Modeling GHG reduction policies

MassDOT received a Federal Highway Administration grant to pilot its Energy and Emissions Reduction Policy Analysis Tool (EERPAT).

This tool is a system of separate household-level models that better accounts for interactions between policies than simpler sketch methods. EERPAT also accounts for feedback from congestion and household travel costs. EERPAT can model more potential GHG reduction measures than traditional travel demand models.

Cambridge Systematics was MassDOT's consultant for the project. They received support from Oregon Systems Analytics and the Boston MPO’s Central Transportation Planning Staff. The project team populated the tool with Massachusetts specific data. The tool  was spatially aggregated to the level of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs).

The tool modeled policies both in and out of the state DOT and MPO control. These included State DOT and MPO investments in transit, bicycle infrastructure, employer travel demand management programs, and intelligent transportation systems. They also included Low Carbon Fuel Standards, parking pricing and land-use regulation, which are all out of the control of the state DOT.

MassDOT provided MPOs with the Massachusetts specific version of this tool. MassDOT also provided hands-on training  to enable MPOs to use the tool during long range planning efforts as appropriate.

The final project report details the work done by Cambridge Systematics in 2015 and 2016.


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