DAS will only do audits for violations that pertain to the apprenticeship law. Wage violations will be forwarded to the Attorney General's Office.
The following information is needed to do a payroll audit:
- Contact information for individual requesting audit
All prevailing wage sheets for the specific job
All certified payrolls sheets for the specific company in question
Company Name, Address, including City, State, and Zip Code
Company phone number
Owners name, if known
If the above information is not submitted, no audit will be done and your package will be returned to you.
Reminder: The Division of Apprentice Standards will only do audits on certified payrolls that pertain to apprentices.
When a licensed trade is involved all licenses recorded on certified payroll sheet will be checked for validity. If an apprentice is working with an unlicensed journeyman those hours worked will not be counted towards the apprentices hours and that apprentice shall be paid journeymen rate for those hours.