4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Ilex montana |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Isoetes acadiensis |
G3Q |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Isoetes lacustris |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
3(b) |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Isotria medeoloides |
G2? |
LT |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Juncus debilis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds Peatlands Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Juncus filiformis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Peatlands Marshes & Wet Meadows Lakes & Ponds |
Lachnanthes caroliniana |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Lathyrus palustris |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
2 current occurrences in MA |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Marshes & Wet Meadows Grasslands |
Lechea pulchella var. moniliformis |
G5T4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S1 |
Salt Marsh |
Leymus mollis ssp. mollis |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Liatris novae-angliae |
G5?T3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
SC |
S3 |
Grasslands Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Linnaea borealis ssp. americana |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Forested Swamps Peatlands |
Linum intercursum |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S3 |
Grasslands |
Linum medium var. texanum |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Liparis liliifolia |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Liparis loeselii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
Part of general pattern of significant decline in orchids in MA |
Peatlands Marshes & Wet Meadows Lakes & Ponds |
Lipocarpha micrantha |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Plain Ponds Lakes & Ponds |
Lobelia siphilitica |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Riparian Forest Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Lonicera hirsuta |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Ludwigia polycarpa |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Riparian Forest |
Ludwigia sphaerocarpa |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds Large & Mid-sized Rivers Lakes & Ponds |
Lupinus perennis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
3(a) |
-- |
S3S4 |
Rapid decline, due to woody succession and fire suppression |
Grasslands Young Forests & Shrublands |
Luzula parviflora ssp. melanocarpa |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Lycopodiella alopecuroides |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Peatlands |
Lycopus rubellus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1S2 |
Forested Swamps Small Streams |
Lygodium palmatum |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Forested Swamps Shrub Swamps Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Magnolia virginiana |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Forested Swamps |
Malaxis bayardii |
G1G2 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Pitch Pine-Oak Upland Forest Grasslands |
Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda |
G4Q |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
E |
S1 |
Forested Swamps Peatlands |
Malaxis unifolia |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2? |
Forested Swamps Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Mertensia maritima |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
3(b) |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Milium effusum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Mimulus alatus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
E |
S1 |
Riparian Forest Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Mimulus moschatus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Riparian Forest |
Minuartia michauxii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Moehringia macrophylla |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Moneses uniflora |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S2S3 |
Shrub Swamps Forested Swamps |
Morus rubra |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Myriophyllum alterniflorum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Myriophyllum farwellii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Myriophyllum pinnatum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
SC |
S2 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Myriophyllum verticillatum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Nabalus serpentarius |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Neottia bifolia |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S1 |
Peatlands Forested Swamps |
Neottia cordata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
3(b) |
E |
S1 |
Peatlands |
Nuphar microphylla |
G5T4T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Oligoneuron album |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Ophioglossum pusillum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
3(a) |
T |
S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Peatlands |
Opuntia humifusa |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Orontium aquaticum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds Peatlands |
Orthilia secunda |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
Substantial decline; possibly only 2 current occurrences in MA |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Forested Swamps |
Oxalis violacea |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Panax quinquefolius |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
SC |
S3 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Panicum philadelphicum ssp. gattingeri |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
SC |
S2 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Grasslands |
Panicum philadelphicum ssp. philadelphicum |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
G-rank is for Panicum gattingeri; the G-rank for the taxon P. philadelphicum ssp. philadelphicum has not been determined. |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Paronychia argyrocoma |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Pedicularis lanceolata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Shrub Swamps |
Penstemon hirsutus |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Persicaria puritanorum |
NA |
-- |
NA |
2 |
SC |
S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Persicaria setacea |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Petasites frigidus var. palmatus |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Forested Swamps |
Platanthera aquilonis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
Part of general pattern of significant decline in orchids in MA |
Peatlands Marshes & Wet Meadows Forested Swamps |
Platanthera cristata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Platanthera dilatata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Peatlands |
Platanthera flava var. herbiola |
G4?T4Q |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Platanthera hookeri |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S2? |
Part of general pattern of significant decline in orchids in MA 3 current occurrences |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Platanthera huronensis |
G5T5? |
-- |
NA |
-- |
S2? |
Part of general pattern of significant decline in orchids in MA Synonym: Platanthera hyperborea var. huronensis |
Peatlands Marshes & Wet Meadows Riparian Forests |
Platanthera macrophylla |
G5T4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S2? |
Part of general pattern of significant decline in orchids in MA 4 current occurrences Synonym: Platanthera orbiculata var. macrophylla |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Forested Swamps |
Platanthera orbiculata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S1S2 |
Part of general pattern of significant decline in orchids in MA 5 current occurrences |
Peatlands Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Forested Swamps Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Poa saltuensis ssp. languida |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S2 |
G-rank is for the species as a whole; no G-rank is available for ssp. languida. |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Polygonum glaucum |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
SC |
S3 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Polystichum braunii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest |
Populus heterophylla |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Forested Swamps Vernal Pools |
Potamogeton confervoides |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Lakes & Ponds Peatlands |
Potamogeton friesii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Potamogeton gemmiparus |
G5T3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
-- |
S2? |
Lakes & Ponds Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Potamogeton hillii |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
SC |
S3 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Potamogeton ogdenii |
G1G2 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Potamogeton strictifolius |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Potamogeton vaseyi |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Prunus pumila var. depressa |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Pyrola asarifolia ssp. asarifolia |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
SH |
Peatlands Forested Swamps |
Quercus macrocarpa |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Forested Swamps |
Quercus muehlenbergii |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Ranunculus micranthus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Ranunculus pensylvanicus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S2 |
Riparian Forest |
Rhexia mariana |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Rhododendron maximum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S1S2 |
Forested Swamps Peatlands |
Rhynchospora capillacea |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Rhynchospora inundata |
G4? |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Rhynchospora nitens |
G4? |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Rhynchospora scirpoides |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Rhynchospora torreyana |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Ribes lacustre |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Rosa acicularis ssp. sayi |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Rotala ramosior |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds Lakes & Ponds |
Rumex pallidus |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Rumex verticillatus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S1S2 |
Forested Swamps Riparian Forest Shrub Swamps |
Sabatia campanulata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Sabatia kennedyana |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
SC |
S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Sabatia stellaris |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Sagittaria cuneata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Riparian Forest Large & Mid-sized Rivers |
Sagittaria montevidensis ssp. spongiosa |
G5T4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Sagittaria teres |
G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
SC |
S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Salix exigua ssp. interior |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Sanicula canadensis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Forested Swamps |
Sanicula odorata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Riparian Forest |
Scheuchzeria palustris |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Peatlands |
Scirpus ancistrochaetus |
G3 |
LE |
NA |
1 |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Scirpus longii |
G2G3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
T |
S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Scleria pauciflora |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S2 |
Grasslands |
Scleria triglomerata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Sclerolepis uniflora |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Senna hebecarpa |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Setaria parviflora |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Salt Marsh Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Silene caroliniana ssp. pensylvanica |
G5T4T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
-- |
S2S3 |
5 current occurrences in MA |
Grasslands Young Forests & Shrublands Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Sisyrinchium fuscatum |
G5? |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Grasslands |
Sisyrinchium mucronatum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Solidago macrophylla |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S2 |
Proposed to go from T to SC on the MESA list |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Solidago simplex ssp. randii var. monticola |
-- |
NA |
3(b) |
E |
S1 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Sorbus decora |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Sparganium natans |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
3(b) |
E |
S1 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Spartina cynosuroides |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S2 |
Salt Marsh |
Sphenopholis nitida |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
T |
S2 |
Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Sphenopholis pensylvanica |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
T |
S1S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Spiranthes romanzoffiana |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Spiranthes vernalis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Grasslands |
Sporobolus neglectus |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S2 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Suaeda calceoliformis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
SC |
S2S3 |
Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Suaeda maritima ssp. richii |
G5T3 |
-- |
NA |
1 |
-- |
S2S3 |
Salt Marsh Coastal Dunes/Beaches/Small Islands |
Symphoricarpos albus var. albus |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Symphyotrichum concolor |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Symphyotrichum praealtum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
-- |
S1 |
Recently rediscovered in MA; 1 current occurrence |
Grasslands Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
SC |
S2 |
Riparian Forest Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Symphyotrichum tradescantii |
G4Q |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Connecticut & Merrimack Mainstems |
Thuja occidentalis |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Forested Swamps |
Tipularia discolor |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Central Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Trichostema brachiatum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Triosteum perfoliatum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Grasslands |
Triphora trianthophoros |
G3G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest |
Tripsacum dactyloides |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Salt Marsh |
Trisetum spicatum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Utricularia resupinata |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
T |
S2 |
Lakes & Ponds |
Utricularia subulata |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
SC |
S3 |
Coastal Plain Ponds |
Vaccinium vitis-idaea ssp. minus |
G5T5 |
-- |
NA |
3(b) |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Verbena simplex |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Veronica catenata |
NA |
-- |
NA |
2 |
E |
S1 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Veronicastrum virginicum |
G4 |
-- |
NA |
T |
S2 |
Marshes & Wet Meadows |
Viburnum rafinesquianum |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
E |
S1 |
Northern Hardwoods-Spruce-Fir Upland Forest Transitional Hardwoods-White Pine Upland Forest Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
Viola adunca |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
-- |
SC |
S3 |
Grasslands |
Viola brittoniana |
G4G5 |
-- |
NA |
1/2 |
T |
S1 |
Includes Viola pectinata; NEPCoP status for V. brittoniana is 2; status for V. pectinata is 1. |
Marshes & Wet Meadows Riparian Forest |
Woodsia glabella |
G5 |
-- |
NA |
2(a) |
E |
S1 |
Rock Cliffs/Ridgetops/Talus Slopes |
- Global Rank: These are the conservation status ranks as defined by NatureServe (NatureServe 2014). Ranks considered globally rare (G1 through G3G4) are in bold in the table above.
Basic Ranks
Rank |
Definition |
GX |
Presumed Extinct (species)—Not located despite intensive searches and virtually no likelihood of rediscovery. Eliminated (ecological communities)—Eliminated throughout its range, with no restoration potential due to extinction of dominant or characteristic species. |
GH |
Possibly Extinct (species)—Missing; known from only historical occurrences but still some hope of rediscovery. Presumed Eliminated—(Historic, ecological communities) - Presumed eliminated throughout its range, with no or virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered, but with the potential for restoration, for example, American Chestnut (Forest). |
G1 |
Critically Imperiled—At very high risk of extinction due to extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer populations), very steep declines, or other factors. |
G2 |
Imperiled—At high risk of extinction due to very restricted range, very few populations (often 20 or fewer), steep declines, or other factors. |
G3 |
Vulnerable—At moderate risk of extinction due to a restricted range, relatively few populations (often 80 or fewer), recent and widespread declines, or other factors. |
G4 |
Apparently Secure—Uncommon but not rare; some cause for long-term concern due to declines or other factors. |
G5 |
Secure—Common; widespread and abundant. |
Variant Ranks
Rank |
Definition |
G#G# |
Range Rank—A numeric range rank (e.g., G2G3) is used to indicate the range of uncertainty in the status of a species or community. Ranges cannot skip more than one rank (e.g., GU should be used rather than G1G4). |
GU |
Unrankable—Currently unrankable due to lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends. Whenever possible, the most likely rank is assigned and the question mark qualifier is added (e.g., G2?) to express uncertainty, or a range rank (e.g., G2G3) is used to delineate the limits (range) of uncertainty. |
Unranked—Global rank not yet assessed. |
Not Applicable—A conservation status rank is not applicable because the species is not a suitable target for conservation activities. |
Rank Qualifiers
Rank |
Definition |
? |
Inexact Numeric Rank—Denotes inexact numeric rank (e.g., G2?) |
Q |
Questionable taxonomy—Taxonomic distinctiveness of this entity at the current level is questionable; resolution of this uncertainty may result in change from a species to a subspecies or hybrid, or the inclusion of this taxon in another taxon, with the resulting taxon having a lower-priority conservation priority. |
C |
Captive or Cultivated Only—At present extant only in captivity or cultivation, or as a reintroduced population not yet established. |
Infraspecific Taxon Conservation Status Ranks
Infraspecific taxa refer to subspecies, varieties and other designations below the level of the species. Infraspecific taxon status ranks (T-ranks) apply to plants and animal species only; these T-ranks do not apply to ecological communities.
Rank |
Definition |
T# |
Infraspecific Taxon (trinomial)—The status of infraspecific taxa (subspecies or varieties) are indicated by a "T-rank" following the species' global rank. Rules for assigning T-ranks follow the same principles outlined above for global conservation status ranks. For example, the global rank of a critically imperiled subspecies of an otherwise widespread and common species would be G5T1. A T-rank cannot imply the subspecies or variety is more abundant than the species as a whole-for example, a G1T2 cannot occur. A vertebrate animal population, such as those listed as distinct population segments under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, may be considered an infraspecific taxon and assigned a T-rank; in such cases a Q is used after the T-rank to denote the taxon's informal taxonomic status. |
- Federal List: Legal status under the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973.
LE: endangered. A species "in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range."
LT: threatened. A species "likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range."
- RSGCN: Species on the regional list of Species of Greatest Conservation Need (Terwilliger Consulting, Inc., and the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee, 2013).
- NEPCoP: Status in the 2013 New England Flora Conservanda (Brumback and Gerke 2013). The numbers refer to the divisions designated in the Flora Conservanda.
Division 1: Globally rare taxa occurring in New England.
Division 2: Regionally rare taxa. Generally, these taxa have 20 or fewer current occurrences in the region. Some Division 2 taxa may have more than 20 occurrences, but they are included because they are “vulnerable to extirpation due to other important factors (population size and trends, area of occupancy, overall viability, geographic distribution, habitat rarity and integrity, and/or degree of protection).” Taxa in this last category are labeled 2(a).
Division 3: Locally rare taxa. “These taxa may be declining in a significant part of their range in New England, or may have one or more occurrences of biological, ecological, or possible genetic significance. Division 3(a) are those taxa that have documented decline in a substantial portion of their range in New England, e.g. southern New England…. Division 3(b) taxa are those that, based on their biology and geography within New England, have populations that are disjunct to such a degree that genetic isolation is suspected….For Division 3(b), only selected occurrences in a particular state are of conservation concern for the purposes of the Flora Conservanda list, not all occurrences of the taxon throughout New England.” Only when a 3(a) or 3(b) status applies to Massachusetts is it listed in this column.
Division 4: Historical taxa. Not observed in New England in the past 20 to 25 years.
Division Indeterminate (IND): Indeterminate taxa. These taxa are under review; their regional status is not yet determined.
- MESA: Legal status under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MGL c. 131A).
E: Endangered
T: Threatened
SC: Special Concern
- State Rank: These are the conservation status ranks as defined by NatureServe (NatureServe, 2014). Ranks considered rare (S1 through S3S4) are in bold in the table above.
Subnational (S) Conservation Status Ranks
Status |
Definition |
SX |
Presumed Extirpated—Species or community is believed to be extirpated from the state/province. Not located despite intensive searches of historical sites and other appropriate habitat, and virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered. |
SH |
Possibly Extirpated (Historical)—Species or community occurred historically in the state/province, and there is some possibility that it may be rediscovered. Its presence may not have been verified in the past 20-40 years. A species or community could become SH without such a 20-40 year delay if the only known occurrences in a state/province were destroyed or if it had been extensively and unsuccessfully looked for. The SH rank is reserved for species or communities for which some effort has been made to relocate occurrences, rather than simply using this status for all elements not known from verified extant occurrences. |
S1 |
Critically Imperiled—Critically imperiled in the state/province because of extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer occurrences) or because of some factor(s) such as very steep declines making it especially vulnerable to extirpation from the state/province. |
S2 |
Imperiled—Imperiled in the state/province because of rarity due to very restricted range, very few populations (often 20 or fewer), steep declines, or other factors making it very vulnerable to extirpation from the state/province. |
S3 |
Vulnerable—Vulnerable in the state/province due to a restricted range, relatively few populations (often 80 or fewer), recent and widespread declines, or other factors making it vulnerable to extirpation. |
S4 |
Apparently Secure—Uncommon but not rare; some cause for long-term concern due to declines or other factors. |
S5 |
Secure—Common, widespread, and abundant in the state/province. |
Unranked—State/province conservation status not yet assessed. |
SU |
Unrankable—Currently unrankable due to lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends. |
Not Applicable —A conservation status rank is not applicable because the species is not a suitable target for conservation activities. |
S#S# |
Range Rank —A numeric range rank (e.g., S2S3) is used to indicate any range of uncertainty |
- Other Concerns/Comments:
- The RSGCN ranks – low, moderate, high, very high – for regional responsibility and regional concern are derived from Terwilliger Consulting and Northeast Fish and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee, 2013. These ranks are only available for vertebrates, freshwater mussels, tiger beetles, and federally listed invertebrates.
- Birds: These notes refer to selected information from the Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas, the Breeding Bird Surveys, and various bird conservation plans, where the information influenced the decision to list a species as a SGCN.
- Synonyms: Recently or commonly used scientific name synonyms are listed here. If the SGCN is listed under MESA, the names used on the MESA list are given precedence.
- Other notes are given if relevant to selection as a SGCN.