This guide is designed to familiarize you with the benefits to which eligible survivors of public employees, who were members of Massachusetts contributory retirement systems, are entitled. The contents do not affect the contractual rights between a system and its members and, in the case of any conflict, Chapter 32 of the Massachusetts General Laws and the regulations promulgated by the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC) shall govern.
This guide reflects changes and amendments to the law through July 1, 2015. This guide is applicable to persons who become members prior to April 2, 2012*.
To gain a basic understanding of each subject area, please read all the questions and answers for that area. Officials of your retirement board are available to further explain the law and to counsel you about your rights and benefits.
For procedures applicable to public employee retirement generally for those who became members of a retirement system prior to April 2, 2012, please refer to Massachusetts Public Employee Retirement Guide for those Who Became Members Prior to April 2, 2012. For information about your possible eligibility for a disability retirement, please refer to PERAC’s Guide to Disability Retirement for Public Employees (Regardless of the Date of Membership).
Note: Persons who were members of a retirement system before April 2, 2012 and took a refund for their contributions after terminating from service, will be subject to the rules in place for those becoming members on or after April 2, 2012 if they return to public employment after that date, regardless of whether the member redeposits the funds that he or she withdrew upon termination.
Date published: | July 1, 2015 |