OVM Forms

The following forms should be used by those who utilize the Commonwealth's Executive Branch fleet vehicles while conducting state business.

This list of OVM forms is provided for your convenience. Please use the appropriate form based on your needs.  Detailed instructions may be found on each form.  Please refer to the OVM Policies and Procedures Manual for additional information.  If you require further assistance, please refer to the OVM Contact information.

OVM Forms

OVM - Confidential Registration Request: Must be renewed every two years. The request form for confidential vehicle registration is only to be used by law enforcement or others having received a waiver.

OVM - Vehicle Driver Log: All Executive Branch fleet vehicles must have a driver log.

Authorized Driver Affirmation of Review and Compliance Form : All drivers of Commonwealth vehicles must sign this form and provide a copy to their Agency's Fleet Manager.

OVM - Overnight Travel: This form must be used when an employee seeks permission to drive a state vehicle home on a given day if the employee is conducting official state business before and/or after normal business hours.

OVM - Asset-Driver Reassignment: This form must be completed when a vehicle is reassigned to another Commonwealth employee, either within the same agency or  another agency.

Sample FY24 OVM - Master Vehicle Lease Agreement: This agreement must be executed prior to assignment of a new leased vehicle to a department by OVM.

Fringe Benefit for Tax Reporting for Tax Year 2024: Federal and State law requires employers, including the Commonwealth, to include "Fringe Benefit Income" on annual W-2 forms submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Revenue (DOR) for each employee. 

Vehicle Request and Fuel Efficiency Calculator: This workbook was created for Executive Agencies to use when requesting to directly purchase, or lease through OVM, new vehicles for their fleet.

Contact   for OVM Forms


Incidents related to the 1-800 How Am I Driving program. Email Contact OVM at ovm-drivingalert@mass.gov
New or replacement vehicle requests, including workbooks, quotes, etc. Email Contact OVM at ovm-acquisitions@masss.gov
Vehicle maintenance and repair requests for OVM-managed vehicles. Email Contact OVM at osdovmmaintenance@mass.gov
Vehicle accident repair and claim requests for OVM-managed vehicles. Email Contact OVM at ovmaccidents@mass.gov
Telematics device health check or troubleshooting; Utilization information or reporting; Portal access or concerns; telematics data questions or concerns. Email Contact OVM at ovmtelematics@mass.gov


Director of Fleet Policy & Administration

Deputy Fleet Administrator

Telematics Program Coordinator

Lease Administrator

Vehicle & Equipment Coordinator — Westboro Field Office

Surplus Property Coordinator

Business Specialist

Business Analyst for Vehicle Maintenance and Repair

Telematics Program Manager

Vehicle Acquisition Specialist


One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108

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