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MassHealth is Seeking an Organization to Help Strengthen Member Engagement

EOHHS is committed to working with MassHealth Members and other stakeholders to understand their experiences with the MassHealth program and address inequities and eliminate disparities in health and healthcare.

Member engagement is a key part of achieving MassHealth’s goals and a core value of the agency in implementing programs and policies. 

In pursuit of these goals, MassHealth intends to launch a new Member Advisory Committee (MAC) to be made up of current or previous MassHealth Members, which may also include guardians, family members or caregivers of current or previous Members, who will reflect the diverse ages, cultural, linguistic, community, racial, ethnic, health, disability, sexual orientation and gender identities, experiences, geographical communities, and program participation of the MassHealth population.

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Request for Responses

EOHHS has issued a Request for Responses to Provide Support on MassHealth Member Engagement Initiatives (BD-24-1039-EHS01-ASHWA-89778), to solicit proposals from qualified entities to support the launch of a MassHealth Member Advisory Committee (MAC) and to provide technical assistance with strengthening member engagement in other MassHealth stakeholder initiatives.

All requirements and deadlines are set forth in the RFR, which can be found on CommBuys here and/or by logging into CommBuys at www.commbuys.com.  

All interested and qualified bidders are invited and encouraged to respond.

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