• This page, Parking and transit benefits for Commonwealth Employees, is   offered by
  • Human Resources

Parking and transit benefits for Commonwealth Employees

Pre-tax benefits dedicated to Commonwealth employees through Voya (previously Benefit Strategies)

The Commonwealth has two pre-tax programs through the Office of the Comptroller’s qualified transportation benefit program (QTBP) administered by Voya. These programs allow employees to designate money towards qualified parking and/or transit expenses pre-tax from their paychecks. Enrolled employees receive a Voya debit card which is funded by the employee's pre-tax monthly contributions.  

Once enrolled with Voya, employees can make changes to contributions as needed to adjust for monthly spending needs.  

Use the Voya enrollment form to sign up for a Parking or Transit QTBP today.  The form allows you to select Parking or Transit contributions. (This benefit was previously administered by Benefit Strategies.

TransitMatch Benefit

In addition, some Commonwealth employees are also eligible to take advantage of the TransitMatch benefit, which offers up to a $150 reimbursement per month on qualified transit - allowing for even more savings. Learn more about the TransitMatch program here.  

Last updated: July 29, 2024

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