MassWorks 2019 Awards

The following is a list of cities and towns receiving MassWorks Infrastructure Program awards during the 2019 Round. This list will be updated as grants are announced

Amesbury - $2 million

MassWorks funds will support the second phase of development along South Hunt Road. The project will build on Amesbury’s 2018 MassWorks award, and will complete street and pedestrian improvements associated with the planned Maple Crossings complex, unlocking $30 million in new private investment in the South Hunt Area Development District. Phase II will extend improvements along South Hunt Road, widening and increasing road capacity, mitigating congestion, and expanding bicycle and pedestrian connections between Route 150, Maple Crossings, and two proposed development sites. Maple Crossings is a $70-million sports and lifestyle complex currently under construction.

Bellingham - $1.8 million

MassWorks funding will be used to improve traffic flow in Bellingham Center and facilitate planned housing and commercial development in the area. The project will revamp the intersection at Routes 140 and 126, improving traffic flow and providing access to a new 350,000 square-foot commercial warehouse and distribution facility. The intersection improvements will also support the redevelopment of a nearby 150-acre gravel pit for a mix of commercial and residential uses, including 152 units of market rate, single-family and multi-family housing. The MassWorks improvements will also enhance pedestrian and bicycle connections to transit, including the nearby Forge Park Commuter Rail Station.

Boston, Bartlett Station - $2.9 million

The MassWorks award will provide intersection, streetscape, and public space improvements in support of the $172 million mixed-use development sponsored by Nuestra Comunidad at the site of the former MBTA Bartlett Bus Yard. This is phase II of a public infrastructure improvement program to increase traffic safety, enhance walkability, and create a sense of vibrancy in and around Bartlett Station. Future phases of the development will include 14,000 square feet of first-floor retail space and more than 300 units of multi-family housing. A total of 240 units will be affordable at full build out. The development is located within 1,500 feet of the Dudley Square MBTA Bus Terminal.

Boston, Nawn Factory - $800,000

This MassWorks grant will fund building and site improvements that will lead to the reuse of the former Owen Nawn Factory, a historic, two-story manufacturing building in Dudley Square. These upgrades will prepare the public property for conveyance and private investment, with a goal of restoring and repurposing the building as an educational and historical asset for the Roxbury community. Specific project improvements will include abatement, site utility upgrades, and repointing of the building’s brick facade. The Nawn building has been vacant for nearly 50 years and is now about one-third of its original size after several fires and years of deferred maintenance.

Brewster - $1.68 million

This MassWorks award supports Brewster Woods, a proposed 30-unit rental housing development with a mix of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments that will serve residents at 30 to 60 percent of Area Mean Income (AMI). MassWorks funds will support construction of a new roadway that will extend Brewster Road to access the new housing units and connect to existing residents in an adjacent 32-unit housing development owned by Brewster Housing Authority, and a 24-unit affordable senior building. The award also enables the extension of sidewalks, enhanced crosswalks, signage and the installation of ADA compliant wheelchair ramps to improve pedestrian safety and connectivity to the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority bus stop (TOD).

Brockton - $920,000

The award supports new roadways and streetscape improvements, and planned housing and future mixed-use development in downtown Brockton. The street improvements will complement previous MassWorks investment supporting community-driven infrastructure that reduces barriers to development. The work will support the next phase of Trinity Financial’s Enterprise Block housing development.  The project will add more than 100 new rental units, including at least 20 units of middle-income housing. The new roadway will also support four corner lots of developable municipal property within the city’s 40R Smart Growth District. Located within a block of the Brockton MBTA commuter rail station, this transit-oriented development will catalyze the redevelopment of downtown Brockton, and advance local, regional, and statewide planning objective.

Carver - $3.2 million

Carver’s first MassWorks award will be used for traffic improvements in the Routes 44 and 58 area. The project will redesign roadways and provide a foundation for future growth and development in North Carver. This project will support the North Carver Urban Redevelopment Plan to attract commercial development by correcting the alignment of Montello Street and re-configuring the Montello and Route 58 intersection, including a new traffic signal to improve traffic capacity, and the replacement and reconstruction of an existing culvert. The North Carver project will ultimately leverage $105 million in private investment to build 1.77 million square feet of new warehouse/distribution facilities with ancillary office uses on a former sand and gravel pit.

Clinton - $1.5 million

Clinton’s first MassWorks award will be used for paving and streetscape improvements on High and Church streets. The project will unlock the production of 108 affordable housing units, revitalizing a large portion of the historic Bigelow Spinning Mills. The project includes about 2,700 linear feet of roadway on High and Church streets, new drainage on High Street, pedestrian lights, new curbing, sidewalks, intersection improvements, new pedestrian and cyclist features, and other streetscape upgrades in the downtown area. MassWorks improvements will also support at least seven downtown developments in various stages of concept, design, and permitting. These developments will generate 45 units of multi-family housing, 10,000 square feet of office space, and 15,500 square feet of retail space.

Easthampton - $394,000

The MassWorks award will facilitate traffic improvements on Route 10, and enhance pedestrian access to the $17 million River Valley Co-op development being built on the site of a former car dealership. The project will support road work at Lyman Street and Route 10. The improvements will increase traffic safety and connect pedestrians to existing commercial properties, as well as the proposed River Valley Co-op supermarket, the Easthampton Health Center and a recently opened Cumberland Farms. Specific improvements will include an auxiliary turn lane, sidewalks and curbing, a mid-block crossing, and the realignment of Lyman Street at Route 10 to form a T intersection.

Easton - $1.5 million

This MassWorks award will fund Phase 2 of the Five Corners Sewer Project, which will unlock the $20 million redevelopment of the 12-acre vacant former Belcher iron foundry site. Phase I of the Five Corners project extended the sewer main from the town of Mansfield to a section of Easton’s Five Corners District. Phase 2 will bring sewer to the rest of the district and will make available 165,000 gallons of wastewater treatment per day, serving more than 300 commercial and residential properties and unlocking the redevelopment of a 12-acre historic foundry site and abutting 10-acre parcel into 63 units of mixed duplex and single-family homes. The public sewer improvements will also support Avalon Communities’ $14 million expansion of an existing 40B Local Initiative Project, creating 44 units of mixed-income, multi-family housing.

Fitchburg - $3 million

The MassWorks award will fund improvements to Main and Boulder streets. The MassWorks project will transform Fitchburg’s downtown into a more pedestrian and business-friendly district, supporting new housing and mixed-use developments and the rehabilitation of the Fitchburg Theater. Main and Boulder streets will be converted from one-way to two-way streets, increasing traffic safety and circulation, and creating a walkable, bikeable business district. These improvements will spur the rehabilitation and renovation of the Fitchburg Theater on Main Street, a nearly 24,000 square foot cultural and commercial building that is already home to Fitchburg State University’s small business IdeaLab. Up to five commercial storefronts are planned for the first floor. The infrastructure project will also support multiple housing and mixed-use developments currently planned in the city’s downtown 40R Smart Growth District. These developments are expected to generate at least 139 units of housing, 62 units of live-work artist housing, and street-level commercial and retail opportunities.

Framingham - $3.4 million

The MassWorks award will be used to help reconstruct an intersection in the Nobscot Village area of Framingham. The funding will allow the City of Framingham to reconstruct the intersection of Edgell and Edmands roads, and Water Street to increase traffic safety, mitigate congestion, and enhance bicycle and pedestrian accommodations along a downtown MWRTA bus route. The project will unlock a $43.5 million redevelopment of the Nobscot Plaza, a blighted commercial property and long-time anchor of the intersection. This redevelopment will create 160 units of multi-family housing (including 15 percent affordable and middle-income), more than 25,000 square feet of mixed-use commercial space, and an expanded, 13,500 square-foot pharmacy.

Hatfield - $2 million

The MassWorks project will extend water and sewer lines along Route 5, increasing commercial capacity and supporting local businesses, including the proposed expansion of Stiebel Eltron, a developer and manufacturer of energy efficient heating products. Sewer service will be extended on Route 5 from Linseed Road to Rocks Road and water service for 1,200 feet along Route 5 south of Rocks Road. The project area is currently served by water mains and on-site wastewater disposal systems, which are insufficient for commercial development. This project would continue the town’s previous efforts to extend water and sewer service along Route 5 and includes a gravity-fed sewer, a pump station and a 4-inch force main to convey wastewater from the project area to the town’s existing system. The project supports the operational capacity of businesses on Route 5, including Scapes Builders & Excavation, Brockway Smith, and Stiebel Eltron. Stiebel’s North American headquarters is located near the project site, and it has immediate plans to expand, contingent on the extension of the sewer system.

Holyoke - $6.56 million

MassWorks funds will support streetscape improvements that will facilitate a Holyoke Housing Authority affordable housing project. The 90-unit development also utilizes state Urban Agenda funding and will lead to an anticipated $32 million in private investment. The housing is planned around Carlos Vega Park through the coordination of the Holyoke Housing Authority (HHA) and Holyoke Redevelopment Authority (HRA) as part of its Urban Renewal Plan. The housing plan includes 66 rental units and 24 home ownership opportunities. HRA utilized an Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development Urban Agenda grant for pre-development work and land acquisition, which has set the stage for this project. The MassWorks award will fund a new traffic configuration, storm water bump out planters with new trees, new curbing and sidewalks, landscaping, street lighting, bike lanes and pedestrian connections, improved alleyways and a new 18,950 square-foot green space.

Kingston - $3 million

This MassWorks project will expand Kingston’s wastewater treatment plant and complete upgrades to its municipal water distribution systems. The project will help expand Kingston’s wastewater capacity in support of planned housing and future transit-oriented development at a number of sites. At least 20 private developments, including more than 100 acres of housing, have been unable to proceed due to limited sewer and water capacity. Expansion of the treatment plant and upgrades to municipal water lines will reactivate these developments, while also accommodating a $44 million expansion of the Kingston Collection, a regional shopping, dining, and entertainment destination off Route 3. This expansion will include 280 units of multi-family housing and a 150-room hotel.

Lowell - $3 million

The MassWorks award will fund Phase 1 of the realignment of Tanner Street, to support future redevelopment of the Ayer’s City Industrial Park (ACIP), a 100-acre Urban Renewal Area located one mile south of Lowell’s central commercial district. The MassWorks improvements will construct the first 300 feet of “New Tanner Street” and the associated conversion of the Plain Street/Meadow Brook shopping center intersection into a four-way, signalized junction. Additional improvements will include the installation of underground duct banks for future utility relocations and the extension of Montreal Street to connect to the new roadway. This will be a multi-phase infrastructure improvement program to transform the ACIP into an economically viable and sustainable site for large-scale redevelopment.

Lynn - $1.66 million

This MassWorks award will facilitate reconstruction of Washington Street and support continued growth in key districts of Lynn, and will serve as a catalyst for future mixed-use projects near the city’s waterfront, downtown and public transportation. MassWorks funds will upgrade a quarter-mile stretch of roadway in the Sagamore Hill Gateway District, which is located across from North Shore Community College and within walking distance of downtown and the MBTA commuter rail station. This stretch of roadway is also connected to the only access point across the Lynnway to the city’s waterfront. Additional improvements in accessibility and safety for all users include the installation of streetscape amenities, bicycle lanes and ADA elements.

Marlborough - $2 million

This MassWorks Infrastructure Program grant will support improvements to Lincoln Street in support of a $25 million, mixed-use development located in the city’s French Hill neighborhood. The project includes upgrades to the roadway from Broad Street to the Assabet River Rail Trail for ADA and Complete Streets compliance, as well as an upgrade of the underground gas utility, on-street parking and streetscape improvements and installation of traffic signals. A three-phase private development will, at full build out, produce 247 units of market rate housing and nearly 19,800 square feet of commercial space. The project is within walking distance of an MWRTA bus line, the Assabet River Rail Trail, and downtown Marlborough.

Montague - $2.16 million

This MassWorks project will restore and update a historic 1912 pedestrian bridge in the Turner Falls Canal District, adding connectivity for pedestrians of all abilities and adding water and sewer upgrades to facilitate development in six former mill sites in the district. The pedestrian bridge has been out of service since 2017 due to structural failure. The project will add new sidewalks to enhance pedestrian circulation and ADA connectivity, and provide utility connections over the Power Canal. These improvements are necessary to support current and future commercial sites within the Canal District, including existing tenants, and two mill properties with a combined 155,887 square feet of commercial space that will be redeveloped into a cultivation facility, a cidery, and a 500-person event space.

New Bedford - $3 million

The MassWorks project will support the second phase of transportation and utility improvements to Union Street, and leverage $1.7 million in local investment. This project builds on a previous MassWorks investment for infrastructure upgrades along Union Street that advanced private investment in the City’s Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) District. Phase II will resume upgrades on Union Street from the east line of Sixth Street to Orchard Street for 1,100 feet and add environmentally friendly infrastructure downtown. Utility improvements will include upgrades to water and sewer service, as well as to the existing stormwater system for improved water quality in New Bedford Harbor. Additional streetscape enhancements include new ADA compliant sidewalks, ramps and crosswalks, consistent benches, bicycle racks and trash receptacles, as well as upgraded traffic signals and lighting to supplement existing lighting for increased safety and visibility. 

North Andover - $2.3 million

The MassWorks award will support sewer construction and street improvements along Route 125 and the redevelopment of the 165-acre Osgood Landing site in North Andover. The project will fund road and sewer work that will eliminate the dependence of many area businesses on septic and short-term sewer licenses along the route, as well as enable the construction of a $200 million Amazon facility. A 30-acre portion of the Osgood site will also be used for a ground-mounted solar energy system. The Amazon development is expected to generate 1,500 permanent full-time jobs and between 200 and 250 construction jobs.

North Attleborough - $2 million

The MassWorks award will be used to increase ADA accessibility in the downtown area, including access to local businesses, a nearby mixed-use development and a GATRA bus stop, and upgrade to energy efficient LED lighting throughout the area. The project will include road, curbing, sidewalk, drainage and Complete Streets improvements, and the installation of energy efficient LED lighting and wayfinding signage, to allow better access and safety for all living, working and visiting the downtown area. It builds on a nearly complete 2014 MassWorks project that provided infrastructure to support a transit-oriented, mixed-use development that will include 193 housing units and a GATRA bus hub. The MassWorks project will also benefit Jewel Crossing, a fully-occupied 66-unit affordable housing development supported by the Department of Housing and Community Development, and complements the widening and lowering of a downtown bridge, which has received partial funding under the State's Municipal Small Bridge Grant Program.

Northampton - $950,000

This MassWorks award will support the North Commons housing development. The project will help fund utilities, roadway and walking trails connecting North Commons to adjacent development. North Commons is a 53-unit, mixed income passive housing project. Passive housing reduces the development’s environmental footprint with ultra-low energy heating and cooling. The MassWorks infrastructure investments will complete more than two decades of infrastructure buildout in Village Hill, the 126-acre public/private redevelopment of a former mental health hospital decommissioned in the 1990s as part of the Commonwealth’s Surplus Property Program. This final step will connect the North Commons Village Hill projects.

Quincy - $2 million

The award will extend roadways and utilities, and make streetscape improvements to support ongoing transit-oriented development and the revitalization of Quincy Center. The MassWorks project will extend the east end of Cliveden Street to connect to a 715-space public parking garage, coinciding with a $9 million MassDOT project to extend the west end of Cliveden Street through the construction of a new two-lane bridge to the Burgin Parkway. These extensions will create a direct connection between the Burgin Parkway and Quincy Center, easing downtown congestion and expanding multimodal access for residents and visitors. The MassWorks improvements will also expand access for two mixed-use developments adjacent to the new parking garage that collectively will add 171 apartments, 124 condominiums, and 18,000 square feet of commercial and retail space. Both sites are also within walking distance of the Quincy Center MBTA Station and a newly completed two-story public atrium.

Revere - $1 million

This MassWorks project will relocate overhead utilities and make intersection improvements on Ocean Avenue, clearing the way for two hotels planned near Revere Beach. The MassWorks Ocean Avenue Gateway project will also include the resurfacing of approximately 2,000 feet of roadway, and the reconfiguration and re-signalization of the intersection at Revere Beach Parkway. Collectively, the two permitted hotel sites will generate over 300 rooms and an 80-seat restaurant.

Somerville - $4.4 million

The MassWorks Infrastructure grant will support of redevelopment of the Clarendon Hill housing complex and the construction of new middle-income and market rate housing units. The award will fund roadway improvements and drainage work that will move the $130 million housing project forward. Funding provides the framework for redevelopment of an outdated 1940s style, 216-unit housing complex serving low-income residents and supports the construction of 80 new middle-income units and 295 new market rate units. The project will reconstruct the intersection of Powder House Boulevard and Alewife Brook Parkway to improve multimodal safety and accessibility for the site.

Truro - $1.2 million

The MassWorks Award will bring a municipal water line to Truro’s 3.9-acre Cloverleaf parcel in support of a 40B housing project at that site. Though originally slated for eight units of housing, by extending the municipal water line 1,500 feet, the Cloverleaf site will accommodate 42 units of new rental housing, better addressing Truro’s severe need for affordable housing. The project will be done in two phases. Phase 1 will leverage a MassHousing Planning for Housing Production grant to bring the water line to the site. Phase 2 will occur during housing construction and includes connecting the units to the new water line. 

Worcester - $3.5 million

The MassWorks award will support reconstruction of the Pickett parking area and create a gateway to the revitalized Canal District. MassWorks funding will support site prep and construction on a city-owned and maintained parcel known as General Pickett Parking Lot. The shovel-ready project reconfigures an existing city parking lot with new street paving, relocation of utilities, installation of concrete sidewalks with granite curbs, and also contributes to placemaking and ADA accessibility. The Pickett project aligns with the City’s Urban Revitalization Plan and will help cultivate a safe, vibrant and economically strengthened downtown. The plaza will serve as a gateway into the new Polar Park minor league baseball facility and the adjacent Left Field Office building.

2019 Small Town Road Assistance Program (STRAP) Awards

Gosnold - $800,000

The MassWorks grant will be used to rehabilitate nearly two miles of roadway on Cuttyhunk Island, the first significant roadwork on the island in more than 25 years. Project improvements will include road repairs, road resurfacing and the reconstruction of a failing retaining wall on Tower Hill Road. These roadways are the only paved means of transportation on the island, and are vital to the shipping and delivery of goods from the island’s docks to local businesses and homes. These roadways are also a lifeline for local tourism, providing the only means of access and egress to Cuttyhunk Harbor for boaters and ferry passengers.

Hinsdale - $1 million

Hinsdale will use its first MassWorks award of $1 million to repair a 1.6-mile stretch of Old Dalton Road between Routes 8 and 143. The town will also open the tree canopy, replace a collapsing culvert to mitigate potential flooding, install guardrails, and improve safety signage. The road is a major route used by emergency personnel, students, senior citizens and commuters. The failing roadway had been identified as a high crash corridor after 20 crashes in the last five years. This project leverages $250,000 in funds from Hinsdale's Road Reserve Fund.

Hopedale - $1 million

The MassWorks award will support intersection improvements at Route 16 and Hopedale Street. Congestion and accidents at this intersection impact students, seniors, and Town Hall and local business visitors, as well as emergency access to nearby Milford Regional Medical Center for Hopedale and neighboring towns. Specific improvements will include road widening, dedicated turn lanes, emergency vehicle preemption and new traffic signals.

Middlefield - $1 million

Middlefield will use funds from their first MassWorks award for repairs of Skyline Trail, which is considered the town’s major access route. Skyline Trail is the primary route for mutual aid and emergency response for five neighboring towns, and is heavily used by commuters and students accessing regional schools. The project will include repairs from the Chester to Peru town lines, and includes the repair of four catch basins, the cleaning of 15 catch basins, the reclamation of 1.5 inches of asphalt from the road surface, repainting of recessed traffic lines, and the replacement of missing or damaged traffic signs.

New Marlborough (with Sandisfield) - $2 million

New Marlborough will use a $2 million MassWorks grant in coordination with Sandisfield to make much needed improvements to Route 57. The failing roadway acts as a vital connection between the two towns as well as Tolland, Granville and Great Barrington in the west, Springfield in the east, and Bradley International Airport to the south. Roadwork includes 4.7 miles of deteriorated surface on Route 57 at the intersection of Route 183 in New Marlborough to the intersection of New Hartford Road in Sandisfield. The work will be equally divided between the two towns. The project includes major rehabilitation and safety improvements, drainage system repairs including cross pipes and structures, reestablishing existing drainage swales, and pavement markings and signs.

West Newbury – $ 1 million

MassWorks funding will support the reconstruction and reopening of the Plummer Spring Road Bridge over the Artichoke Reservoir. The bridge, located on the border with Newburyport, has been closed since July 2018 due to a collapsed sidewall, resulting in a 3.4-mile detour. The closure impacts access to Anna Jaques Hospital from West Newbury and impedes the designated emergency evacuation route from the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station in New Hampshire. The bridge will also receive a $500,000 MassDOT Small Municipal Bridge Grant for design and some construction. Construction will include pre-cast guardrail transitions, as well as bridge realignment and road widening.

Williamsburg - $350,000

MassWorks funding will help replace a five-foot culvert on Depot Road. The project will alleviate flooding and related structural decay and meet the Commonwealth’s river and stream crossing standards. Work will include the realignment of Depot Road, which is the primary access for first responders in the northeast section of Williamsburg. The existing culvert has collapsed, forming a 3-foot by 10-foot sink hole in the roadway. Flooding occurs in this area regularly during heavy precipitation as a result of the culvert’s collapse.

Cummington - $1 million

The MassWorks award will be used to reconstruct a 1.5-mile stretch of Route 112. The project will divert water off Route 112 and into engineered catch basins. The route is prone to flooding, which impedes traffic and causes unsafe conditions. Storms often force emergency response teams to detour up to three miles when traveling to Hilltown Health Center in Worthington as well as medical facilities in both Pittsfield and Northampton. Cummington will also leverage $400,000 in Chapter 90 funds to complete the project.

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